• 独特正文花费综合通路病患神经病学灾难一起小心立即他们紧急部门入口之后。

    This unique text takes a comprehensive approach to the care of patients with neurologic catastrophes immediately after their entry into the emergency department.


  • 过去CAGP院长玛莎·唐纳他的同事处理独特挑战一个小组作情况介绍老年痴呆症患者急性护理紧急部门

    A panel presentation will be given by past CAGP President Dr. Martha Donnelly and colleagues addressing the unique challenges that patients with dementia pose to acute care and emergency departments.


  • 据该急救部门助理局长杰西卡·韦弗表示紧急救援人员已经通过无线电矿工取得了联系应该没有人员受伤。

    Emergency workers have made contact with the miners via a radio, and they all appear to be uninjured, said Jessica Verfuss, the emergency department's assistant director.


  • 接到炸弹警报紧急救助部门进入待命状态。

    The emergency services were put on standby after a bomb warning.


  • 邻居很快紧急情况服务部门报了警

    Neighbours quickly alerted the emergency services.


  • 紧急服务部门消防部门警察医院救护车已经待命,随时准备采取行动。

    The Emergency services, the Fire Departments, the Police, hospitals, and ambulances stood by, ready to go into action.


  • 范龙佩先生私营部门参与紧急救助活动仅限于希腊

    Mr van Rompuy said private sector involvement in emergency measures would be restricted to Greece.


  • 佛罗里达紧急行动部门莫斯·泰勒表示佛罗里达居民目前集中努力次飓风恢复过来。

    Cragin Mosteller of Florida's Department of Emergency Operations says Floridans are focusing on recovering from both hurricanes.


  • 欧盟正在安排爱尔兰紧急援助,其部分原因是为了挽救该国损失惨重银行部门。人们担心葡萄牙很快成为一个援助对象,因此欧元出现了下跌

    The euro has tumbled amid worries that a bailout of Ireland, being arranged in part to prop up the country's hemorrhaging banking sector, will make it necessary to rescue Portugal as well.


  • Osborne622颁布紧急预算法案,然后今年9月份的部门开支核算

    Mr Osborne will present an emergency budget on June 22nd, then a departmental spending review this autumn.


  • 2月2日,延迟采取紧急措施后,英国教育部门最终承认扼杀了11plus考试无法出台更好替代考试。

    On February 2nd, after much delay and brinkmanship, the education department finally admitted that it had killed off the state 11-plus exam but was unable to come up with a replacement.


  • 数据仓库项目中,通常通过部门需要回答业务问题以及业务问题紧急性来划分业务难题

    In a data warehouse project, you usually divide the business pains by department, by business questions that need to be answered, and by the urgency of business problems.


  • 一些旅游业主要高管表示国家旅游管理部门召集他们召开紧急会议讨论如何恢复今年夏季失去的旅游势头

    Some leading travel executives say they have been summoned to an emergency meeting with the national tourism authorities to discuss how to restore the momentum lost over the summer.


  • 务必当地消防部门紧急医疗服务部门警察局分享紧急情况应对草案尤其是你的疏散程序

    Be sure to share your response protocols, especially your evacuation procedures, with the local fire department, emergency medical service and police department.


  • 联系当地权威部门了解紧急撤离计划

    Contact local authorities about emergency and evacuation plans.


  • 报告指出,各紧急救援部门没有一个适当的、协调一致幸存者救护方案

    The emergency services had no coherent plan in place to care for those who survived, the report suggests.


  • 纽约新泽西港务局美国特工处、联邦紧急事务管理局部门拒绝这些信息做出评论

    The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the US Secret Service and the Federal Emergency Management Administration declined to comment on the messages.


  • 似乎要将巴尔干地区了的热浪本周使数十丧生,本地区应急部门都进入紧急状态。

    A heatwave scorching the Balkan region this week has killed dozens of people and put the region's emergency services on full alert.


  • 不管是多么情有可原,事实对投资银行信用卡运营商保险公司甚至汽车制造商的金融部门必须予以紧急救助。

    However understandable, the reality is that investment Banks, credit-card operators, insurers and even carmakers' finance arms had to be bailed out.


  • 紧急情况部门已经为了控制大火作了部署。

    Emergency services were deployed to control the fire.


  • 虽然紧急状态最终四月十九宣告废止,但是无论如何,它不能必然安全部门行为有所收敛

    In any case, the lifting of emergency laws, finally announced on April 19th, may not necessarily improve the behaviour of the security services.


  • 日本能源方面的主管部门原子力安全保安院的发言人大重胜说道岛第一核电厂的紧急发电机的设计日本其他核电厂相当常见

    A spokesman for Japan's nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, the nation's nuclear-power regulator, said Fukushima Daiichi's emergency-generator design is "fairly prevalent" at other Japanese plants.


  • 他们当前潜在客户涉及到执法机关、紧急反应机构、国土安全部、快速部署需求的军事部门和新闻服务机构等,这些客户都将受益于TracStar LVT系统这些技术能力

    Our current and potential customers in law enforcement, emergency response, homeland security, military rapid deployment and news gathering services will benefit from these technical capabilities.


  • 他们当前潜在客户涉及到执法机关、紧急反应机构、国土安全部、快速部署需求的军事部门和新闻服务机构等,这些客户都将受益于TracStar LVT系统这些技术能力

    Our current and potential customers in law enforcement, emergency response, homeland security, military rapid deployment and news gathering services will benefit from these technical capabilities.


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