• 科学家们警告紧急冷却系统可能失灵反应堆的堆芯熔毁可能发生

    Scientists warned that emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur.


  • 上周发生撞车事件郊区线路驾驶员们就在抱怨安全系统没有完全处于正常运转状态

    As with the suburban line on which last week's crash occurred, drivers complain that safety systems are not fully operational.


  • 史密斯遭遇车祸后,很多善良工作又努力的专业医生关心这些的医术没得他们缺少个护理实际系统,更要命的是没有人史密斯这件事中吸取点教训,后来同样的事故又发生在波士顿,而且造成了更为严重的后果。

    They had every technology available, but they did not have an actual system of care. And the most damning thing is that no one learned a thing from Duane Smith.


  • 向霍华德·科特勒解释,“分析冥想时一个人会通过系统调查分析发生内部改变。”

    "As he explained to Howard Cutler," in analytic meditation, one brings about inner change through systematic investigation and analysis.


  • 向霍华德·科特勒解释,“分析冥想时一个人会通过系统调查分析发生内部改变。”

    As he explained to Howard Cutler, "in analytic meditation, one brings about inner change through systematic investigation and analysis."


  • 在这里并不是里克·佩里站台,不过显然真理人口结构会发生改变可能一代人都能这个系统中拿到自己所付出的还要的钱。

    I am not here to endorse candidate Rick Perry, but the point of his charge is obviously true: each generation can't keep taking more out of the system than it put in, once the demographics change.


  • 许多无辜人们使用黑莓通信系统通知自己亲人注意正在发生事情,”

    "There are plenty of innocent people using BlackBerry messaging to warn their loved ones about what's going on," he said.


  • 一个复杂系统发生矛盾效应,”海尔

    "It's a paradoxical effect that occurs in complex systems," says Helbing.


  • 虽然我们不能肯定由于人类燃烧矿物燃料引起的,但是不可否认,气候系统正在发生灾难性变化

    While it is still not possible to say with certainty that this is caused by human beings burning fossil fuels, it is undeniable that catastrophic changes are going on in the climate system.


  • 吉尔法诺夫:“对于许多天体物理学家来并合图景似乎可能发生因为双白矮星系统看起来太少了。”

    "To many astrophysicists, the merger scenario seemed to be less likely because too few double-white-dwarf systems appeared to exist," said Gilfanov.


  • 几个组织报告正在使用其它供应商系统以及工具发生中断。

    Several organizations reported system outages from other vendors and tools being used.


  • 研究人员虽然身体任何器官系统发育过程最终都会发生同样过程,但这个研究小鼠胚胎脊髓进行的。

    The studies were done in embryonic spinal cord in mice, although the same process ultimately takes place during development of any organ or bodily system, the researchers said.


  • ,2005年7月伦敦交通系统发生爆炸,造成52死亡之后,军情局五处设法补充情报人员,当时这个所谓缺口就被发现了。

    He said the alleged breach occurred when MI5 tried to beef up intelligence in the wake of the July 2005 bombing on London's transit system that killed 52 people.


  • Verma我们本以为由于小鼠的免疫系统受到抑制,我们看到肿瘤发生实际上我们并看到。”

    "We thought we would see tumors because they're immunosuppressed, but we didn't," says Verma.


  • 近年来,时常发生严重航班延迟,导致普遍呼吸系统疾病,甚至有报告,空气污染导致中国居民寿命缩短

    Regular levels of intense smog in recent years have postponed flights, caused widespread respiratory problems and been found to cut years off the lives of the country's citizens.


  • 组织提示饮用被污染导致此类消化系统癌症发生

    The World Health Organization has suggested that the high rate of such digestive cancers are due to the ingestion of polluted water.


  • 麻省理工学院航空航天教授乔纳森·豪未来智能汽车可能采用这种系统帮助司机预见避免可能发生事故

    Jonathan How, the Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, says "smart" cars of the future may use the system to help drivers anticipate and avoid potential accidents.


  • 医生告诉之所以会变老是因为人的身体各个系统的功能发生阻塞,因为动脉中的毛孔堵塞。

    Doctors will tell you that the only reason people grow old is because their systems get clogged. The tiny pores in your arteries get stopped up.


  • 我们在这里进程经常必须等待某些事件发生例如,等待一个磁盘操作终止,等待释放系统资源或者等待时间经过固定间隔

    We'll just say here that a process must often wait for some event to occur, such as for a disk operation to terminate, a system resource to be released, or a fixed interval of time to elapse.


  • 软件带来故障复杂性造成复杂系统可能发生的故障几乎不计其数的。

    He says that the failures resulting from software are created by complexity and that there is an almost infinite number of failures that can occur in a complex system.


  • 由于发生主机服务器所有活动使用操作系统就是,即使攻击者绕过其它某一种或几种安全防御系统他们最终都必须使用操作系统

    All activities on a host or server must use operation system, even if attackers of the future discover ways to circumvent other defenses, they must still use the operation system.


  • 由于发生主机服务器所有活动使用操作系统就是,即使攻击者绕过其它某一种或几种安全防御系统他们最终都必须使用操作系统

    All activities on a host or server must use operation system, even if attackers of the future discover ways to circumvent other defenses, they must still use the operation system.


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