• 联合国粮农组织认为中东地区本世纪就将出现严重缺水现象

    The Food and Agriculture Organization believes that at the end of this century, a serious water shortage phenomenon will appear in the Middle East.


  • 粮农组织认为遗传工程具有帮助提高农业林业渔业产量生产力潜力

    FAO recognizes that genetic engineering has the potential to help increase production and productivity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.


  • 联合国粮农组织认为藜麦可以用于消除饥饿养活不断增长世界人口

    The U. n. Food and Agriculture Organization believes that quinoa can be used to fight hunger, and feed a growing world population.


  • 粮农组织认为特别是杨树间作系统农场增加封存的最佳土地利用方式。

    And the combination of poplar and wheat in particular is a good land-use option for increased carbon sequestration in farms, according to FAO.


  • 粮农组织认为,可通过增加公共供资公共部门私营部门之间对话来满足需要

    FAO proposes that this need be addressed through increased public funding and dialogue between the public and private sectors.


  • 粮农组织认为各国武断地禁止进口来自未发生疫情国家禽类产品使国际市场更易遭受价格冲击

    Countries arbitrarily banning the import of poultry products from non-infected countries are increasing the vulnerability of international global markets to price shocks, FAO said.


  • 我们粮农组织认为农业部门必须带头通过确定雨育田保墒农田灌溉有效办法应对短缺问题。

    We at FAO recognize that the agriculture sector must take the lead in coping with water scarcity by finding more effective ways to conserve rain-fed moisture and irrigate farmlands.


  • 粮农组织认为采用改良的畜牧管理耕作方法,再加上森林实行适应性管理,可以产生极为明显效果

    According to FAO, introducing improved livestock management and crop practices, coupled with adaptive management of forests, could have a very significant impact.


  • 世界粮农组织认为,如果用水效率加以改观,世界农业需求要增加60%,才足够喂养出的20亿嘴巴。

    The Food and Agriculture Organisation reckons that, without changes in efficiency, the world will need as much as 60% more water for agriculture to feed those 2 billion extra mouths.


  • 粮农组织认为该国疾病监测应急措施方面存在严重不足,而这两点恰恰防治动物流行病和外来关键因素

    The country is facing a serious deficit in disease surveillance and emergency preparedness, both crucial elements in fighting endemic and exotic animal diseases, FAO said.


  • 联合国粮农组织认为藜麦是唯一一种单体植物即可基本满足人体基本营养需求食物,正式推荐藜麦适宜人类的完美的营养食品

    Quinoa is recognized by UN FAO as the only mono plant food, which can meet daily basic nutritional needs, and is recommended as the best whole food.


  • 粮农组织认为,为了打破-饿贫穷的陷阱迫切需要两个方面采取行动,即受害的人口提供粮食帮助小生产者提高产量收入

    To break the hunger-poverty trap, action is urgently needed on two fronts, FAO says – making food accessible to the most vulnerable, and helping small producers raise their output and earn more.


  • 粮农组织阿巴斯安(AbdolrezaAbbassian)认为黑海周围地区多变天气使那里从根本上适于种植谷物

    Abdolreza Abbassian of the FAO thinks that the variable weather in the region around the Black Sea makes it inherently less suited to cereal cultivation.


  • 联合国粮农组织预计今年谷物收成将突破记录认为或许并不足以补充缩减粮食库存

    The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation forecast a record harvest in cereals this year, but said this might not be enough to replenish rundown inventories.


  • 粮农组织认为应当再次呼吁各国加强国内界高致病性禽流感防控措施

    Countries are once more called upon to strengthen in-country as well as cross-border HPAI control measures, FAO added.


  • 在分别不同国家评论时,粮农组织首席畜牧兽医约瑟夫•多梅内奇认为印度正在努力遏制西孟加拉邦有史以来最为严重的禽流感爆发

    Commenting on individual countries, FAO's Chief Veterinary Officer said that India is struggling to keep the worst-ever avian influenza outbreak in West Bengal under control.


  • 认为应当立即组织更多投入物展销会一次它们将作为粮农组织于2007年12月发起的“应对粮价飞涨计划”的一部分

    More input trade fairs should be organized urgently, he says, this time as part of the Initiative on Soaring Food Prices (ISFP) launched by FAO in December 2007.


  • 粮农组织AlexanderMueller认为正确方式贫穷国家农民提高产量

    The right way, argues Alexander Mueller of the FAO, is for farmers in poor countries to boost their yields.


  • 联合国粮农组织近来报告饥饿人口去年增长了七千五百万。部门认为食物燃料肥料价格上涨引起的。

    The food and Agriculture Organization recently reported that hunger increased by seventy-five million people last year. The United Nations agency blamed rising prices for food, fuel and fertilizer.


  • 联合国粮农组织决定参与扩大袁隆平高产量杂交水稻种植面积工作组织认为提高世界粮食产量最佳途径

    The UN FAO has decided to get involved in the work of spreading the coverage of Yuan's high-yield hybrid rice, which it considers the best way to increase the world's grain output.


  • 粮农组织报告认为由于2008年收成好于常年,整个低收入缺粮谷物供应需求状况将比较宽松

    FAO reports an easing of the cereal supply and demand situation in the low-income food-deficit countries as a group, following above-average harvests in 2008.


  • 联合国粮农组织欢迎这个消息认为这是为了帮助贫穷国家挨饿的人们而做出的令人鼓舞政策转变

    The U. N. Food and Agriculture Organization welcomed the announcement, as an "encouraging policy shift to help the poor and hungry."


  • 粮农组织专家认为这种做法不仅使该国满足当地需求而且也极有出口顺差输出区域区域市场进行。

    FAO experts say that such an approach would not only enable the country to satisfy local demand but would also put it in a position to export surplus output to sub-regional and regional markets.


  • 粮农组织专家认为这种做法不仅使该国满足当地需求而且也极有出口顺差输出区域区域市场进行。

    FAO experts say that such an approach would not only enable the country to satisfy local demand but would also put it in a position to export surplus output to sub-regional and regional markets.


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