• 他们奉献自己精力技能并且承诺致力于患者弱者老年人

    They give their energy, their skill, and their commitment to working with the sick, the infirm, and the elderly.


  • 只要愿意投入时间精力培养技能,那么你应该事。

    You can always do what you should do if you're willing to put in the time and energy to develop a new set of skills.


  • 为了保住工作人们大量精力投入工作当中, 把上学时学到的知识和技能用尽了,也没工作热情

    People have to put a lot of effort into their work to get their job secured, using up stock of knowledge they’ve got from previous education and losing enthusiasm for work.


  • 求职信里简要地说明最近工作空档但是同时也应该强调一直不断提高更新自己的职业技能,也足够的精力回到工作中

    Use your cover letter to briefly explain your recent gap, but emphasize that you have kept your skills up-to-date and are energized to return to the workforce.


  • 是否有足够时间精力学习DIY所需技能

    Do you have the time and energy to learn needed skills to do it yourself?


  • Autor教授希望鼓励政策是,精力集中于增进技能增多就业机会两个方面

    The policy debate that Professor Autor hopes to encourage would focus on efforts to both increase skills and improve job-market opportunities.


  • 这种更衣室谈话不是随便闲聊而是一个需要时间精力某种技能项目

    This "locker room talk" was not idle chatter, but a project that required time, effort and a certain kind of skill.


  • 时间精力管理聪明人必备技能,他们更知道怎样充分利用资源最小化压力

    Time and energy management is a skill all truly smart people quickly learn to manage to make the most out of life, minimize stresses.


  • 一项调查显示成千上万的会花时间精力来掌握技能技术,这样他们就业市场保持有利地位提高他们机会

    An investigation shows that millions of people spend time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market or enhance their opportunities.


  • 是否过多精力自身技能才干中的一种特殊缺陷磨损

    Is too much of your energy being consumed by a particular shortcoming in your skills or abilities?


  • 期间雇员应当为了公司,尽全部时间精力技能努力履行职责

    During the Term, the Employee shall devote his full time, attention, skill and efforts to the performance of his duties for the Campany.


  • 我们周围一切都人生道路上在我们前面技能劳动精力所带来的。

    Everything around us is due to the skill, labor and energy of those who went before us along the road of life.


  • 人力资源就是精力技能能力知识用于能够用于生产货物或提供有用服务

    Human Resources are the energies, skills, talents and knowledge of people which are, or which potentially can be applied to the production of goods or rendering useful services.


  • 为了保住工作人们大量精力投入工作当中,把上学时学到的知识和技能用尽了,也没工作热情

    People have to put a lot of effort into their work to get their job secured, using up stock of knowledge they've got from previous education and losing enthusiasm for work.


  • 手艺人技能精力坚韧不拔精神,完全可以象他们使用工具器械那样,看作国家财富一部分

    The skill, and the energy and perseverance, of the artisans of a country, are reckoned part of its wealth, no less than their tools and machinery.


  • 精力年龄增长,都 具有生活技能不相适应

    The vigor and increase of its life has been altogether out of proportion to its skill in living.


  • 如果一个人他可以用尽所有时间精力让自己的技能事业变得完美可以疯狂地去擅长一件喜欢的事情。

    Just realize that if someone dedicates enough time and attention to perfecting a skill or trade, they can be insanely good at doing something they don't like to do.


  • 如果一个人他可以用尽所有时间精力让自己的技能事业变得完美可以疯狂地去擅长一件喜欢的事情。

    Just realize that if someone dedicates enough time and attention to perfecting a skill or trade, they can be insanely good at doing something they don't like to do.


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