• 占领哥达瓦里三角洲王国

    He occupied the Panara and Kona kingdoms of the Godavari delta.


  • 设想一下比如说,印第安大学·埃德尔珍妮特·林恩。恩早期关于中学流言研究中的流言记录

    Consider, for instance, the cascade of insults recorded in the earlier study of middle-school gossip by Donna Eder and Janet Lynne Enke of Indiana University.


  • 吧,不管怎样现在现代主义传统,很大程度得归功于虽然一直试图自己,从中区别开来,夫而言,最高尚的价值独创性

    So, anyway. Okay. But now, that modernist tradition is something that Nabokov owes a lot to, but he always tries to distinguish himself from it. For Nabokov, the highest value is originality.


  • 罗克一个商人委托,承担了重建兰花苑的工作,而德也决定时候建造的威大厦了,而这会是这座城市最高摩天大楼

    Roark is commissioned to rebuild the Cortland Homes by a private businessman, and Wynand decides the time has come to build his Wynand Building, which will be the city's tallest skyscraper.


  • 德的继任者,亚德·兰卡•索尔,率先对其它高层官员展开调查

    It was then his successor, Jadranka Kosor who opened the way for investigations into Mr Sanader and other top officials.


  • 俄罗斯木斯克市的阿托利·克最新的杰出创作

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia.


  • 达伦·里森印第安步行者队——印第安特罗伊·墨菲,换詹姆斯·西里森的那天,步行者队球迷喊叫季后赛”的声音简直响彻屋顶

    Darren Collison, Indiana Pacers - the day Indiana shipped out Troy Murphy and returned James Posey and Darren Collison, Pacers fans were practically screaming the word "playoffs" from their rooftops.


  • 瑞典乌普萨拉进化生物学中心西班牙塞维利亚生物研究人员22的82个进行了研究。

    Researchers from the Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala, Sweden and the Donana Biological Station, Seville, Spain studied 82 species of birds from 22 families.


  • ,南流管道受到欧盟拟议中的中亚开始的天然气管道竞争,但是计划得到支持越来越少。

    Socor said a competing European Union proposed gas line from Central Asia called Nabucco is losing support.


  • 克拉,每平方米17.96克;在纽约,平方米2.26克。

    In Krakow, 17.96 nanograms per cubic meter; in New York City, 2.26.


  • 也许那时困境中的看不起年轻中锋姆,没有足够帮助获得NBA冠军

    Perhaps in frustration Kobe belittled his young center, Andrew Bynum, saying that he was not going to be good enough to help him win an NBA title.


  • 特人他们杰作样本送给阿欧比-万,阿金给这艘光亮的飞船命名为“贾比撒”,向塞特博学者的女儿致敬。

    The Sekotans gave Anakin and Obi-Wan a beautiful specimen of their handiwork, a sleek craft that Anakin would come to name the Jabitha, in honor of the Sekotan Magister's daughter.


  • 在西塞离开英超桑德兰转而加盟希腊球队帕纳科,没人确信进入世界杯大名单。

    Few would have put money on Cisse making this World Cup when he left English Premier League Sunderland last year to join Panathinaikos.


  • 德尔很快就会面临难题德尔是俄罗斯东部自治区首府,切尔西大亨罗曼•阿尔卡季耶维奇区长

    Problems are expected even sooner in Anadyr, the capital of the extreme eastern region on Chukotka, where Chelsea tycoon Roman Abramovich once served as governor.


  • 毫不含糊世界上最好球员但是季后赛是需要姆的帮助来取得更大的进展。

    Bynum unequivocally calls Bryant "the best player in the world," but there will be no extended success in the playoffs for Bryant without Bynum.


  • 一支这样机器人护卫队派给赖特·西护送马塞特执行任务

    Raith Sienar was assigned a protective escort of such droids for his mission to Zonama Sekot.


  • 关系看起来不错明智看到了拜目前的效力和将来极大的潜力

    The relationship between Kobe Bryant and Andrew Bynum appears to be very good, as Bryant is smart enough to see Bynum's extreme effectiveness now and extreme potential in the future.


  • 那么段中哪里呢?认为他所,存在一个地方夫正在沉思这个问题

    So, where is Nabokov in here? I think that's one of the places where Nabokov is. It's Nabokov meditating on this problem.


  • 然而比对于姆的伤病却保持乐观看法等到拜复出时湖人准备季后赛的阶段,那时湖人也将拥有健康的阵容。

    Bryant, however, has an optimistic view of the injury. He said by the time Bynum returns, the Lakers will be ready for a playoff run and will ideally have their team completely healthy.


  • 俄罗斯木斯克市的阿托利·克最新的杰出创作这位57岁艺术家是西伯利亚首位从事被称为“微小型艺术”的人。

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia. The 57-year-old was the first in Siberia to make what he calls "microminiature" art.


  • 突破切入的时候绊倒在了姆的膝盖上,拜已经场外

    Andrew Bynum had to be carried off the court after Kobe drove and was tripped up where he collided in to Bynum's knee.


  • 范佩西回归显然阿森进攻增加了一些东西荷兰球星法布雷加斯萨谬尔斯里以及西奥·沃尔之间默契已经做到了很多

    The return of Van Persie has certainly added something to Arsenal's attacking play and much has been made of the understanding between the Dutch star, Fabregas, Samir Nasri and Theo Walcott.


  • 现在个有12.2%阿森股份的股东我们欢迎作为一个股东阿森,”埃德尔曼

    "Kroenke is now a 12.2% shareholder and we welcome him as a shareholder to Arsenal," said Edelman.


  • 今年夏天球迷们喜爱的吉尔伯托离开希腊的帕纳科斯队。

    Fans favourite Gilberto left for Greek side Panathanaikos this summer, while his heir apparent Mathieu Flamini joined AC Milan.


  • 一场青年足总杯上“特别表现足以说服阿尔赛·温格相信西奥·沃尔阿森要签下的球员

    Wenger - The day I knew I wanted Walcott By Declan TaylorOne "special" performance in the FA Youth Cup Final was enough to convince Arsène Wenger that Theo Walcott was an Arsenal player in the making.


  • 阿森已经告诉了塞斯·法布雷加斯必须在下个月初回到阿森训练营中。

    Arsenal have told Cesc Fabregas he must return to pre-season training at the start of next month.


  • 阿森心怀敬慕,并且认为阿森将是欧冠赛场具吸引力球队之一

    Koeman is a big admirer of Arsenal and believes they are one of most attractive sides in the competition.


  • 阿森主教练阿尔塞·温格指出,卡佩罗不带沃尔参加世界杯一个错误决定

    Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger maintains Fabio Capello's decision to leave Theo Walcott out of the England World Cup was a mistake.


  • 阿森主教练阿尔塞·温格指出,卡佩罗不带沃尔参加世界杯一个错误决定

    Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger maintains Fabio Capello's decision to leave Theo Walcott out of the England World Cup was a mistake.


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