• 精神分裂症常见症状之一幻听

    One of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia is hearing imaginary voices.


  • 精神分裂症认为照顾不周造成的。

    Schizophrenia was thought to be due to poor mothering.


  • 诊断偏执精神分裂症患者

    He was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic.


  • 精神分裂症不是普遍认为的“分裂了精神”。

    Schizophrenia is not a "split mind" as is popularly believed.


  • 毕业之后精神分裂症专家尤金·布鲁勒手下工作。

    After graduating, he worked under schizophrenia expert Eugene Bleuler.


  • 应用高压液相放免分析法测定精神分裂症病人一级健康亲属血清高香草酸HVA)、FSHLH睾酮TS)浓度。

    Serum homovanillic acid (HVA), FSH, LH and testosterone (TS) were examined in healthy first degree relatives of schizophrenic patients.


  • 全世界5400万精神分裂症双相情感障碍(躁狂忧郁症严重精神疾患患者

    There are nearly 54 million people around the world with severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder (manic-depressive illness),.


  • 科学家们已经发现那些同胞兄妹患有精神分裂症人们脑电图波形正常人之间细微差别

    Scientists have found that a type of EEG (electroencephalography) brain wave is slightly different in people who have siblings with schizophrenia, compared with that seen in the general population.


  • 假设一个精神分裂症忽然听到一连串杂音,坏人;他可以看看心理在做什么

    Say a person with schizophrenia starts hearing a cacophony of voices telling him that he is a bad person; he could look at his psych dog to see what it is doing.


  • 提到职业时,有人寻求意见对抗易抑郁症,也有人家人患有精神分裂症向他请教

    When he mentioned his profession, one man wanted Duckworth's opinion on his struggles with depression; another asked for advice on a family member's schizophrenia.


  • 所有证据因特网上容易就能找到,都表明Loughner可能患有精神疾病比如精神分裂症

    All of this evidence, which is easily accessible on the Internet, points to the possibility that Loughner may be suffering from a mental illness like schizophrenia.


  • 尽管有他们担忧委员会同意精神分裂症双相疾病我们需要更多选择治疗这些疾病

    Despite their concerns, the committee was in agreement that schizophrenia and bipolar mania disorder are serious illnesses and that more options to treat these conditions are needed.


  • 大规模基因猎获中国际精神分裂症研究人员将目光锁定几种藏有精神分裂症之谜变异上。

    In a massive gene hunt, three groups of international schizophrenia researchers have zeroed in on several mutations that harbor some of the secrets of schizophrenia.


  • 专家们认为精神分裂症令人困惑心理障碍,这种障碍会使患者失去理性区分现实幻想能力

    Experts consider this the most puzzling of mental disorders, one which robs the sufferer of the ability to logically distinguish between reality and fantasy.


  • 举例来说,作者讨论发现产妇压力已经增加男婴患精神分裂症并且可能改变胎儿脑部生长联系一起。

    For example, the authors discuss findings where maternal stress has been associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia in male offspring and may alter fetal brain growth.


  • 11号18号染色体上,我们发现重大变异有关的证据帮助说明精神分裂症思维和记忆缺陷

    It also found significant evidence of association with variation on chromosomes 11 and 18 that could help account for the thinking and memory deficits of schizophrenia.


  • 国际精神分裂症协会实施这项研究精神分裂症患者SNP模式其他疾病患者染色体作了对比

    The study conducted by the International Schizophrenia Consortium also compared the SNP patterns in schizophrenia patients and the genomes of people with other diseases.


  • 普通精神档案室进行的研究致力于检查新生儿维生素D缺乏精神分裂症发生率之间联系

    This new study, featured in the Archives of General Psychiatry, aimed to examine the association of neonatal vitamin D status and incidence of schizophrenia.


  • 表示虽然人们很难做到产前杜绝感染,一研究成果还是预防治疗精神分裂症提供了依据

    While complete eradication is highly unlikely, Brown says, the finding has implications for prevention and treatment (see Can Infection-Related Schizophrenia Be Prevented?).


  • 研究结果可能我们理解精神分裂症一类的神精精神里才会发现显著脑部异常重要功能

    The results could have implications for understanding the functional significance of a prominent brain abnormality observed in neuropsychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia.


  • 近来项研究显示冬季新生儿夏季新生儿容易患上精神分裂症抑郁症季节情感紊乱症(SAD)。

    Several recent studies have suggested that winter-born babies are more likely than summer ones to develop conditions such as schizophrenia, depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).


  • 他们观察到,不仅变异总量上,而且在具体基因缺失上精神分裂症患者数目变异明显超过躁郁症患者

    They observed a significant excess of variations in those with schizophrenia compared with those who had bipolar disorder both for total number of variations and for gene deletions specifically.


  • 也许是因为能够让他们感觉更舒服众所周知尼古丁能够短暂的改善精神分裂症患者的严重的神经认知损害

    It may be because it makes them feel better. Nicotine is known to transiently improve several neurological and cognitive impairments in patients with schizophrenia.


  • 精神分裂症被认为至少是部分遗传所以那些同胞兄妹患病患有精神分裂症风险便会轻微增加

    Schizophrenia is thought to be at least partly inherited, so the siblings of people who have the condition have a slightly increased risk of also developing the disorder.


  • 通过他们谢赫行为描述彼得能够“99%肯定”地推断患有某种精神错乱症可能燥郁症或是精神分裂症

    From their description of Shaikh's behaviour, Shaapveld was able to deduce with "99% certainty" that he was suffering from a mental disorder that could either be bipolar or schizophrenia.


  • 这项技术已经用于探测不同病人神经回路,比如:抑郁症患者阅读障碍者、精神分裂症患者许多其他神经状况

    The technique has been used to explore the neural circuitry of people suffering from depression, dyslexia, schizophrenia, and a host of other neurological conditions.


  • 卡夏告诉精神新闻》,这些发现临床产生一定意义,介于33%具有幻听精神分裂症患者过去治疗阻抗。

    These discoveries may have clinical implications for the approximately 33 percent of schizophrenia patients whose auditory hallucinations are resistant to treatment, Cachia told Psychiatric News.


  • 随着更多相关变异得到识别,研究人员能够清楚精神分裂症原因,而不会钉死几种基因,或一种生理途径上

    As more related variants are identified, it has become clear to researchers that the cause of schizophrenia will never be pinned on one or several genes or one physiological pathway.


  • 供职哈佛大学医学院研究精神分裂症其他神经系统疾病40余年的约瑟夫·科伊尔,早期开始职业生涯路径

    Joseph Coyle, with Harvard Medical School, who has studied schizophrenia and other neurological disorders for more than 40 years, was drawn into his career path early on.


  • 科学家们没有引入占星术倾向他们确信从某种健康状况例如精神分裂症到好奇心此类人格特质出生月份有关系。

    Scientists don't tend to buy into astrology, yet they've established that certain conditions such as schizophrenia, and even personality traits such as novelty seeking, are linked to birth months.


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