• 男孩在这里所起缓冲作用紧张故事情节增加了音乐般的节奏感。

    The little boy played here for the buffering effect of increased tension in the story of music like rhythm.


  • ,“我们经常使用这种安静专注紧张的故事讲述手法非常契合Robert漫画中的作为,很喜欢这样。”

    The sort of quiet, focused, intense story telling that we're doing often is very reflective of what Robert has done in the comic books and I like that.


  • 本季高价票剧目《连绵之》,这是一部紧张导演基赫夫(KeithHuff)创作独幕剧,关于坚强有着悲惨经历芝加哥警察故事

    The other big ticket this season is "A Steady Rain", a taut play by Keith Huff about a couple of tough Chicago cops with a tragic story to tell.


  • 已经变成瑞典一部公开肥皂剧具有所有紧张刺激故事元素:不幸的爱情失踪的遗嘱,被分割房子诡秘手稿

    It's become a public soap opera in Sweden, with all the elements of a literary thriller: a star-crossed romance, a missing will, a house divided and a mysterious manuscript.


  • 三木聪导演《速成沼泽》(2009)讲一个杂志编辑为了找到真正父亲成为商店老板的故事,涉及的也是家庭关系紧张问题。

    Strained familiar ties also feature in Miki's Instant Swamp (2009), which follows the editor of a struggling magazine who becomes a shopkeeper as a means of getting to know her real father.


  • 事实上,我接下来要讲述的故事细节尤其令人神经紧张。 这件发生一个风景优美的地方

    Truth is, the detailsI’m about to relate are especially unnerving, taking place as they didin such a picturesque setting.


  • 现身说法,把自己以前“紧张兴奋”的生活经历作为警示故事讲给他们听。

    He offers his own "hectic" life as a cautionary tale.


  • 本季高价票剧目《连绵之》,这是一部紧张、只有两个人物导演基思·赫夫(KeithHuff)创作的独幕剧。它是讲述坚强有着悲惨经历的芝加哥警察的故事

    The other big ticket this season is "a Steady Rain", a taut, one-act, two-character play by Keith Huff about a couple of tough Chicago cops with a tragic story to tell.


  • 该报对神探夏洛克第三评价:“情节紧张故事离奇制作精良演技精湛”。

    "Tense plot, bizarre story, exquisite production, excellent performances, " it said of the third season's first episode.


  • 那些恐惧之后转化营救逃脱重围想法这些想法可能将在故事其余部分反复出现,使读者们高度集中紧张兴奋

    That fear then turns to thoughts of rescue and escape around which the rest of the story may revolve, with the reader paying close and excited attention.


  • 悬念小说故事戏剧所具有使读者结局产生不安紧张感觉特质。 !

    Thee quality of a story, novel, or drama that makes readers uncertain or tense about the outcome of events.


  • 参加面试的时候,需要紧张留在门外最好准备就是本色的自我。做自我最好的办法就是说自己的故事(一个多个)。

    When you go into an interview, you need to leave your nerves at the door. The best way to prepare is to be yourself. The best way to be yourself is to tell your own story (or stories).


  • 故事中的紧张气氛重要方面之一使得读者产生兴趣知道接下来发生什么

    The tension in a story is one of the most important aspects; it's what keeps the reader interested and wanting to know what will happen next.


  • 故事中的紧张气氛重要方面之一使得读者产生兴趣知道接下来发生什么。 。

    Thee tension in a story is one of the most important aspects; it's what keeps the reader interested and wanting to know what will happen next.


  • 然而即使人们意识到这点,在则诡异莫测、扣人心弦故事找寻遗失片段占一半紧张心绪。

    Still, even one notices this, searching for the missing pieces is half the thrill of this wickedly absorbing tale.


  • 度过了忙碌紧张一天拖着疲惫的身体还要极不情愿的聆听已经了无数次的故事

    Depleted from your day at work and pressed for time, the last thing you want to do is listen to a story you've heard countless times before.


  • 接下来我们给大家带来更加紧张扣人心弦故事,会面孔出现,甚至会更加恐怖残忍

    We've got another intense and epic story lined up for you, with some new faces and old, and even more horror and mayhem and mugs of tea.


  • 缩短时间或者加快故事节奏可以增加剧情紧张程度

    Shorten time or speed the story rhythm, all can increase nervous degree of the plot.


  • 这个新词暗地里的故事来自于中国云南省宁县当地一24岁的监犯脑部紧张受伤,入院天后殒命。

    The story behind this new phrase comes from Jinning in southwest China's Yunnan province, where a 24-year-old prisoner died from a severe brain injury four days after being sent to the hospital.


  • 这种冲突与紧张关系原本公共场合讲述私人故事而充满活动的“回放表演”活动变得更加激动人心。

    It is a tension that gives frisson to the playback event that is energized by the telling personal stories in public places.


  • 叙述者大量平行片断,描绘了斗牛场的惊险场面使读者越发感觉到故事时间凝重停滞,增强小说紧张气氛

    The narrator describes many exciting scenes in the bullring, which draws readers' attention to the story and make them feel the pause of time. In such way, the story is in a nervous atmosphere.


  • 那些也许知道到底为什么紧张缓解了,不在乎地道为什么新的越来越引人入胜故事涌现

    Those people may not know exactly why the tension eases, or why new, increasingly engaging stories begin to emerge.


  • 观众离开感到紧张但是因为似乎完全最终讲述一个令人心碎故事

    Viewers are left feeling nervous, however, as it appears that the full MV will end up telling a heartbreaking tale.


  • 表演扎实紧张不错,又有设定了个不错故事:一个闹鬼游戏诱捕三个年轻人

    Solid performances and a nice sense of tension complement the clever story of a haunted game that ensnares three young people.


  • 表演扎实紧张不错,又有设定了个不错故事:一个闹鬼游戏诱捕三个年轻人

    Solid performances and a nice sense of tension complement the clever story of a haunted game that ensnares three young people.


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