• 年夜生活充分,正在担当过

    My university had a very full life, also served in the Department of the Ministry of cadres.


  • 过去一家公司公共工作

    Yes, I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company in the past two years.


  • 随着网站投入使用管理效率了明显的提高

    With the site put into use, the management efficiency of the Department is markedly improved.


  • 公司定点企业省级明星企业,二级计量企业特级信用企业

    I do sentinel company of the Department of Enterprise, provincial Star Enterprise, the two measures and special-grade corporate credit business.


  • 高职院校系部管理存在政令不畅、效率低下等问题,要求管理重心必须下移

    There are problems of inefficiency with the management within faculties in higher vocational colleges, which call for a faculty-based management model.


  • 提出一种传统计算中心计算机结合组建基于校园网的虚拟计算中心方案

    This paper puts forward a scheme which combines the traditional computing center with the computer rooms of departments to establish the virtual computing center on the basis of the campus Intranet.


  • 通过高校办公室管理工作特点作用分析,提出改善和提高系部办公室管理工作措施

    Regarding to university department office management characteristic and function, this paper puts forward and improves the management measure of office of department.


  • 历史文理学院

    The history department is part of the College of Arts and Sciences.


  • 作为面试过程我们他们我们的教授学生组成委员会见面

    As part of the interview process, we have them meet with a committee of professors and students in our department.


  • 当然我们现在知道包括地球在内行星围绕太阳公转,太阳只是宇宙一小

    Of course, we now know that the planets, including Earth, revolve around the Sun, and that the solar system is only a tiny part of the universe.


  • 格斯粒子被预言存在作为机制它被相信赋予粒子它们质量,它也只是遗留下来发现的粒子物理经典模型一小分。

    The Higgs particle is predicted to exist as part of the mechanism believed to give particles their mass, and is the only piece of the Standard Model of particle physics that remains to be discovered.


  • 理论严谨地解释为什么太阳大多数物体岩混合物,土星光环却近乎都是冰块

    The theory neatly accounts for why Saturn's rings are nearly pure ice, while most objects in that part of the solar system are more an ice-rock blend.


  • 非常漂亮而且令人难以置信古老漫步其中,你会觉得历史——绝对治愈

    It's extremely beautiful and incredibly ancient, and you feel as though you are a part of history while you walk - very therapeutic.


  • 德国航空航天中心马克斯·普朗克太阳研究中心、意大利航天局意大利国家天体物理研究所也是这个计划工作团队分。

    The German Aerospace Center, the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, the Italian space Agency and the Italian National Astrophysical Institute are part of the mission's team.


  • 计算机斯坦福大学工程学院

    The Department of Computer Science is part of the Stanford School of Engineering.


  • 分析人士指出,宝马13成本分别节省7%9%。

    Analysts say it will save 7% to 9% on parts costs for both the 1 and the 3.


  • 这是经典女性电影天才导演乔治·库克执导。《女人们》揭露了女性原始的叽八卦的本质属性。

    A classic woman's picture made by the frequently genius pro-feminine director George Cukor, "the Women" reveals female bonding and bitchiness in its purest form.


  • ProPublica新闻学生合作了一音乐剧“追踪溯源”,用作一个有关页岩天然气提取所造成影响调查片段。

    ProPublica collaborated with journalism students to produce a music video called "the Fracking Song", part of an investigation into the impact of sale-gas extraction.


  • 一张太阳全家福照片旅行者1990年拍摄图片的拍摄位置距离地球40亿英里。

    Part of the first ever "family portrait" of the solar system taken by Voyager 1 in 1990, this image of Earth was captured from a distance of more than 4 billion miles.


  • 供应短缺不仅影响本土生产,由于短缺丰田本田日产(Nissan)也纷纷宣布削减产量

    The shortages don't only affect cars made in Japan. Toyota, Honda, and Nissan all say they are going to curtail U.S. production because of a shortage of parts.


  • 2004年,公共卫生报告最新确定其它一些吸烟导致癌症包括胃癌宫颈癌肾癌胰腺癌以及急性白血病(aml)。

    The 2004 Surgeon General's report newly identifies other cancers caused by smoking, including cancers of the stomach, cervix, kidney, and pancreas and acute myeloid leukemia.


  • 生存装备分组成:和指南针以及打火棒在一起的一张橘红的大手帕主要工具包

    My survival gear is made up of three objects : a neck knife with compass and spark rod, an orange bandana, and the main kit.


  • 生存装备分组成:和指南针以及打火棒在一起的一张橘红的大手帕主要工具包

    My survival gear is made up of three objects: a neck knife with compass and spark rod, an orange bandana, and the main kit.


  • 第三介绍客观执行不能产生原因危害分析问题的组成

    The third part introduced the production reason and harm of objective incapability of procedure of execution, namely analyzing question partly.


  • 太阳行星叫做太阳,我们的太阳只是一个由恒星和行星组成的星群里的一小这个太阳大得多,叫银河或者银河

    The sun and its planets are called the solar system, and our solar system is a small part of a much larger Galaxy or the Milky Way.


  • 太阳行星叫做太阳,我们的太阳只是一个由恒星和行星组成的星群里的一小这个太阳大得多,叫银河或者银河

    The sun and its planets are called the solar system, and our solar system is a small part of a much larger Galaxy or the Milky Way.


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