• 部电影于2020年1月上映。中国女排不仅是一支具有竞争力的体育队伍,还展现了拼搏和永不放弃的精神

    The film hit the screen in January, 2020. The Chinese women's volleyball team not only is a competitive sports team but also shows the spirit of struggling and never giving up.


  • 指导全区交通体制改革交通行业职工队伍建设、行业精神文明建设。

    To guild the system reform of regional transportation sector, to guild the building of employee forces and spiritual civilization in the transportation sector.


  • 指导全省交通体制改革交通行业职工队伍建设、行业精神文明建设。

    To guild the system reform of provincial transportation sector, to guild the building of employee forces and spiritual civilization in the transportation sector.


  • 精神紧张但是率领着队伍前进

    I was nervous, but I led the parade onward.


  • 队伍最深印象每个人都具有很高职业精神

    The one thing I will remember most about this team is the professionalism of the athletes.


  • 应该看到救灾不仅依赖信心勇气团结精神依赖专业救援队伍技术配置

    It should be noted that not only rely on relief confidence, courage and a spirit of solidarity, but also rely on the professional rescue teams and technical configuration.


  • 应当看到救灾不但依赖信心勇气团结精神依赖专业救援队伍技术配置

    It should be noted that not only rely on relief confidence, courage and a spirit of solidarity, but also rely on the professional rescue teams and technical configuration.


  • 建立一支团结具有高度专业素质奉献精神具备强烈社会责任感员工队伍

    Establish a united team of employees who possess not only professional quality and utter devotion but also a strong sense of responsibility.


  • 欧文斯夫妇一直负责管理这座公园地区最大城市皮卡设有间办公室他们已经有了一支60人富有主动精神武装巡视员队伍他们负责提供训练、膳食服装

    The Owenses, operating out of the park and out of an office in Mpika, the largest town in the area, had trained, fed, clothed, and armed about sixty motivated scouts in the park.


  • 探讨护理人力资源有限条件下如何提高医院护理队伍团队精神

    To explore how to improve the team spirits of nursing staff in hospital in the conditions of currently limited nursing paramedics.


  • 公司拥有技术素质富有创造性敬业精神专业科技开发管理队伍

    The company has a group of technology strong, high quality, and very creative and professional spirit of professional scientific and technical development and management team.


  • 失败队伍握手体现了良好体育精神

    Shaking hands with the losing team shows good sportsmanship.


  • 赛场可以看到,不管成功失败,我们一支团结队伍就是穆帅带给球队精神

    We should fight as team and die as a team and that is the spirit I can see on the field of play, which has been engendered by Mourinho.


  • 普瑞盛拥有一支富有拼搏精神专业队伍临床运营团队具有临床医学药学护理学背景

    GCP is of a well trained professional team. All the operation team members have various professional backgrounds of clinical medicine, pharmacy or nursing etc.


  • 公司拥有一支成熟具有开拓精神管理技术队伍其中高级职称15中级职称93人,拥有高中级技师60人。

    The company has a mature and a pioneering spirit of the management and technical team, including 15 senior titles, 93 intermediate grade, middle and high-ranking technician with 60 people.


  • 团队是在共同利益基础上实现企业利益最大化建立起来具有技能互补性富有团结协作精神员工队伍

    Team are the basis of common interests, in order to maximize the benefits and realize enterprise set up with complementary skills and the rich spirit of unity and coordination staff.


  • 采用日本进口雕刻,先进生产设备,一支具有高素质专业精神的人员队伍,专业生产各类精密产品满足顾客各种品质要求

    Engraving machine imported from Japan member of high quality with professional spirits shaping a wide range of high and precious products meeting requirements of clients.


  • 尤文门神布冯谈到队伍求胜精神气质,谈到了自己在对卡利亚里时的表现。

    Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon talked about the character and winning spirit of the team, as well as his own display against Cagliari.


  • 三十几岁的时候纽约,我化了几个的时间外出寻找治疗无家可归精神病人队伍工作

    When I was in my early thirties, I spent several months working with an outreach team treating the homeless mentally in NewYork City.


  • 公司积累多年生产经验设备齐全技术力量雄厚拥有批专业技术富有敬业精神的研发管理队伍

    The company has accumulated years of production experience, well-equipped, strong technical force, has a rich expertise and professionalism of the research and development and management team.


  • 积极开展健康有益文体活动加强精神文明建设切实加强领导队伍建设

    We'll actively develop recreational and sports activities good for health, promote the cultural and ideological progress, and practically strengthen the construction of leaders and troops.


  • 目的了解精神护理教育现状分析其原因,为精神科护理队伍培养人才使用提供科学依据

    Objective to determine the current status and causes of psychiatric nursing education, and to provide reference for the training and use of psychiatric nursing talents.


  • 一流大学学科建设明确定位人才队伍建设入手营造浓郁学术氛围而且要有团队精神

    Disciplines construction in first-class universities should be clear in position, start from personnel construction, and create a strong academic atmosphere.


  • 我院党建精神文明建设取得了丰硕成果,职工队伍和谐

    Party building and spiritual civilization activity in our Institute had also achieved fruitful results and a harmonious workforce.


  • 激发了医院护理队伍团队精神提高了护理工作效率地位建成一支高素质的护理队伍重要意义。

    It is very important to improve the team spirits of nursing staff in hospital for both promoting the efficiency and status of nursing...


  • 激发了医院护理队伍团队精神提高了护理工作效率地位建成一支高素质的护理队伍重要意义。

    It is very important to improve the team spirits of nursing staff in hospital for both promoting the efficiency and status of nursing...


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