• 记者:“感恩节糟糕回忆是什么?”

    REPORTER: "What about your worst Thanksgiving memory?""


  • 一生糟糕的回忆之一,”告诉曼联视点

    "It was the worst experience I've had in all my life," he told United Review.


  • 再也不想住在那里了,因为处曾经华丽的地方现在来说是糟糕回忆

    He said he no longer wanted to live there because the once-fanciful location now held bad memories for him.


  • 例子是,发生2005年自由学校校车辆轿车相撞的事故之后,当时在现场救援的救火队员到现在依然不能受培根鸡蛋味道,因为这些味道会勾那些糟糕的回忆

    One example happened after the 2005 Liberty school bus crash with a car.Firefighters who worked the scene still can't tolerate the smell of bacon and eggs; the smell brings back the memories.


  • 例子是,发生2005年的自由学校校车辆轿车相撞事故之后,当时在现场救援的救火队员到现在依然不能受培根鸡蛋味道,因为这些味道会勾起那些糟糕的回忆

    One example happened after the 2005 Liberty school bus crash with a car. Firefighters who worked the scene still can't tolerate the smell of bacon and eggs; the smell brings back the memories.


  • 由于这部电影勾起糟糕回忆不能忍受观看

    She cannot bear to watch the film because of the bad memories it brings back.


  • 博劳格后来回忆:“看到那里糟糕状况后,我:‘我们开始种植吧’。”

    Borlaug later recalled, "but after I saw the terrible circumstances there, I said, 'Let's just start growing'."


  • 星期一当成是令人沮丧的典型,于是我们倾向回忆糟糕的星期一。

    Mondays are stereotypically depressing, so we tend to recall the worst Mondays.


  • 去年情形还没有这么糟糕至少孩子们还有他们现在不能靠去年的回忆活着。

    At least the children had something to eat. But they can't eat the memory of last year.


  • 不过这次表面糟糕转折性事件变成幸运的事情:“遇上了有生以来最给力的事情”,乔布斯后来回忆

    Yet this apparently disastrous turn of events turned out to be a blessing: “the best thing that could have ever happened to me”, Mr Jobs later called it.


  • 吸烟者表现糟糕,只能回忆出59%的任务

    Smokers performed badly, remembering just 59 percent of tasks.


  • 烟民表现糟糕,他们只能回忆任务中的59%。

    Smokers performed badly, remembering just 59 per cent of tasks.


  • 作为一个编辑,他勾勒出了自怜自画像,而结束这本超乎寻常家庭回忆奇怪潜流之时,又无法让人信服,真是糟糕了。

    Too bad that an editor did not excise the self-pitying self-portrait that unconvincingly brings to an end the strange undercurrents of this unusual family memoir.


  • 如果知道史蒂夫·乔布斯秘密回忆一下看到Segway scooter原始版本发明家迪恩·卡门建议:“觉得糟糕,”说道

    If you want to know the secret of Steve Jobs, recall his advice to inventor Dean Kamen upon seeing the original version of the Segway scooter: "I think it sucks," he said.


  • 彼得霍尔爵士说:“奇怪,如此糟糕舞台却带给人们如此伟大作品的回忆。”本人剧院的记忆1946年彼得布鲁克的《爱情急转弯》开始

    It's curious that such a dreadful theatre holds such memories of great events,” says Sir Peter Hall, whose own begin with Peter Brook'sLove's Labour's Lost” in 1946.


  • 另外只要觉察自己可能回忆糟糕最好过去某个事件例子这一情况。

    Also, simply be aware that you are likely to recall the best or worst past example of an event.


  • 结果这些推测如果一天后来错过列车他们感觉就要那些回忆不那么具有灾难性地错失列车经历的人们糟糕

    As a result they then predicted that if they were to miss the train later that day they would feel worse than did other people who had recalled less disastrous times they had missed the train.


  • 主场球迷会很高兴回忆起西布朗近年做客曼切斯特的糟糕表现。

    The home support will be glad to recall that Albion's recent record in Manchester has been poor.


  • 一方面,仔细分析痛苦回忆(一次糟糕分手失业)从中学习,好让自己迅速翻篇增加幸福感

    On the other hand, deliberately analyzing painful memories (a bad breakup, a job layoff) to make sense of them and get past them increases happiness.


  • 比如说10恋情结束了,留下了10年的美好回忆糟糕回忆、未兑现承诺、各种喜悦痛苦,凡是能数出来的都需要应对

    Take a 10-year relationship that's ended, for example: there's 10 years of good memories, bad memories, lost commitments, joy, hurt - you name it - to try to deal with.


  • 看着感动家庭照片物品主动回忆你们过去有过最美好糟糕时刻。另外,努力记住他们做的

    Look at family photos and possessions that affect you, actively recall the best and the worst moments you had together, and try to remember your dreams about them.


  • 去年情形没有这么糟糕至少孩子们还有吃的,他们现在不能靠去年回忆活着

    Last year it wasn't this bad. At least the children had something to eat. But they can't eat the memory of last year.


  • 那些过往珍贵记忆全部都可以厨房一角发光循环播放这样一来,老爸就可以一边一边看照片,回忆曾经的土气发型以及糟糕无尾燕尾服扮相了。

    All those treasured memories, playing on loop on a glowing screen in the corner of the kitchen, so Dad can enjoy a sequence of bad haircuts and worse tuxedos while he chops vegetables.


  • 最好能留给一个情意绵绵回忆糟糕拥有你的许多机密从而成为你危险敌人

    At best a wistful memory, at worst a dangerous enemy who is in possession of many of your deepest secrets.


  • 最好能留给一个情意绵绵回忆糟糕拥有你的许多机密从而成为你危险敌人

    At best a wistful memory, at worst a dangerous enemy who is in possession of many of your deepest secrets.


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