• 确保包装牢固足以承受粗糙地搬运

    Please be assured that the packaging is strong enough to withstand rough handling.


  • 在等饭菜端上来的时候,开始餐巾纸上粗糙着一口棺材。

    As they were waiting for their meal to arrive, he began doodling a crude picture of a casket on his paper napkin.


  • 最初粗糙地刻在墓碑上骷髅交叉的大腿骨图形,翅膀的天使所代替。

    The skull - and - crossbones crudely carved on the first tombstones was replaced by a winged cherub.


  • 猎人蹑手蹑脚进入间里屋打开一个冰箱,拿出物品粗糙冰冻熊掌

    The hunter pads into a back room pop, open a freezer and reveal the goods: four gnarled and frozen paws.


  • 物体表面粗糙不平分子就越容易更多接触表面分子相粘合,因此就会产生更大的摩擦力。

    The more rough and jagged something is, the more easily more of its molecules will come into contact with molecules on the surface it touches, and thus the greater force of friction they will exert.


  • 烧制出来前,它相当的圆润艺术家有意把它边缘粗糙

    Before it was fired, it was perfectly round, but the artist intentionally roughed up the edges.


  • 坦率一种非常粗糙过滤机制真实场景引擎可能使用多个变量这些变量会影响用户场景中的走向

    This is, admittedly, a very crude filtering mechanism, and any real scene engine would likely have a range of variables that would affect the direction of a person through the scenario.


  • 即使是相当粗糙电视广告展示失去时,也不禁眼泪哗哗

    Even rather crass television commer-cials that show someone in a state of loss start my tears flowing!


  • 儒艮日日夜夜吃着水下草料它们多刺敏感鼻子来翻找,并用粗糙嘴唇和牙齿反复不断咀嚼这些草料。

    Dugongs graze on underwater grasses day and night, rooting for them with their bristled, sensitive snouts and chomping them with their rough lips.


  • 几缕炊烟粗糙炉里缓缓升起,女人转动山羊皮风箱男人小孩用力敲打着铁砧板废旧金属,做成勺子斧头其他简单家用器皿

    Smoke rose from a crude earthen forge, wom​en took turns at a goatskin bellows while men and boys pounded scrap metal on small anvils, shaping it into cooking spoons, axheads, and other simple wares.


  • 每当想起那双粗糙,布满老茧的劳作之轻轻搓洗着件精美舞会礼服时,我的温暖了,全身又一次沐浴在那无条件的之中。

    When I think of those beatup working man’s callused hands gently washing my delicate prom gown, my hearted warms and relives that moment of unconditional love all over again.


  • 悄悄走过宽阔走廊踩着暗红掩盖住粗糙砖石

    He glided down the wide passageway, following the crimson carpet runner that shielded the rough flagstones.


  • 结果就像一个粗糙的中国动作片不过随着时间的进展,奇迹习惯了。

    The result resembles a badly dubbed Kung Fu movie, though I've strangely gotten used to it over time.


  • 头像里宝马干邑白兰商标作为背景,他神气穿着件夹克,衣服上画有一只略显粗糙狮子

    His photo showed him partying in front of a backdrop featuring logos of BMW and Courvoisier cognac, sporting a black jacket adorned with a not-so-subtle white lion.


  • 虽然皓首穷经埋首英国四十万分之一比例尺全国测量,追寻每一条等高线的研究目标来说,她仍觉得这份图算是「粗糙工具」。

    Though she spent much of the time with her nose in one-inch Ordnance Survey maps, tracking the contour lines, she found them a “coarse instrumentfor her purpose.


  • 优雅的任何东西放在上面,都能更进一步强化这种感觉:鲜亮的绿色梨子,一些切碎粗糙巧克力杏仁

    It's elegant, enhanced by anything that touches its surface: a bright green pear, roughly chopped chocolate, a pile of toasted almonds.


  • 压克力很好坚持画布油画一帧伸出粗糙表面

    Acrylics will adhere well to the rough surface of a canvas board or a stretched canvas frame.


  • 呼吸渐渐平静下来身体僵硬缓慢向前移动,踏上粗糙阶梯进到寺院里面。

    His breathing calmed, he slowly, stiffly struggled forward and up the rough stone steps to the monastery entrance.


  • 印度尼西亚加里曼丹,一双粗糙小心翼翼作着细致一次非法采矿行动中萃取金子里挤出水银

    Rough hands attend to the delicate work of pressing excess mercury from gold extracted at an illegal mining operation in Kalimantan, Indonesia.


  • 虽然很少听说过船底座伊塔星,如果出了问题-可怕错误的-它可能最后死亡人类出自粗糙嘴唇最终气喘

    Although few have ever heard of Eta Carinae, if things go wrong-horribly wrong-it could be the final, gasping words spilling from the gnarled lips of the last dying humans on Earth.


  • 不像普通的那样生活树上上,它们不用担心爬树粗糙追逐猎物。

    Unlike snakes that live in trees or on the ground, the anaconda doesn't have to worry about climbing or chasing prey over rough terrain.


  • 历史研究中,梅文鼎强调中国天文学一代一代进步粗糙走向精确

    In his historical studies, Mei stressed that Chinese astronomy had improved from generation to generation, progressing from coarseness to accuracy.


  • 头顶一个劳作老太婆站在木板搭建平台收拾晾晒瓜干同样粗糙脸庞古铜色,她和善外人打着招呼

    On his head is a work of the old woman, she stood on the wooden platform to build the clean dry dried sweet potato, the same rough face reveals the bronze, she kindly to say hello.


  • 这个例子中只是简单的常识创建了一粗糙PHP4基准测试脚本

    In this case, I simply applied my common sense to create a primitive PHP4-based benchmarking script.


  • 原始金属结构配有一些粗糙工业附属细节坚实元素巧妙运用上了

    Raw metal structures were incorporated with rough industrial attachment details while solid wood elements being delicately handled.


  • 鉴别珍珠是不是真的,可以轻轻牙齿上磨。珍珠会平滑,真的会感到有点粗糙

    To determine if pearls are real, lightly rub them over your teeth. Fake pearls will be perfectly smooth, and real ones will feel slightly gritty or textured.


  • 鉴别珍珠是不是真的,可以轻轻牙齿上磨。珍珠会平滑,真的会感到有点粗糙

    To determine if pearls are real, lightly rub them over your teeth. Fake pearls will be perfectly smooth, and real ones will feel slightly gritty or textured.


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