• 尽管卡拉是以澳大利亚处地名而命名,但迪卡拉沉积层却遍及世界各地,并且追溯到前寒武时代

    Although named after a site in Australia, the Ediacaran formation is worldwide in distribution and dates to Precambrian times.


  • 喜欢东西在这里博物馆志愿者协调员菲尔里埃说:“我最喜欢的展品20世50年代制造古德尔充气式飞机。 所有部件都打包在一个板条箱里,里面还装配有完整的发动机和压缩机。

    One of my favorite things here, " says museum volunteer coordinator Phil Duryea, "is an inflatable aircraft made by Goodyear in the 1950s.


  • 不过科斯似乎未能预料到人类自然合作21瓦解的如此迅速

    But Ickes likely never imagined how quickly man's cooperation with nature would disintegrate in the 21st century.


  • 恐怖16征服鞑靼斯坦首都喀山成功地融入俄罗斯帝国之中

    After being conquered by Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century, Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, was successfully integrated into the Russian empire.


  • 17荷兰画家米尔德国画家卡斯帕·大卫·弗里德利希对哈默颇具影响没有人像一样

    Hammershoi was influenced by Vermeer and the 17th-century Dutch genre painters and by Caspar David Friedrich, a German, but there is no one like him.


  • 该岛巴利阿里群岛大岛之一,(三个岛为梅诺卡岛、比沙福门特拉岛)公元前二世成为罗马殖民地

    The island is oneof the four major Balearic Islandsthe others are Menorca, Ibiza, and Formenteraand it was colonized by the Romans in the secondcentury B.C.


  • 这一观点17哲学家托马斯·霍布斯18世斯谟·达尔文(查尔斯·达尔文的爷爷)的著作有所体现。

    And the idea crops up again in the works of Thomas Hobbes, a 17th-century philosopher, and Erasmus Darwin (Charles's grandfather), who lived in the 18th.


  • 启蒙运动有待救援,至少乔纳森·斯雷尔杰出17荷兰历史学家这样认为

    THE Enlightenment needs rescuing, or so thinks Jonathan Israel, the pre-eminent historian of 17th-century Holland.


  • 这个今天占据斯帕尼奥拉三分之一面积,(邻居相比)相对贫困拥挤国度,曾经世界上富庶蔗糖殖民地中心,它18宗主国法国提供了四分之一的财富。

    The poorer, more crowded third of the island of Hispaniola, it was once the heart of the world's richest sugar colony, providing France with a quarter of its wealth in the late 18th century.


  • 恐怖沙皇”于16中叶所

    It was built by Czar Ivan the Terrible in the mid-16th century.


  • 1619也门成为奥托曼帝国一部分;一些时期玛目控制也门。

    By the 16th century and again in the 19th century, north Yemen was part of the Ottoman Empire, and in some periods its Imams exerted control over south Yemen.


  • 公元前7建立公元前落入罗马之前曾经重要特鲁里亚城市之一。 在落入罗马之后命名为Volaterrae,为人熟知。

    Velathri, founded in the seventh century BC, was one of the most important Etruscan cities, before falling in the third century BC to Rome, after which it was known as Volaterrae.


  • 克鲁20世70年代荷兰队核心人物,他开创的全攻守打法赢得了广泛的声誉荷兰队作为整体式足球风格先驱赢得让球迷快乐看球名声

    Cruyff was at the heart of the Holland team that earned a reputation of playing Total Football in the 1970s, and the pioneer of the style that earned the Dutch the reputation of being a joy to watch.


  • 20世50年代风格餐馆沿路,在当地人用作渔村码头对面矗立着斯特河核电站(Oyster Creek)。

    Down the road from the 1950s-style diner and across from the bridge that locals use as a fishing pier stands the Oyster Creek nuclear plant.


  • 虽然战已过六载,但心中仍满怒火。 “美国人就好比21蒙古人,”他,“现今巴马给这块肮脏蛋糕糖衣。”

    The Americans are the Mongols of the 21st century, ” he said, “and now Barack Obama is trying to put the icing on this dirty cake.”


  • 自从20世工程师回转芝加哥流向利诺便将密歇根湖的顺着密西西比河一路向下送至墨西哥湾

    Since 1900, when engineers reversed the flow of the Chicago river, Illinois has sent Lake Michigan water down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 最近卡璐斯日报(Icarus)报道,这次通过两个数学模型评价小行星22撞击地球几率

    Recently published in the journal Icarus, this impact probability was calculated using two mathematical models to assess potential threats to Earth in the 22nd Century.


  • 19世中叶富兰克林远征充分体现了这个理念

    The Franklin Expedition in the mid-1800s exemplifies this concept well, Boyd says.


  • 教堂始建于13但是但圆顶(当地人称为大教堂)直到15世完工建筑师菲利普·布鲁内莱斯基监督完成。

    The building was started in the thirteenth century but the construction of its dome (known locally as il Duomo) was not completed until the fifteenth, overseen by the architect Filippo Brunelleschi.


  • 17很多布料拼成缎子马鞍可能包括俄罗斯第一个沙皇大帝(IvantheTerrible)穿过土耳其长袍上的一块布料。

    A satin horse covering from the 17th century made from pieces of clothing-including, quite possibly, a Turkish robe worn by Ivan the Terrible.


  • 所有学者认为以东作为一个国家公元前8以后出现的,”阿米·玛扎尔

    "All scholars dealing with Edom in the last two generations claimed that Edom didn't exist as a state before the eighth century B.C.," says Amihai Mazar.


  • 后来的英国发掘者们认为他们发现证据表明,格克推测的历史年代存在三个的误差,以东王国实际只能上溯公元前7

    Subsequent British excavators believed they had found evidence that Glueck was off by some three centuries and that Edom actually dated to the seventh century B.C..


  • 上一次CDT讯息盘书面转译发生基督”(Christ period) 公元前12年至公元27年 ,由拥有耶雅利血统艾赛教派(Essenes)成员完成。

    The last time written CDT-Plate translation took place was during the "Christ period" of 12BC-27AD , among a group of Essenes of Eieyani descent.


  • 尔·穆斯以很长的历史角度来描绘君主主义:男孩穿着蓝色衣服,让我们想起Gainsborough18穿衣服的男孩画作,反过来是对查尔斯一世时期宫廷艺术家保皇党成员的肖像尊敬

    Yeames draws on a long visual history of royalism: the boy wears blue, recalling Gainsborough's 18th-century blue boy, in turn a homage to the Cavalier portraits of Charles I's court artist Van Dyck.


  • 尔·穆斯以很长的历史角度来描绘君主主义:男孩穿着蓝色衣服,让我们想起Gainsborough18穿衣服的男孩画作,反过来是对查尔斯一世时期宫廷艺术家保皇党成员的肖像尊敬

    Yeames draws on a long visual history of royalism: the boy wears blue, recalling Gainsborough's 18th-century blue boy, in turn a homage to the Cavalier portraits of Charles I's court artist Van Dyck.


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