• 纽约美联储董事威廉德利更一步院长很有可能允许的。”

    New York Fed President William Dudley has said that further aid is "likely to be warranted."


  • 邀请前来共进晚餐的,我的一位大学朋友时任纽约美联储银行行长助理蒂尔福德·盖尼斯。

    I'd been invited to dinner by Tilford Gaines, a college friend who was now an assistant vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


  • 莫西先前美联储纽约银行行长,计划美联储工作人员来说额外增加的但也是必不可少的。

    Mr. Geithner, who before joining the administration was head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, has said the administration’s plan for the Fed is both incremental and essential.


  • 美联储纽约分行并未提供项资产估价没有披露能用来确认具体住房贷款信息该行称这些数据可能侵犯贷款人隐私

    The New York Fed didn't provide information on the valuations of each asset or data that would identify residential home loans, saying the latter 'would violate individual borrowers' privacy.'


  • 美联储The Federal Reserve)最新黄皮书(BeigeBook指出旅游业纽约重要的支柱产业

    The Federal Reserve's recent Beige Book report noted strength in a key New York City industry: tourism.


  • 纽约经过马拉松谈判美联储勉强同意使用纳税人金钱向该集团提供为期两年的贷款,以换取其79.9%股份。

    After a marathon day of negotiations in New York, the Federal Reserve reluctantly agreed to lend taxpayers' money on a two-year basis in return for a 79.9% stake in AIG.


  • 隔夜纽约汇市期间,因投资者期望美联储能突然降息混乱金融市场信心以及NYMEX原油价格下滑至95美元/美元指数略有上扬

    USD Index rallied into the NY morning with hopes for an emergency Fed cut to restore confidence to turbulent financial markets and NYMEX oil sinking below $95/bbl.


  • 但是为什么美联储放弃纽约期货交易所黄金无担保卖空支持哪?

    But why would the Fed abandon its support for naked COMEX shorts?


  • 雷曼不同美联储对美国国际集团了解的不够(纽约监管)。

    And unlike Lehman, the Fed does not know the firm well (it's regulated by the state of New York).


  • 2001年第四财季,为应对纽约华盛顿遭受恐怖袭击美联储(the Federal Reserve)降低利率,经济活动同样得到提振

    Activity was similarly boosted in the fourth quarter of 2001 after the Federal Reserve slashed interest rates in response to the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.


  • 美联储纽约分行揭开2008年救助贝尔斯登(BearStearns .)美国国际集团(aig)期间收购不良抵押贷款资产的神秘面纱

    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York lifted a veil of secrecy on the troubled mortgage assets it purchased as part of the 2008 rescues of Bear Stearns Cos. and American International Group Inc.


  • 美联储为了尽量减少通胀感觉过去20年里一直支持无担保的纽约期货交易所黄金卖空使金价 格继续人为压低。

    The Fed, in an effort to minimize inflationary perception, has for the last two decades supported naked COMEX gold shorts to keep gold prices artificially low.


  • 当前失业率通胀率(低于美联储的期望水平)“完全不能让人满意”,10月1日纽约联邦储备银行总裁威廉德利(William Dudley)如是说。

    Current unemployment and inflation, which is below the Fed's preferred levels, are "wholly unsatisfactory", William Dudley, the President of the New York Fed said on October 1st.


  • 纽约股市经历一个星期的震荡起伏今天以涨势收盘星期五早晨美联储宣布降低贴现率这次反弹的原因。

    After a roller-coaster week, Wall Street closed up today. The rebound comes after the Fed cut its key discount rate a half percentage point Friday morning.


  • 有关美联储行动削弱美元猜测纽约时段美元

    The dollar traded softer on renewed speculation that Fed action may weaken the greenback.


  • 《华尔街日报》此前的报道关注18银行每周纽约联邦储备银行(New York Fed)披露的信息,18家银行所谓的“重要交易商”,它们直接美联储交易

    The Journal story focused on weekly disclosures filed with the New York Fed by 18 major banks that are known as 'primary dealers' because they trade directly with the central bank.


  • 美联储也寻求当地银行的帮助,就像纽约联邦储蓄局一样,实施自己政策监管区域内特定的银行。

    The Fed relies on its regional banks, like the New York Fed, to carry out its policies and monitor certain banks in their areas.


  • Calyon纽约外汇部门主管卡塔拉内洛(RobertCatalanello表示美联储采取如此激进举措,的确显示美国经济十分疲软的状况。

    'By being so aggressive, the Fed has really signaled significant weakness in the U. S. economy, ' said Robert Catalanello, head of foreign exchange for the Americas at Calyon in New York.


  • 美国通胀数据预期进一步支持美联储扩大资产负债表防止通缩的做法。这样的环境导致纽约时段美元走

    The dollar softened as inflation data came in weaker than expected, further supporting the Fed's decision to expand its balance sheet in an effort to prevent deflation.


  • 美国通胀数据预期进一步支持美联储扩大资产负债表防止通缩的做法。这样的环境导致纽约时段美元走

    The dollar softened as inflation data came in weaker than expected, further supporting the Fed's decision to expand its balance sheet in an effort to prevent deflation.


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