• 潜伏的捐躯者WFIRST——一个计划于2020年发射红外望远镜项目。

    One potential sacrifice is WFIRST, an infra-red space telescope intended for launch in 2020.


  • 发现电磁特性最终导致电视广播微波炉的发明,并且无线电红外望远镜的发明起到了重要作用。

    His discovery of the electromagnetic spectrum led to the development of television, radio, microwaves, as well as aiding in the development of radio and infrared telescopes.


  • 本文介绍我们1980年完成的500K可调黑体炉,它主要用于红外望远镜红外探测系统定标

    The paper describes the blackbody with adjustable temperature at about 500K, which was made in 1980. It is used for the calibration of the IR telescope and IR detection system.


  • 科学家NASA(美国航空航天局)的红外望远镜对准距地球63光年、位于狐狸星座中的行星HD 189733b

    Scientists pointed Nasa's Infrared Telescope Facility at a distant planet called HD 189733b some 63 light years away in the constellation of Vulpecula.


  • 把这一发现告诉给了NASA美国航空局夏威夷红外望远镜得到照片显示在木星南极点大气层上有块巨大痕迹。

    He tipped off Nasa about his discovery, and images taken by the US space agency's infrared telescope in Hawaii show a scar in the atmosphere near the South Pole of the planet.


  • 根据2010年4月28日宣布科学家利用美国宇航局红外望远镜设备检测到小行星表面有水-冰-基有机化合物

    Announced on April 28, 2010, scientists using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility have detected water-ice and carbon-based organic compounds on the surface of an asteroid.


  • 随着红外望远镜技术提升科学家最终测定移量大于7GRB爆发的距离如果它们存在的话——是一个重大假设。

    As infrared telescopes improve, scientists should eventually be able to measure the distance to GRBs with red shifts greater than 7 - if they exist.


  • 已经看到了斯皮策太空望远镜红外波段捕捉到的这类温热证据

    He has seen evidence of these warm dusty rings in infrared radiation picked up by the Spitzer space telescope.


  • WISE参与了两个空间红外任务——NASA斯皮策空间望远镜欧洲空间局赫歇尔空间天文台。

    WISE joins two other infrared missions in spaceNASA's Spitzer space Telescope and the Herschel space Observatory, a European space Agency mission.


  • 后者使用夏威夷莫纳克亚山山顶红外电子望远镜收集到了表明撞击证据

    Using Nasa's infrared telescope facility at the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, they gathered evidence indicating an impact.


  • 斯皮策太空望远镜拍摄到红外照片(黄色红色绿色部分)正好是气体恒星穿过附近的星团时,所显露出的尘埃点燃气团的外部结构。

    Infrared images from the Spitzer Space Telescope (yellow, red, and green) expose a surrounding shell of dust and gas that's being lit up as the material streams through a nearby star cluster.


  • 不过上面最近发射WISE望远镜红外图像

    The above image, however, was taken in infrared light by the recently launched WISE telescope.


  • 如果复仇者存在,美国太空总署最新的广角红外线探测望远镜(WISE)可能发现

    If Nemesis exists, NASA's new WISE telescope should be able to spot it.


  • 9月24日发布斯皮策空间望远镜红外图像里,星光黑暗云中(中间图片)闪耀开来,这片星云处在巨大的星云,该星云被称作L183

    Starlight bounces off a normally dark, interstellar core cloud (center) inside a larger cloud called L183 in a short-infrared-wavelength Spitzer Space Telescope image released on September 24.


  • Spitzer红外天文望远镜详细观测表明它们产生于巨大岩质星体的强烈撞击

    A detailed examination of those grains with the infrared-sensitive Spitzer Space Telescope shows that they come from forceful collisions with some massive rocky body.


  • 美国欧洲研究人员利用哈勃太空望远镜拍取一个物体的模糊红外线图像他们认为人类观测到的古老的星系。

    A team of U.S. and European researchers using the Hubble Space Telescope have captured infrared images of a blurry object they believe to be the oldest galaxy ever seen by man.


  • 他们提到假如神星的确存在那么NASA视场红外巡天探测者(WISE)望远镜观测数据中找到

    They noted that if Tyche exists, it should be detectable in the archive of data that was collected by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope.


  • 哑铃星云梅西27美国宇航局斯必泽空间望远镜拍摄张图片中,发出红外

    The Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Messier 27, pumps out infrared light in this image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.


  • 这个距离恒星光源折射,拉伸红外波长外层空间只有斯皮策太空望远镜才能观测到

    At this distance the optical light from stars is shifted, or stretched, to infrared wavelengths that can only be observed in outer space by Spitzer.


  • 上图哈勃太空望远镜拍摄红外图像

    The above image was taken in near-infrared light by the Hubble Space Telescope.


  • 哈勃望远镜最初设计是只能观察光谱中的可见光紫外线部分后来1997年增加红外观测能力

    Hubble was originally designed to observe in the visible and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum, but a 1997 mission added an infrared observing capability.


  • 科学家一直以来都在使用美国宇航局红外线太空望远镜WISE研究奥特这个太空望远镜具有探测星体的能力。

    The scientists have been studying the cloud using WISE, Nasa's infra-red space telescope that is capable of detecting dark objects.


  • 斯皮策红外太空望远镜美国国家航空航天局最新一个大型观测平台。

    The last of NASA's Great Observatories, Spitzer is a space-based infrared telescope.


  • 最近的研究中,科学家们借助红外线望远镜利用光谱方法研究了这颗小行星的表面

    In the latest studies, scientists used an infrared telescope to spectroscopically examine the asteroid’s surface.


  • 斯皮策太空望远镜沿着轨道旋转时,收集来自广阔太空各种光线,这些光线对于肉眼来说不可见,但红外设备可以观测到,观测结果形成数据传回地球

    Spitzer's infrared instruments return reams of data to Earth as the orbiting observatory gathers light from far reaches of the universe, light that is invisible to the naked eye.


  • 美国宇航局斯皮策太空望远镜拍摄麦哲伦星系红外图像揭示了这个星系前所未见的恒星尘埃

    This infrared portrait of the Small Magellanic Cloud, taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, reveals stars and dust in this galaxy as never seen before. T.


  • 美国宇航局斯皮策太空望远镜拍摄麦哲伦星系红外图像揭示了这个星系前所未见的恒星尘埃

    This infrared portrait of the Small Magellanic Cloud, taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, reveals stars and dust in this galaxy as never seen before. T.


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