• 战争压力暂时使精神错乱

    The stress of war temporarily unhinged him.


  • 他谈到,我们能力迎接挑战不只是计划政策重要的一种精神,我们先辈正是在同一精神力量的指引战胜了战争萧条以及恐惧本身

    More than any program or policy, it is this spirit that will enable us to confront this challenge with the same spirit that has led previous generations to face down war, depression and fear itself.


  • 一事故致使人们对战争美国士兵精神状况产生质疑以及战争中给予美国士兵精神关怀是否有效产生质疑。

    The incident raised questions regarding the mental toll that the war has taken on U.S. soldiers and the quality of mental health care available to them.


  • 一事故致使人们对战争美国士兵精神状况产生质疑以及战争中给予美国士兵的精神关怀是否有效产生质疑。

    The incident raised questions regarding the mental toll that the war has taken on U. S. soldiers and the quality of mental health care available to them.


  • 美国步兵虽然需要过于奢侈后勤支持,但是法国进行顽强的战斗,他们精神饱满,营养充足战争所吓倒。 正译:美国步兵虽然需要过于奢侈的后勤支持,但是在法国进行了顽强的战斗他们精神饱满,营养充足,还没受到战争的创伤。

    The U.S. infantryman, while requiring far too luxurious logistical support, put up a nice fight in France; he was fresh well-fed, and unscarred by battle.


  • 我们正处在美国灵魂全面道德精神内战之中,美国历史记录处在这场战争核心地位。”如此说到

    "We're in an all-out moral and spiritual civil war for the soul of America, and the record of American history is right at the heart of it," he said.


  • 再次回到巴格达不是作为战争旅游者,让眼睛逐渐适应那么精神创伤所上的狭长阴影想不那么却是一件困难事情。

    I haven't returned to Baghdad to be a war tourist, attuning my eyes to the many long shadows cast by trauma, but it's difficult not to do just that.


  • 格雷夫斯明确表达战争结果,精神心灵双重创伤而且从官方冰冷保守的报告揭示了战争真实体验

    Graves expressed so clearly the aftermath of combat, the wounds to the mind and soul. And he told of the actual experience in chilling understatement.


  • 20世纪里,人类创造了前所未有的巨大物质精神财富同时惨遭战争劫难和战争威胁之苦。

    Mankind has created hitherto unknown material and spiritual wealth in the 20th century, but has also been subjected to the scourge of wars and the threat of war.


  • 战争基本精神我军指导思想性质宗旨职能传统内在相通,我军运用战争法的现实根据

    The basic spirit of the law of war has inner relation with the guiding thought, essence, aim, function and tradition of our army, and it is the practical root to apply the law of war.


  • 战争使得作家因此失去家园流亡者生活使她们加深了对故乡的思念地域文化成为作家在战争语境下的一精神依托

    The wars led the writers to the loss of their homes, and their refugee lives made them miss their homes very much, and the region culture became their spiritual support under the war circumstances.


  • 评价:没有战乱纷争,这些照片仿佛战争中的一个停顿,它质疑这场战争合理性,它是对人精神摧残,更不要说它那无情地对生命掠夺。

    Instead his images seem to ask: What is the point of this war, and is it worth the toll on our spirit, not to mention the loss of so much life?


  • 1964年的越南战争奖励其今年早些时候战争中表现出来英雄精神,来自纽约索哲提斯的陆军上尉罗杰尔·堂伦授予此次战争中的第一荣誉勋章

    1964 - Vietnam War: For his heroism in battle earlier in the year, Captain Roger Donlon of Saugerties, New York is awarded the first Medal of Honor of the war.


  • 最后我们弘扬亚运精神,“友谊第一比赛第二”,不管输赢,我们都要和平共处,反对战争

    Finally, we must carry forward the spirit of the Asian Games, "Friendship first, competition second", regardless of winning or losing, we must coexist peacefully against the war!


  • 最后我们弘扬亚运精神,“友谊第一比赛第二”,不管输赢,我们都要和平共处,反对战争

    Finally, we must carry forward the spirit of the Asian Games, "Friendship first, competition second", regardless of winning or losing, we must coexist peacefully against the war!


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