• 今年严重客户雇员资料泄漏事件使得管理者们匆忙仔细检查他们复杂的信息系统业务流程,以寻找可能存在的安全隐患。

    Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.


  • 有关系统管理工具包包含介绍如何分析这些文件其他文章,请参阅参考资料

    See Resources for another article within the System Administration Toolkit that contains information on how to parse these files.


  • Bigtable用于管理结构化数据分布式存储系统(有关更多信息,请参阅参考资料)。

    Bigtable is a distributed storage system for managing structured data (see Resources for more information).


  • 上个学期,四项目分别是:自动化停车库锻炼日志内核管理系统参考资料管理系统

    In previous terms, students implemented software for an automated parking garage, an exercise logbook, a kennel management system, and a reference management system.


  • 上海博物馆采用先进消防安保电化教育、文物图书资料电脑管理楼宇自动化管理系统

    The museum is installed with advanced security and fire alarm systems, multimedia educational facilities, a computerized resources library and building maintenance automation system.


  • 参考资料部分将会找到更多关于Linux管理程序信息链接(开源操作系统丰富区域)。

    In the Resources section, you'll find plenty of links to more information on hypervisors with Linux (a rich area for the open source operating system).


  • Porting toDB2UDB页面包含一些技术参考资料,以及用于其他数据库管理系统迁移到 DB2 UDB 的路线图

    The Porting to DB2 UDB page contains technical resources and a roadmap for migrating to DB2 UDB from other database management systems.


  • Drupal内容管理系统请参阅参考资料开发俱乐部Web站点时,建议俱乐部的管理使用GoogleCalendar维护事件日历

    While developing the club's Web site with the Drupal content-management system (see Resources), I recommended that the club's leaders use Google Calendar to maintain the event calendar.


  • 此外还要考虑一个内容管理系统(CMS),比如Drupal(参考资料)。

    In addition, consider a content management system (CMS), such as Drupal (see Resources).


  • 本文系统功能介绍系统实现方案以及模块设计等几方面阐述市场活动方案资料管理系统的设计与实现。

    This paper describes the system function introduction, system realization scheme, and the design of the modules in the materials managing system of market activity scheme.


  • 管理透视图肯定是不同的,考虑很多服务器会包含存储系统这一潜在因素(要查看更多创建Ceph集群信息参考资料部分)。

    The administrator's perspective will certainly differ, given the potential for many servers encompassing the storage system (see the Resources section for information on creating a Ceph cluster).


  • 他们所说任何新的医疗信息管理技术系统,都必须要带有认知支持功能,以帮助医生病人了弄明白解潮水来袭般的医疗资料

    Any new HIT systems, they say, must include "cognitive support" that helps doctors and patients make sense of the deluge of medical data that will come their way.


  • 方法根据我院“医院药品库存管理系统原始数据资料采用限定剂量销售金额排序进行分析

    METHODS: The analysis was conducted using the method of defined daily use and sequence of consumption sum based on the raw data retrieved from Hospital Drug Inventory Management System.


  • 研制图像资料气象信息管理系统技术关键解决气象PCX图像格式文件获取、保存显示等问题。

    The key to develop the meteorological information management system involving image data is the acquirement, storage and display of the meteorological PCX diagram format file.


  • 负责公司图书资料情报信息管理计算机系统管理技术档案管理

    In charge of the management of the company's books, materials and information, the management of computer system and the management of technical files.


  • 远程网上管理平台系统功能较为完善,包括公告通报、统计分析人员管理年检管理资料修改等几个模块

    The network management system has the perfect functions, which include the bulletin, statistic and analyse, personnel management, annual check and information modification.


  • 网站建立了一个文章管理系统大型水泵产品资料数据库方便用户浏览远程更新数据

    An article management system and a large database of the information of pump production are built in the website for users to view and alter data efficiently.


  • 整个系统中,主要负责客户资料管理模块

    The system as a whole, I mainly responsible for customer data management module.


  • 最后本文以测绘资料管理系统为平台,采用XMLADO

    At last, we successfully set up this data management system by using XML, ADO.


  • 本文简述利用中图这些学科文献资料进行分类管理系统分类的八种方法

    This article briefly introduces eight methods in which these document and material of new subjects can be classified and managed systematically using Chinese Library Classify Method.


  • 内蒙古绒山羊育种信息管理系统为了内蒙古白绒山羊育种资料进行管理分析而开发设计的。

    Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goats Breeding Management Information System is designed for managing and analyzing the data of Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goats Breeding.


  • 气象政策法规调查,收集和研究相关资料提出有利措施全省气象系统进行产业管理

    Investagating meteological policies and regulations, analyzing materials collected to propose favorable measures accessing to efficient management of meteological industry of the province.


  • 能够保留每一台电脑的详细资料以及提供问题传票系统常见问答知识管理等,所有的功能都包含一个紧密结合网页应用程序

    It keeps detailed information about each computer, as well as providing a trouble ticket system, an FAQ system, and a Knowledgebase, which are all interweaved into a seamless web application.


  • 后台数据库管理系统为维护分类资料数据库提供方便,添加删除修改分类信息

    With the help of the database management subsystem, we could add, delete and update the classification information.


  • 信息管理系统负责管理建筑公司所有基本资料

    An information management system, a construction company responsible for the management of all the basic information.


  • 论述了运用计算机进行绘制必要性介绍了应用地管理信息系统软件进行矿图绘制资料管理及其应用的效果

    This paper discusses the necessity of mine charting with computer, introduces the effect of mine chart drawing and data management with the software of terra measure management information system.


  • 论述了运用计算机进行绘制必要性介绍了应用地管理信息系统软件进行矿图绘制资料管理及其应用的效果

    This paper discusses the necessity of mine charting with computer, introduces the effect of mine chart drawing and data management with the software of terra measure management information system.


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