• 东汉大部分时间内推行(国)县二级制

    For most of the time, the Eastern Han Dynasty practised THD system of prefectures and counties.


  • 讨论如何达到分子电子学有机材质相关纳米级制技术微缩极限

    How to reach the ultimate miniaturization limit of molecular electronics and related nanoscale patterning techniques of organic materials will also be discussed.


  • 燃气输配管网压力管网型式阀门配置管径配置是管网结构因素。

    The pressure range of gas transmission and distribution network, network type, valve arrangement, pipe diameter arrangement, etc.


  • 但是,游戏产业先发Dyson创建了娱乐软件级制例如给一些游戏评为E,代表老少皆宜的游戏。

    The video game industry responded, Dyson says, and in a preemptive move created the Entertainment Software rating Board, which generates game ratings such as "e for Everyone."


  • 说明1、对阀门采用对接连接,连接单元FW表示。如采用金属连接“F”用“R”表示。

    Notes: 1., Asfor valves in pound unit, connection unit "f" is expressed with "w" if butt weld adopted; "f" expressed with "r" if metal ring adopted.


  • 坊间大肆这样有趣传言Apple可能转向Qualcomm(高通公司)构建iPhone5支持更多网络技术世界手机

    The rumor mills are churning out this intriguing speculation: Apple may turn to Qualcomm to build its iPhone 5, aworld phone” able to support more network technology.


  • 它是一种为期五天,全日体验幼儿园儿童都可以参加这个项目。

    A five-week, all-day education experience, Summer Advantage accepts children from kindergarten through eighth grade.


  • PhillipsExeter学院 ( "Exeter")一所私人寄宿学校9-12),位于新罕布什尔州Exeter市。

    Phillips Exeter Academy (or "Exeter") is a private boarding school for grades 9 to 12, located in Exeter, New Hampshire.


  • 测试为500分自从2006年,、八年学生平均增长3

    On the test's 500-point scale, average fourth - and eighth-grade scores each increased three points since 2006.


  • 2001临床专业五年本科生中尝试应用问题为基础的教学法(pbl)。

    Problem based Learning (PBL) was applied in probation of 2001 grade with satisfactory results in clinical education of otorhinolaryngology.


  • 最近对一项纪录的研究表明X公司委任经理已经开始赢利了,那时公司还是公有体系

    A close look at the records shows that X has been profitable since the appointment of a first-class manager, which happened while X was still in the public sector.


  • 入口弯曲木条厂成品副产品,镀层由碳化的(烤)二木板做成。

    The bent strips of wood in the entrance can be found as shavings from sawmill production and the cladding is made by carbonizing (burning) second grade wooden cladding planks.


  • 法律行政法规另有规定的外,行政复议实行复议

    Except as otherwise stipulated by laws and administrative rules and regulations, the administrative reconsideration shall apply a single-level system of reconsideration.


  • 分层教学这种情况下应运而生成为优化单一授课有利途径

    Teaching in these circumstances came into being and become optimize a single class of medium-beneficial way.


  • 结果表明通过反应条件粒度分布均匀、结晶性能良好的纳米银粉。

    The results showed that well-crystallized nanometric Ag powder with even size could be prepared by controlling the reaction conditions.


  • 结果得脂质体包封率约为80%,脂质体体外释放规律符合动力学过程

    RESULT:The EE of liposome reached 80%, and the release rule in vitro was subject to the first order model.


  • 所以专家提示选购塑料一定挑选符合国家标准食用塑料所水杯

    So, the expert suggests that plastic cup when the choose and buy, must be selected in accordance with national standards made of food grade plastic cups.


  • 结果表明的酒石酸美托洛尔缓释片具有明显的缓释作用,体外释放符合释药动力学规律

    The results indicated that the sustained-release tablets had an expected sustained-release quality, and drug release pattern was in accorded with the first order kinetics.


  • 甲醇原料,氧化铝催化剂甲醇催化脱水气雾剂高纯二甲醚工艺条件进行试验研究

    The process conditions for producing high purity DME of aerosol grade by catalytic dehydration of methanol in gas phase were studied and tested by using alumina as a catalyst.


  • 本文介绍环戊二烯选择加氢聚合研究中的相色谱分析方法

    In this paper, the gas chromatographic methods used in the research for selective hydrogenation of cyclopentadiene to produce polymer grade cyclopentene have been described.


  • 是以聚酯亚树脂为底层,聚酯胺树脂表层涂为180的涂层漆包铜圆线

    Eiw - y is a kind of double coating enameled copper round wire, thermal level 180, with polyesterimid resin as primer and polyamide resin as finish.


  • 系统支持服务程序选择程羊。畜根据隙统支持羹务功能的耘多任务支持。

    The routing or controlling routines of Subsystem Support Services. This routine provides multitasking and control support, on a priority basis, all Subsystem Support Services functions.


  • 最后工作吊车梁上部区域出现疲劳裂缝修复加固方案提出一些意见建议

    Finally, it presents some advice and Suggestions for the repairing and strengthening method of fatigue crack of upper part of steel crane-girder in the high-frequency.


  • 采用问卷调查方法浙江大学医学院护理系1995、1996605护理本科毕业生进行职业态度影响因素的调查。

    Questionnaire tests were given to 60 graduates of five-year nursing major in grades 1995 and 1996 of Zhejiang University to know about factors that influenced their attitude towards nursing vocation.


  • 情感量表20个完整的陈述项目组成,采用5记分

    The emotional questionnaire consisted of 20 terms, and was assessed with 5-grading system.


  • 高等院校推行导师绝非权宜之计而是项旨在不断提升人才培养质量战略举措

    Pursuing the two-level teacher system in institutions of higher learning is by no means a temporary expedient, but a strategic measure to enhance the quality of talent-training.


  • 研究工作吊车厂房刚架结构应用塑性设计提供了研究成果。

    A study is provided here for the application of plastic design to the industry building frame with medium or light crane loading.


  • 研究工作吊车厂房刚架结构应用塑性设计提供了研究成果。

    A study is provided here for the application of plastic design to the industry building frame with medium or light crane loading.


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