• 氧气细胞呼吸新陈代谢过程中必不可少它能使细胞有效地有机食物中获取能量

    Oxygen is essential for the metabolic process known as cell respiration that allows cells to efficiently harvest energy from organic food.


  • 然而研究人员发现一个长期以来众所周知使食物变色变硬的过程可能年龄相关细胞和组织损伤有关。

    Nevertheless, researchers have discovered that a process long known to discolor and toughen foods may also contribute to age related impairment of both cells and tissues.


  • 他们喜欢科技食物联系起来。”癌症细胞生物学访问学者尼古拉斯·热诺维斯

    "They don't like to associate technology with food," said Nicholas Genovese, a visiting scholar in cancer cell biology.


  • 食物大部分价值动物消化细胞替代过程丧失了

    Much of the food value is lost in the animal's process of digestion and cell replacement.


  • 通过限制食物摄入热量限制使进入细胞葡萄糖降到最少,减少ATP产生

    By limiting food intake, caloric restriction minimizes the amount of glucose entering cells and decreases ATP generation.


  • 绿藻淀粉形式储存食物陆生植物也是如此,它们的细胞纤维素构成,与陆生植物的细胞组成相似

    Green algae store food as starch, as do land plants and have cell walls made of cellulose, similar in composition to those of land plants.


  • 推断已知一些细胞生物进入类似冬眠的状态没有空气食物的情况下存活

    He reasoned that some single-celled creatures are known to enter a hibernation-like state and survive for years with no air or food.


  • 细胞》杂志周四所发表的一篇文章中,一组研究人员汇报了新的适应模式,这并非是对空气或食物的适应,而是对海洋的适应。

    On Thursday, in an article published in Cell, a team of researchers reported a new kind of adaptation not to air or to food, but to the ocean.


  • 如果不够番茄可以保护我们线粒体一种我们食物转化为能量基础细胞

    If that were not enough, the fruit also protects our mitochondria - the elements of cells which turn the food we eat into energy.


  • 梅约诊所介绍这种癌症入侵部位食道(是咽喉输送食物管道)中的细胞通常发生食道部位。

    This cancer starts in the cells that line the esophagus (the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach) and usually occurs in the lower part of the esophagus, according to the Mayo Clinic.


  • 舌头有味蕾,它们是一小能识别食物化学成分感官细胞,能识别出甜、酸、咸、苦。

    Taste. The tongue contains small groups of sensory cells called taste buds that react to chemicals in foods.


  • 舌头有味蕾,它们是一小能识别食物化学成分感官细胞,能识别出

    Taste. The tongue contains small groups of sensory cells called taste buds that react to chemicals in foods. Taste buds react to sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.


  • 不幸地是心血管疾病传统疗法包括繁琐的咨询来避免食用引起他们内皮细胞功能损伤食物

    Sadly the usual treatment of cardiovascular disease almost never includes hours of patient counseling so they may completely eliminate the foods which are injuring their endothelium.


  • 科学家们白鼠大脑中标记出促食素细胞使它们发光然后喂食小白鼠不同食物追踪这些细胞活动

    Scientists marked orexin cells in mice brains so they would fluoresce. Then they tracked the cells' activity after feeding the mice different kinds of food.


  • 是因为那些非对称分个所得子细胞中的弱者可能繁殖之前死亡这样浪费他们所吸收的食物

    That was because the runts tended to die before they could reproduce, thus wasting the food that they had already eaten.


  • 科学家们已经知晓人体开始饿食物时,细胞就会开始一点一点地吞噬自己

    Scientists have known for a while that when a body becomes starved for sustenance, cells start eating bits and pieces of themselves.


  • 在显微镜下微波加热过的食物破裂状甚至可以看到里面的细胞爆裂

    Viewed under a microscope, microwaved food shows ruptured, broken and even exploded cells.


  • l牛奶作为容易被消化吸收食物之一含有组织生长细胞修复所需大量营养。

    Milk is one of the most easily digested and assimilated foods, containing ample amounts of substances required for the growth of tissues and organs and the repair of worn-out cells.


  • 由于纤维不易消化,产生很少产生食物能量,也不会明显影响葡萄糖胰岛素浓度。 酮症包括脂类分解——脂肪细胞内储存的某些脂质在其中转化为血液。

    Lastly, because of fiber's low digestibility, it provides little or no food energy and does not significantly impact glucose and insulin levels.


  • 地球多数氧气都是这些细胞光合作用生命制造的,他们还是海洋食物的基础。

    The single-celled photosynthetic organisms produce much of the oxygen on earth and are the base of the marine food chain.


  • 浮游动物包含各种各样生物体细胞原生动物水母磷虾桡足类动物海洋食物提供基本链接

    The zooplankton, which encompass a wide range of little organisms from single-cell protozoa to creatures such as jellyfish, krill and copepods, provide the basic link in the ocean food chain.


  • 如果回家的路上食物解了冻,用家庭式冷冻机重新冷冻的话形成冰晶使食物中的细胞破裂,而使营养素流失

    If foods defrost on the way Home and you re-freeze them in a domestic freezer, large ice crystals will form and can rupture cell membranes in the food allowing nutrients to escape.


  • 某些食物实际上可以细胞无法获得生存所需血液从而缺乏养分饿死。

    Certain foods can actually starve cancer cells from getting the blood they need to survive.


  • 饮食限制看来引起一项早已被植入所有生物基因古老本能:食物缺乏的时候,养分会优先供给组织维护,而非细胞增殖

    Dietary restriction seems to set off an ancient strategy written into all animal genomes, that when food is scarce resources should be switched to tissue maintenance from breeding.


  • 部分禁食能够延长寿命因为减少摄入食物能够使肌体细胞能够充分利用能量

    Partial fasting may even extend lifespan because eating less sends a message to the cells of the body that they should conserve and use energy more efficiently.


  • 存在于动物性食物中的维生素B12缺乏,叶酸缺乏时,机体合成细胞功能异常,无法细胞供应至关重要

    Inadequate B12, found only in animal products, or folic acid can yield blood cells unable to carry vital oxygen to the brain.


  • 信由,很多食物保护大脑改善大脑的功能,甚至使大脑产生新的细胞

    Believe it or not, there are a copious amount of foods that protect your brain, improving how good it'll work, and can even generate new brain cells.


  • 信由,很多食物保护大脑改善大脑的功能,甚至使大脑产生新的细胞

    Believe it or not, there are a copious amount of foods that protect your brain, improving how good it'll work, and can even generate new brain cells.


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