• 纳迪尔有些病人PTSD病史长达30他们现在感觉好多了。

    Nadir: Some of these guys have had PTSD for like 30 years, and then, like, they feel better.


  • 索马里加迪沙:索马里首都摩加迪沙巴纳迪尔医院一位严重营养不良儿童入住刚刚下。

    SOMALIA, MOGADISHU: A severely malnourished child lies down after being admitted to Banadir Hospital in Somalia's capital of Mogadishu. (AFP PHOTO/ Mustafa ABDI)


  • 很多尤其是界定揭露诈骗舞弊为目的模型建立起来其中很多用于本文决定阿西尔。迪尔是否应该被判刑

    There are plenty of models, which are especially constructed to define and reveal frauds, most of them will be used in this paper to decide whether Asil Nadir should be sentenced or not.


  • 巴勒斯坦纳迪尔·哈兹伯恩一个商店的店主他说西岸安全局势几年好得那时,巴勒斯坦正在以色列打仗,武装分子街道上为所欲为

    Palestinian shopkeeper Nadia Hazboun said the security situation in the West Bank is much better than a few years ago, when there was fighting with Israel and militants ruled the streets.


  • 帕萨迪位于加布里埃尔丘陵地带

    Pasadena lies in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains.


  • 这些品系随后迪亚、潘特那加、坎普尔浦那多尔的试验田种植。

    These strains were subsequently planted in test plots at Ludhiana, Pantnagar, Kanpur, Pune and Indore.


  • 桑耶塔说:“只狗上帝。”此时,小迪·坐在妈妈边,身边的塞尔瓦·卡兰正安静地睡着。

    "That dog is my God," said Sangeeta - with Dinakaran sitting on the ground at her feet and Selvakumar sleeping on the warm asphalt next to him.


  • 迪戈尔·修说:“没有单人办公室适宜于一个普通合伙关系,因为其促进了想法分享确保了彼此间没有秘密。”

    "As befits a general partnership, this lack of individual offices promotes sharing of ideas and ensures there can be no secrets," says Digger Donahue.


  • 马兰迪先生伦敦孩提时代就经常亲戚那里听到原版尔的故事,他1920年苏联占领巴库逃到了西方。

    Mr. Marandi, as a child in London, often heard stories of the original Chinar from his relatives, who fled Baku in 1920 after the Soviet occupation began.


  • 我们必须保证法律得到严格公正的执行”,卡塔尔常住人口委员会负责人哈桑·阿尔-默罕迪表示。

    "We must ensure that the laws are enforced strictly and fairly," says Hasan al-Mohannadi, head of Qatar's Permanent Population Committee.


  • 主场瑞典地盘,对阵双方室内作战的能人(尔班迪安技高一筹,瑞典状态)。

    The tie will be held in Sweden on an indoor hard surface (again) and both of these guys are great indoor players (Nalbandian is more accomplished but the Swede is in better form).


  • 花上一天时间游览佩鲁贾戈迪博尔塞华丽大学城。

    Take day trips to the gorgeous university town of Perugia and the Lago di Bolsena.


  • 随便舒梅切尔范德萨或鲁尼、罗布森或维迪奇,弗格森一直更换麾下战将,不断地改造着球队目标从未游移。

    Take your pick: Peter Schmeichel or Edwin van der Sar, Eric Cantona or Wayne Rooney, Bryan Robson or Nemanja Vidic, Ferguson has constantly reinvented his side, changing the pieces but never the goal.


  • 马尔迪尔格尔研究了1964年到2004年美国家庭财务调查详细数据

    Ms Malmendier and Mr Nagel examined detailed survey data about American households' finances between 1964 and 2004.


  • 迪亚韦翰离开搏恩北上纽卡斯尔,这使班太太相当丧气

    Mrs Bennet was quite depressed when Lydia and Wickham left Longbourn to travel north to Newcastle.


  • 这次兰伯特舞蹈团中国演出了经典四个节目,它们是知名舞蹈编导家卡罗-阿密迪奇、汉斯--马能拉非尔-伯·切拉进行编导的。

    This time the Rambert Dance Company presented four of the best pieces from its repertoire in China from renowned choreographers including Karole Armitage Hans van Manen and Rafael Bonachela.


  • 报道主要作者尔迪•菲尔加尼报道中前部分严厉的斥责美国,出言不逊地称中东地区蒙古人”。

    The lead author was Nader Fergany, encountered earlier in this report berating the Americans as “the new Mongolsof the Middle East.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈巴·哈拉特》中,麦克唐先生为阿姆·巴尼故事添加最新的资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后位兄弟穆柯西尼尔之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • 现年34岁,两个孩子父亲法莱尔关押建筑向外逃跑时被射杀

    Munadi, a 34-year-old father of two, was shot to death as he and Farrell escaped from the building in which they had been imprisoned.


  • 卡帕·迪尔先生带给观众是一部负责任影片它捕捉到了独有美丽而又悲情短暂人生

    Mr Kapadia has delivered a conscientious film that captures the unique beauty and tragedy of Senna's short life.


  • 将要上演戏剧包括乌尔都语演记》澳大利亚土著语言演绎的《李尔王》。巴基斯坦电视明星迪亚·贾米尔扮演《驯悍记》中的“悍妇”凯瑟·丽娜。

    Shows will included "the Taming of the Shrew" in Urdu, starring Pakistani television star Nadia Jamil as Katherine, and "King Lear" in Australian Aboriginal languages.


  • 波特罗势头正与日俱增,尔班迪安准备复出

    David Nalbandian is ready come back from injury.


  • 即便是这样比赛基本上要看索德林尔班迪安之间的对台表演了。

    Even so, this tie is essentially Robin Soderling vs David Nalbandian.


  • 四月德国埃费尔斯·贝格射电望远镜光纤与处于英国焦德雷尔·班克、意大利梅迪奇瑞典奥萨拉以及波兰托伦等观测站的射电望远镜连接起来。

    In April, the 100-meter radio telescope Effelsberg in Germany was tied in via fiber optics to radio telescopes at Jodrell Bank in the U.K., Medicina in Italy, Onsala in Sweden and Torun in Poland.


  • 芝加哥大主教约瑟夫·卡迪尔·伯丁,是位倡导社会公正不知疲倦的,是希拉里了解并十分佩服的人,他10月末一个演讲鼓舞了我。

    I had been inspired by a statement made in late October by the archbishop of Chicago, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, a tireless advocate for social justice whom Hillary and I knew and admired very much.


  • 芝加哥大主教约瑟夫·卡迪尔·伯丁,是位倡导社会公正不知疲倦的,是希拉里了解并十分佩服的人,他10月末一个演讲鼓舞了我。

    I had been inspired by a statement made in late October by the archbishop of Chicago, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, a tireless advocate for social justice whom Hillary and I knew and admired very much.


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