• 以后若苏出兵,消灭赫贝龙、德彼尔、阿山地犹大山地以色列山地所有纳克人毁灭了他们和他们所有的城市

    At that time Josue came and cut off the Enacims from the mountains, from Hebron, and Dabir, and Anab, and from all the mountain of Juda and Israel, and destroyed their cities.


  • 带着轻度疑似流感症状墨西哥返回,两郡接受测试

    Two people are still undergoing tests in Lanarkshire after returning from Mexico with "mild" flu-like symptoms.


  • 虽然多产的幻想作品中的纳克斯- 6型差距很大,但机器似乎正在摆脱它们科幻困境成为实实在在的技术现实

    Though a far cry from the Nexus-6 models of Dick's prolific imagination, personal robots seem to be shrugging off their science-fiction trappings and becoming very much a technological reality.


  • 国家警察局发言里奥多·艾斯潘告诉当地媒体先生星期一袭击发生一些持枪者

    National Police spokesman Leonardo Espina told local media that Mr. Dicay had been seen with some of the gunmen earlier on Monday, before the assault.


  • 渡边百合子曼格日本公司发言表示评论解释吉利进行谈判肯定否定

    Yuriko Watanabe, a spokeswoman for Magna's Japan unit, said Walker's comment should not be interpreted as confirmation or denial that Magna held discussions with Geely.


  • 不过本文提到的这些年轻来自乡村地区工作的地方也只不过印度西南部邦偏远的一座小镇

    But these workers are young people from villages clustered around this small town deep in rural Karnataka State in India's southwest.


  • 延伸家族由于迁移而关系紧张拉丁越来越多地加州、德·以及纽约这些传统地域散布往卡罗莱以及俄亥俄乡村这些地方

    Extended families are also strained by migration: Latinos are increasingly spreading out from traditional enclaves in California, Texas and New York to places such as North Carolina and rural Ohio.


  • 鲁特学说提出问题·威引发问题近似。肯·威克人是1996华盛顿州发现的具有8,400年历史的遗骨学家最先称之为欧洲

    The Solutrean theory poses similar questions to those raised by Kennewick Man, the 8,400-year-old skeleton found in Washington state in 1996 and initially called European by an anthropologist.


  • 但是创始史蒂夫•佩寇拉、达林·罗·威尔、马修·科科斯明•哥塔希望有朝一日直接生产商合作以便能拿到低的价格

    But founders Steven Pecora, Darrin Cromwell, Matthew Conetta, and Cosmin Ghotta hope to one day partner with manufacturers directly to get even better deals.


  • 利用皮肤细胞作为油墨”,身体做“”,北卡罗来温斯顿-萨勒姆,威森林大学医学院詹姆士·(James Yoo),已经设计了一个可以研究烧伤的“打印机”。

    Using skin cells as ink and a human body as paper, James Yoo of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has designed a printer that can analyze a burn.


  • 他们渔具独木舟当地印第安波利斯马队(Indianapolis Colts)球员亚当.维特里和一级方程式赛车手德里.戴利

    Just 15 miles north of downtown Indianapolis, they sell fishing equipment and rent canoes to locals like Indianapolis Colts kicker Adam Vinatieri and former Formula One racer Derek Daly.


  • 第一越狱另外四的帮助下完成,名警卫被打死但是,1943年,格林杰逃离印第安号称‘越狱“的监狱第二次越狱却给留下深刻的印象

    The first escape was a four-man operation that left two guards dead, but Dillinger’s second break from the “escape-proofLake County Jail in Indiana in 1934 was far more impressive.


  • 1999年西方干预那次准军事行动,位于普里什蒂以南城镇拉察四十五名平民葬身塞尔维亚

    In Racak, south of Pristina, the deaths of 45 civilians at the hands of Serbian paramilitaries in 1999 convinced the West to intervene.


  • 佛塞将军宣称猛虎2006年起已经失去9000名战斗者,这些是1995年一个叫做贾夫泰米尔小镇出来的。

    General Fonseka claims the Tigers have lost 9,000 fighters since 2006. They were driven from one big Tamil town, Jaffna, in 1995.


  • 爵士伟大的马龙-斯托顿组合公牛更好第三罗德曼第四库科奇爵士的拉塞尔出色

    Finally, the Jazz had a great 1-2 in Malone and Stockton, but the Bulls had better third and fourth options as they had Rodman and Kukoc, compared to Hornacek and Russell.


  • 几个月以后维多利亚秘密濒临破产,创始Raymond给瓦打了一个电话,是否有兴趣买下维多利亚秘密。

    Months later, with Victoria's Secret on the verge of bankruptcy, Raymond called Wexner and asked if he wanted to buy the company.


  • 这些当中有第一类飞行员帕特里·

    Among these men was Airman 1st Class Patrick McDonough.


  • 曼联稳守领先优势,每当阿森压上,欲挽回局面之时,他们便通过鲁尼尼二的速度朴智星的能量来积极反击,在一连串精彩的一脚传球中,卡与鲁尼互相传递,最后卡里将球传给朴智星,阿森城门大开,最终韩国攻入曼联的第三球。

    It was the Korean who got United's third after Arsenal had been caught out by a classic up-back-through one-touch sequence involving Carrick, Rooney, Carrick again and then finally Park.


  • 黑暗双星流传不止一种文化传奇预言。黑暗双星就是印度教的卡莉根据齐塔的说法,印第安同样知晓蓝色星星

    The Dark Twin is in legend and prophecy, in more than one culture. The Dark Twin is the god Kali in the Hindu religion. Per the Zetas, the Hopi Indians also know it as the Blue Star Kachina.


  • 科洛桑战役期间指挥官“老率领第七中队为欧比-万··天行者驾驶绝地星际战斗机提供掩护

    During the Battle of Coruscant, Squad Seven, led by Clone Commander Odd Ball, provided cover to the Jedi starfighters piloted by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.


  • ·威的古dna显示现代美洲原著民后代

    DNA from Kennewick Man showed that modern Native Americans are his descendants.


  • 开始,所谓·威骨骼受到争议

    From the beginning, the bones of the so-called Kennewick Man have sparked contention.


  • 团队中无一死亡的环境下,击败纳克萨玛斯肮脏的希尔盖(英雄难度)。

    Defeat Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the raid dying.


  • 当时研究方法过于简陋,对研究很快被喊因为当地部落法庭要求索回遗骨

    The methods at the time were too crude for the job, and research on Kennewick Man soon came to a halt as local tribes went to court to claim the bones.


  • 西区联盟包括等控卫,需要后卫们尽可能地防一地去限制他们进攻

    In a conference that includes the likes of Steven Nash and Tony Parker, it is essential that whoever is manning the one-spot for the Lakers slow down their opponents' attack.


  • 提供15优质蛋白

    A single serving of natto will provide you with 15 mg of high-quality protein.


  • 普·切表示的现有队员名单不会更改,并且希望姆早日回归

    Kupchak said the Lakers would press ahead with the players already on their roster and hope Bynum returns sooner rather than later.


  • 阿拉瓦南美印第安成员,早先居住大安的列斯群岛大部,现在主要生活于圭亚某些地区

    Arawak: a member of a South American Indian people formerly inhabiting much of the Greater Antilles and now living chiefly in certain regions of Guiana.


  • 阿拉瓦南美印第安成员,早先居住大安的列斯群岛大部,现在主要生活于圭亚某些地区

    Arawak: a member of a South American Indian people formerly inhabiting much of the Greater Antilles and now living chiefly in certain regions of Guiana.


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