• browse (url url):系统浏览器打开Web站点

    Desktop.browse (url url) : Opens a Web site in the system browser.


  • 视窗浏览器默认系统设定显示这些文档

    The default setting on Windows Explorer will not show these files.


  • 意味一个系统文件标准文件浏览器默认隐藏这种文件。

    This means it's a system file, which standard file browsers tend to hide by default.


  • 对于本地文件系统打开的文件,浏览器根据文件扩展名来猜测MIME类型

    For files opened from your local file system, the browser guesses the MIME type based on the file's extension.


  • 网关安全性方法屏幕操作系统浏览器标准经常改变

    There are constantly changing standards for APIs, gateways, security methods, screens, operating systems, and browsers.


  • 需要具有最新浏览器系统

    You need a system with an up-to-date browser.


  • 未安装系统补丁浏览器保护工具网民访问这些网站可能造成电脑中毒丢失个人隐私信息

    Computers using web browsers without system patches or protecting tools will be infected by the viruses and the computer owners may lose private information when visiting the websites.


  • 多模式应用构架类似于普通网页系统构架浏览器服务器提交请求,服务器返回页面1所示。

    The architecture of multimodal applications is similar to Web applications, where the browser sends a request to the server, and the server responds with pages (see Figure 1).


  • 恼人可能浏览器发出脚本失控警告之前,就耗尽了系统内存,导致浏览器处于停止响应状态

    The annoying thing is that you may reach a memory limit before the long-running script dialog pops up and leave the browser in an unusable state.


  • 另外操作系统漏洞导致浏览器问题不在该计划范围之内

    Bugs that take advantage of vulnerabilities in the base operating system of the computer running the Web browser will also be ineligible.


  • 但是它们作为扩展而本地安装chrome系统浏览器中时,条目将收到访问系统书签特殊权限

    However, when they are installed locally in a browser in its chrome system as an extension, they receive special privileges to access local systems and bookmarks.


  • 重要使用Flash就可以所有操作系统浏览器播放一个视频文件

    Perhaps most important is that with Flash, one video file will play across all browsers on all operating systems.


  • 由于网关需要协调多个系统交互(浏览器认证仓库Web应用……),不能所有进程公开同一label

    Because the Gateway needs to coordinate interactions with several systems (browser, authentication repository, web application...) it cannot expose a single set of labels to all these processes.


  • 一个基于Linux操作系统基于Webkit浏览器

    This is a Linux based operating system and a Webkit based browser.


  • 这种情况恐怕最有可能的,Google不想操作系统浏览器过多分神对Nasdaq投资者来说可不是件好事。

    The latter is more likely, as Google does not want to seem too distracted with operating systems and browsers; this would be a bad signal for the NASDAQ investors.


  • 同时访问者建议的、显示有关改进并且会修复现有guide文档系统浏览器兼容性问题

    At the same time, we'll add a few presentation-related refinements suggested by our visitors, and also fix browser compatibility problems with our existing "guide" documentation system.


  • locale-config元素使得系统能够依据浏览器语言设定找出正确位置。

    The locale-config element enables the system to find the correct locale based on the browser's language settings.


  • AdobeFlashBuilder4最令人兴奋的跨平台浏览器特性允许程序在所有操作系统和所有的浏览器上以同样方式运行

    What makes Adobe Flash Builder 4 so exciting is its cross-platform and cross-browser nature, allowing it to run exactly the same way across all operating systems and all browsers.


  • AdobeFlashPlayer丰富表现力的客户端运行工具,可以发布流媒体点播,并运行主要操作系统浏览器移动电话设备上

    Adobe Flash Player is a highly expressive client runtime that delivers streaming and on Demand digital media across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones, and devices.


  • 本文介绍了如何创建一个系统,可以使浏览器访问任意Web服务

    In this article, I have explained how to create a system that USES your browser to access an arbitrary Web service.


  • 一旦请求通过模板系统输出会返回浏览器

    Once the request has been through the templating system, the output is then returned to the browser. Here's a summary of the process.


  • 然而由于Windows系统IE浏览器IISWord不断爆出漏洞维护Windows环境成本变得越来越昂贵,特别是对于中小型企业

    Thanks to the continuous public vulnerabilities in their Windows OS, Internet Explorer, IIS, and Word it was becoming extremely expensive to maintain a Windows environment, especially for the SMB.


  • 但是这个聪明简化功能大受欢迎,很快针对其他操作系统Mosaic浏览器版本相继问世。

    But Mosaic's smart simplicity caught on, and versions of Mosaic for other operating systems soon appeared.


  • 结果不同浏览器视频格式需要运行不同的浏览器不同的操作系统上。

    The result was that different video formats were needed to work on different browsers and different operating systems.


  • 这些元素存储浏览器文件系统缓存中因此浏览器需要通过网络下载一次这些元素即可。

    These elements are stored in the browser's file system cache so that the browser needs to download them over the network only once.


  • 但是IT行业20年经验老兵施米特喜欢承担数量可观费用来创建维护没有明显回报操作系统浏览器

    But Schmidt, a 20-year veteran of the IT industry, wasn't keen on shouldering the considerable costs of creating and maintaining an OS and browser for no obvious return.


  • 事实上只要操作系统包括了浏览器本身变得并不重要了。

    In fact, the OS wouldn't really matter so long as it included a browser.


  • 我们期待其他操作系统浏览器开发人员一起,为制定标准实现标准而努力。

    We look forward to working with other OS and browser developers on standards activities and even implementations.


  • 自然而然微软形成威胁,因为,家公司已经多个领域形成激烈竞争关系搜索邮件系统浏览器移动操作系统等等

    Naturally, this poses a threat to Microsoft as both companies are already strong competitors in various arenas; search, webmail, browsers, mobile operating systems and so on.


  • 多个浏览器操作系统进行测试显而易见、最全面(当然成本也最高)的方法就是多个浏览器和操作系统进行实际测试

    The most obvious, most thorough—and, generally, the most expensivemethod for testing across multiple browsers and OSes is to actually test across multiple browsers and OSes.


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