• 坚持认为超出我们物质世界经验一种理想的精神现实的,可以把握直觉

    It maintains that beyond our material world of experience is an ideal spiritual reality that can be grasped intuitively.


  • 发现不仅丰富了叶芝世俗精神现实看法积极地改变了艺术创作过程理解

    The discovery that his daimon was female not only enlarged Yeats's understanding of temporal and spiritual reality but also radically transformed his interpretation of the aesthetic process.


  • 绘画人类一种造型语言绘画的历史就是人类用视觉形象精神现实加以肯定的历史。

    Painting is a form of human language and the history of painting and visual image of the human spirit to affirm the reality of history.


  • 工作此时此刻不仅仅是宽泛的整体方式同时也是指一种细致的方式,这种方式理解患者分析师精神现实息息相关。

    By working in the here and now I mean this in a broad, global way but also in a minute way, and it is related to my understanding of psychic reality in the patient and the analyst.


  • 作品总体目标是描绘灵魂精神世界而不是反映具体现实

    The overall goal of her work has been to depict the world of the soul and the spirit, not to mirror concrete reality.


  • 虽然当时可能明显,但这部作品充满了浪漫主义逃避现实精神,这华兹华斯等容易理解的。

    While it probably wasn't apparent at the time, much of this work is permeated by a spirit of romantic escapism that the likes of Wordsworth would have readily understood.


  • 因此他们相信梦境来源于做梦灵魂出窍后所观察到深层的现实,而精神分析师则倾向于把梦境看作是做梦者无意识精神状态的产物。

    They thus believe that the source of dreams is a deeper reality outside the psyche of the dream, whereas analysts tend to view dreams as the product of the unconscious mental life of the dreamer.


  • 新的地图集调查结果反映持续存在现实全世界认为精神卫生保健公共卫生一项优先

    The new Atlas findings reflect the ongoing reality that the world still considers mental health care as a low priority within public health.


  • 他们一些东西,不是——情绪上的,精神上的或者智力上奖赏甚或现实增值奖赏,比如更好人际网络工作接触.

    Pay them with something other than money--like an emotional, spiritual, or intellectual reward or even a practical value-added reward like better networking or job contacts?


  • 相应地我们多次拖延只是因为一旦做件工作要很久以后才能现实好处这样很难集中精神这件工作上。

    Accordingly, there are times when we procrastinate simply because it is difficult for us to concentrate on a project, the benefits of which will not be realized until some time in the future.


  • 我们越来越多地听到说精神进化正在到来,而许多方面我们仍然生活在一个非常现实低下肮脏世界中,让人感觉正在假肢参加万米组织(10k)的竞赛

    As much as we hear a spiritual evolution is at hand, in many ways we still live in a very physical, down and dirty world. It can feel like you are competing in a 10k with a bum leg.


  • 看到一方面不怀好意的活力幻想相加,一方面则重申美国仁慈社区精神加上十分现实数字

    On one side you had a combination of mean-spiritedness and fantasy; on the other you had a reaffirmation of American compassion and community, coupled with fairly realistic numbers.


  • 这样一来,面对这样的残酷现实一个人的思考创造性思维开拓精神很可能因为追求可被量化分数证书的而遏制了

    One's thought, creative thinking and exploration spirit, therefore, have been stifled by pursing measurable high scores and various certificates when confronting this harsh reality.


  • 一旦通往社会意识之门打开企业精神贯穿于其间,改变就成为现实

    Once the door to social consciousness is opened, bring the spirit of your company through it to affect change.


  • 在网络是个名副其实天才现实中不是的话我会不会精神失常?

    Sure, I'm a veritable genius when I'm on the grid, but am I mentally crippled when I'm not?


  • 话说,如果没有产生现实主义的乐观精神神经机制可能所有人类都会患有中度忧郁

    In other words, in the absence of a neural mechanism that generates unrealistic optimism, it is possible all humans would be mildly depressed.


  • 精神疾病预防精神健康的促进科学是可行的。 现在时机成熟时候科学变为现实

    Prevention of mental illness and promotion of mental healthare scientifically feasible, and the time is ripe to transferthe science into practice.


  • 要说这个世界上已经有足够的悲观心态现实主义了。世界不需要更多消极和“不可能”思维者。世界需要更多的积极乐观,鼓励引导,和精神激励。

    I say there are enough pessimists and "realists" in the world. The world doesn't need more negativity and impossible thinkers. The world needs more optimists, encouragers, and inspirers.


  • 噩梦经常伴随着现实生活中的大事例如搬家或者当做嫌疑犯受到精神打击。

    Nightmares are often brought on by a real-life event, such as moving to a new place, or a trauma, such as being the victim of a crime.


  • 认为自己所受的专业训练使拥有一双充满怀疑精神眼睛能够顺利做出现实选择的能力。

    He thinks this training has given him a sceptical eye and a willingness to make tough-minded decisions.


  • 相反针对意识精神尼采名“现实主义者。”

    Nietzsche by contrast is a realist about consciousness and mind.


  • 专家们认为精神分裂症是令人困惑心理障碍,这种障碍会使患者失去理性区分现实幻想能力

    Experts consider this the most puzzling of mental disorders, one which robs the sufferer of the ability to logically distinguish between reality and fantasy.


  • 所有这些心理精神磨练成为现实伪造不出的。

    And like all such mental or spiritual gymnastics, this has to be real: it cannot be faked.


  • 涉及理财时,自控能力显得如此重要原因不是道德精神层面上而是现实的事。

    The reason self-control is so important when it comes to your finances isn't a moral or spiritual thing; it's a practical thing.


  • 涉及理财时,自控能力显得如此重要原因不是道德精神层面上而是现实的事。

    The reason self-control is so important when it comes to your finances isn't a moral or spiritual thing; it's a practical thing.


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