• 用线CCD测量不规则的的形体面积需要测量系统进行精确标定。

    It's necessary to calibrate the linear CCD area measuring system which is used to measure the area of a thin object.


  • 单一仪器提供采样高位分辨率特性,使设计人员能够生成理想波形,以便雷达卫星频率捷变系统进行精确测试

    High sampling rate and high bit resolution provided in a single instrument enable designers to create ideal waveforms for accurate test of radar, satellite and frequency agile systems.


  • 最初进行员工津贴精确计算所需信息保存每个公司工资单系统中。

    The information required to perform precise calculation of an employee's benefits originally was kept in each company's payroll system.


  • 地球上每一栋建筑可以精确定位,基于卫星的全球定位系统将会根据需要来对目标进行精确制导

    The exact location of every building on the planet can be known. And satellite-based global-positioning systems will guide a smart bomb to that location on demand.


  • 利用MDD可以在使您能够进行系统逻辑高层次功能精确规范测试同时大大地减少这些问题

    Using MDD could significantly reduce these problems while enabling more accurate specification and testing of the system's logical high-level functionality.


  • 武器系统不同高度距离进行投放以演示系统射程精确

    The weapons were released from various altitudes and distances from their targets, demonstrating the range and accuracy of the system.


  • 采用这种统一视图,我们就可以精确检索信息无缝地进行企业系统集成因为业务处理过程各种数据源可以通过一种通用的元数据模型相互进行映射

    This unified view allows for precise retrieval of information and seamless enterprise integration, as business processes and various data sources can map to each other through a common meta-model.


  • 打击通用武器数据计划美国海军精确对敌攻击武器项目办公室(PMA 201)发起,主要联合防区外武器(JSOW)鱼叉武器系统进行网络使能数据链能力的升级

    The Strike Common Weapon Data Link Program, sponsored by the U.S.Navy, PMA-201, upgrades the Joint Stand Off Weapon (JSOW) and Harpoon weapon systems with a network enabled data link capability.


  • 辨识结果直接用于某些场合磁悬浮系统运动控制可以此基础进行更为精确在线辨识。

    The results can be used to control the motion of magnetic suspended system directly on some occasion, and provide the precondition for more accurate identification on line also.


  • 精确动力电池剩余电量(SOC)混合动力系统进行动力分配重要依据,也是整车控制降低使用成本的关键。

    Precise state of charge (SOC) of traction battery is a key factor for power distribution of HEV power system, total control of vehicle and cost reduction.


  • NASA地球系统科学探索全球范围大气中二氧化碳的量进行精确测量

    NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder mission, it will make precise measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide on a global scale.


  • 然而,清洗过程中对处在真空系统中的光电阴极表面温度进行精确测量却是非常困难的。

    It is very difficult to measure precisely the surface temperature of a photocathode in a vacuum system during the thermal cleaning.


  • 根据误差模型系数采用软件进行误差补偿,有效地提高了系统精确

    The accuracy of angular displacement was increased greatly by software error compensation according to the error model and parameters.


  • 心电自动分析系统重要功能对心电信号进行精确可靠分析识别

    An important function of automatic analysis system is the analysis and distinguishing to ECG signal accurately and reliably.


  • 这些例子说明进行有效检测,检测系统必须不仅提供印刷焊面积信息应能提供其精确体积高度信息。

    These examples illustrate that to perform an effective solder paste inspection, the inspection system must be able to provide not only area but also accurate volume and height information.


  • 为了确保电力系统建模精确安全稳定分析可靠性进行发电机励磁系统参数辨识测试项重要的工作。

    To ensure the accuracy of power system modeling and reliability of stabilization analysis, it is essential to test the parameters of generator excitation system.


  • 采用形式化方法社区卫生服务系统进行设计能够得到一致的、精确的、简明无歧义规格说明

    When designing with formal approach, the consistent, accurate, concise and unambiguous specification can be obtained for the community health service system.


  • 就是说我们使用系统进行灯光同时还有阴影的解算。这样我们将得到这个场景精确阴影

    This means, we are using both a system for lighting distribution and one for shadow calculation at once, making this probably the most accurate shadows we can get in this scene.


  • 采用平面被动式静电探测系统可以远距离目标进行精确的定位。

    The passive electrostatic detecting system with round array can precisely detect the electrostatic target in a long distance.


  • 第二部分介绍了当存在相对测量系统噪声示波器噪声)电平时,如何进行精确电平信号噪声干扰测量有用提示

    The second part is to introduce the useful prompt to measure the low level signal noise and its disturbance even more accurately when there is rather high noise level in measure system.


  • 借助于先进激光测量技术天线测量系统定位误差进行精确测量加以校正

    The positioning error of the antenna near field measurement system can be exactly measured and corrected by using the advanced laser measurement technology.


  • 同时为了满足工艺设计要求,对铸件本身浇注系统冒口质量进行精确统计。

    At the same time, the weight of castings, riser and gating system is calculated accurately to meet the demand of the process design.


  • 本文分成部分首先使用状态反馈精确线性化方法把输入输出(SISO)系统非线性船舶数学模型进行线性化。

    This paper was divided into two parts. Firstly, the nonlinear mathematic model for ships for single input single output system (SISO) was linearized via exact feedback linearization.


  • 倾斜放大率有助于光学成像系统优化设计,并可以进行成像大小精确计算

    The slantwise magnification can give a help to design of optimized optical image system easily and calculate the size of image accurately.


  • 测试结果表明DSP能源控制系统能够比较精确液压混合动力车的能量消耗分配进行控制,具有好的应用前景

    The test results showed that the DSP energy assembly control system could control the energy consume and assign of of hydraulic hybrid vehicle, and its have a good and applied foreground.


  • 使设计计算结果精确方法简单易行叶栅系统空间结构进行更加详细描述

    This method can be used to make the calculation easier and more accurate and give a mucll detailed description of the spatial structure of the cascade system.


  • 基于智能化测量仪研制,就如何利用VFW实时视频,人工调节计算机判别,方便实现精确调焦进行探讨和研究,为图像测量系统图像的采集处理提供方法。

    The paper discusses how to make use of VFW real-time video to implement precision focus conveniently, adjustde by manual work and distinguish by computer .


  • 基于智能化测量仪研制,就如何利用VFW实时视频,人工调节计算机判别,方便实现精确调焦进行探讨和研究,为图像测量系统图像的采集处理提供方法。

    The paper discusses how to make use of VFW real-time video to implement precision focus conveniently, adjustde by manual work and distinguish by computer .


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