• 或者,把这天当作一周中不循规蹈矩一天仅仅意味着需要更多睡眠——由于身体需要——而不顾还很兴奋精神心灵以及二者多么清醒渴望

    Or, perhaps, thinking it was the wrong day of the week just meant I needed to sleep more-according to my body-regardless of how excited my mind and spirit are, and how the two always want to be awake.


  • 我们活在两个精神世界中清醒,生活在行为身体上有序合理线性规矩约束

    We all live two mental lives. When we are awake it is mostly ordered, rational, linear and bounded by rules, both behavioural and physical.


  • 这样解释还有一个问题我们醉酒以后进入那种清醒状态平行的精神状态并不一定是相同的。

    The problem with the expectations explanation is that we're not reliably shifted into the same parallel state of consciousness.


  • 就是阴阳平衡,”范德堡大学的精神病学家马丁表示。指出,和不喝咖啡酗酒相比,喝咖啡的酗酒者容易保持清醒

    'It's a Yin and Yang effect,' says Vanderbilt's Dr. Martin, an addiction psychologist who also notes that former alcoholics who drink coffee are more apt to stay sober than those who don't.


  • 每天早晨8点以后的两个小时里,志愿者们要做为时30分钟的神经行为测试以检测精神警觉性清醒程度,其中包括10分钟的精神警惕性实验(检测注意力和反应时间)。

    They included a 10-minute "Psychomotor Vigilance Test" that monitors attentiveness and reaction times.


  • 也许应该早晨去探望罗宾那时更多精神头儿清醒的。

    Maybe I should visit Robin in the morning, when she'll have more energy and be more awake.


  • 德国慕尼黑马普研究所精神专家们认为大脑扫描仪已经证实可以观察清醒”——指能够控制自己梦境所做的

    Psychiatrists at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, Germany think have already demonstrated that brain scanners can see into the dreams of "lucid dreamers" - people who can control their dreams.


  • 我们中的许多人基本上就是严重生理精神迷雾中梦游般地度过一个个早晨绝望地狂饮咖啡只想让自己清醒哪怕那么一小下。

    Many of us virtually sleepwalk through the morning in a serious mental and physical fog, desperately plying ourselves with coffee in an attempt to wake up!


  • 玩家游戏主角“中川新闻发布会上回答提问时保持清醒暂时打个盹养足精神

    In a new cellphone game, players can wake a likeness of Nakagawa as he fields questions at a press conference, or allows him to sneak in short naps to build up energy.


  • 随同自我发现以及整个游历而的,硕士学位,是两个出生不同的了不起的孩子,以及清醒节制的生活和精神完满

    I have a master's degree, two amazing children (born in different states), sobriety, and a spiritual completeness that comes from finding oneself and coming full circle.


  • 如果需要瞌睡之后马上清醒很好的方法,你可以马上睡眠醒来精神百倍地投入工作

    This is great if you instantly need to be on the move after a nap, and you can bounce out of your sleeping state and jump into work feeling refreshed and energised.


  • 这些步骤之后在精神清醒起来。让我们这些信息传达其他酒瘾者。用这些步骤来处理我们身边所有

    Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


  • 妻子发现在即很难保持清醒的状态精神集中

    My wife is finding it difficult to stay awake and concentrate.


  • 这里保持头脑清醒便显得尤为重要团队精神的重要性。

    Here it becomes very important to keep our head on our shoulder.


  • 现在头脑清醒重振精神已经参加职业康复计划做好了充分准备。

    With a clear mind and renewed spirit he was now entirely ready to enter a program of career recovery.


  • 精神病医生斯蒂芬·伯奇研究清醒做梦专家

    Psychiatrist Stephen LaBerge is an expert on lucid dreaming.


  • 保持自己身体强健头脑清醒精神正直

    To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.


  • 格子昏厥症”:早晨醒来感觉精神百倍,走进工作场所疲惫感便席卷全身,结果工作一整天难以保持清醒

    Cubicle Coma: When you wake up and feel engergized but as soon as you enter the work place, a wave of exhaustion runs over you and you have trouble staying awake for the rest of your work day.


  • 是个梦想家清醒的时候,不能破坏精神。你带走的,只是我的

    I'm a dreamer and when I wake, you can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.


  • 每一个清醒时刻甚至睡觉的时候,一刻不停地奉献自己身体上还有精神的。

    In every waking moment and even in my sleep, unceasingly I pursue this work of offering myself, physically and mentally.


  • 繁忙时来苦荞茶,让头脑清醒精神振作,给开始

    When busy, have a cup of F. tataricum, it will clear your mind, make you energetic and grant you a good beginning.


  • 狂人作者塑造一个奇特复杂艺术形象精神品格具有清醒启蒙主义者、勇猛的反封建战士特征,同时还具有反叛意识自审精神

    Madman is a singular and complicated figure portrayed by the author. His spiritual character and morals have the features of a sober enlightener and an anti-feudal fighter full of valour and vigour.


  • 这么做精神变得很清醒

    By doing this, I can refresh my mind.


  • 必须他们保持清醒的头脑,防守球员90分钟里高度集中精神不犯一个错误容易的。”“有人大喊一声或许有时候他们有所帮助。”

    You have to keep them awake, but I feel it's not easy for a defender to have to concentrate for 90 minutes and you can't afford to make a mistake.


  • 为了掩饰自己之后作为13完全清醒精神振奋头脑清晰精力充沛继续工作

    To wake up themselves, as long as a number from 1 to 3, you will be fully awake, in high spirits, clear-eyed and energetic way to continue your work.


  • 慕尼黑马克思·普朗克研究所精神病学研究者Martin Dresler同事们为了研究招募了清醒做梦人

    To study them, Martin Dresler, of the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, in Munich, and his colleagues recruited a group of what are known as lucid dreamers.


  • 慕尼黑马克思·普朗克研究所精神病学研究者Martin Dresler同事们为了研究招募了清醒做梦人

    To study them, Martin Dresler, of the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, in Munich, and his colleagues recruited a group of what are known as lucid dreamers.


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