• 粗略可以人类分成三类辛苦担心到死,以及无聊到死。

    Broadly speaking, human being may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death.


  • 一个所谓相对原则粗略就是我们无法判断自己是否是静止还是平稳移动

    One is the so-called principle of relativity, which means, roughly speaking, that we cannot tell whether we are at rest or moving smoothly.


  • 这里粗略并非轻视因为数千年来语言哲学表明建立自然语言真正严格意义上的模型很难的(甚至不可能的)。

    The word sketchy here is not pejorative because millennia of philosophy of language have shown how hard (or even impossible) it is to come up with a truly rigorous model of natural language.


  • :“即使具象派艺术作品做一个粗略检查,也足够找到证据,证明天使胖乎乎的小天使无法起飞,也无法使用动力飞行的方法。”

    "Even a cursory examination of the evidence in representational arts shows that angels and cherubs cannot take off and cannot use powered flight," said Prof Wotton.


  • :“即使具象派艺术作品做一个粗略检查,也足够找到证据,证明天使胖乎乎的小天使无法起飞,也无法使用动力飞行的方法。

    Even a cursory examination of the evidence in representational arts shows that angels and cherubs cannot take off and cannot use powered flight, ” said Prof Wotton.


  • 古尔德告诫团队只是根据有限数据所做出非常粗略”的估计,并有可能未来年内随着其他恒星星系发现而改写

    Gould cautioned that his team's "very rough" estimate is based on limited data and is likely to change as other star systems are spotted in the coming years.


  • 植物摩尔定律“,阿特林先生,这的是同等价格计算能力增加一倍粗略计算。”

    "This is Moore's law for plants," says Mr Atlin, referring to the rough rule that computing power doubles every two years for the same price.


  • 操作能力角度来看,格莱汉姆·卡明先生有可能台分析性能做出粗略评估

    In terms of processing power, Mr Graham-Cumming said it was possible to make some rough estimates about the Analytical Engine's capability.


  • 粗略定义是因为趋势线实际上没有贴切描述08最后几个月表现。

    I say loosely defined because the trendline really did not describe the action well in the final months of the year.


  • 庞培末日”,谈及所花贿赂上的钱,粗略比例成本的十分之一。他,就在90年代犯罪集团敲诈勒索。

    "It's like the last days of Pompeii," he said of the bribe-taking that consumed roughly a tenth of his costs, the same proportion, he said, as criminals extorted in the 1990s.


  • 粗略如果可以任何接受抽象地方使用那个抽象的任何实现,就是遵循Liskov替换原则

    Roughly stated, you are following the Liskov Substitution Principle if you can use any implementation of an abstraction in any place that accepts that abstraction.


  • 粗略使用一下站点后,可以非常自信如果什么网页邮箱应用非常值得你的话,就是一个主要原因个:它提供缓存搜索功能。

    After using the new site briefly, I can confidently say if I had to use a web-based Email application, this would be the one, for two big reasons: Caching and search.


  • 粗略,有超过一半投票者表示知道即将到来ES2016 中会有什么特性。另一半对接下来的版本有所了解

    Roughly speaking, half of the voters don't know what's coming in ES2016, while the other half have an idea of what's coming next.


  • 不是应该做出详细人生规划但是当然应该今后5做出粗略蓝图

    I don't mean that you should create a detailed life plan, but you should certainly draw an approximate blueprint for the next 5 years.


  • 这个研究项目结束了尽管也许真的可以我们失败但别人沿着我们足迹,以我们粗略的初步工作为基础向前推进,最终取得成功

    The project is ended, and while it is perhaps true that we have failed, others will follow in our footsteps and, building upon our crude preliminary work, will at last succeed.


  • 粗略指导——传统上主要是为高管服务——着眼于未来目标可能性治疗则是通过探究过去情感问题获得深入了解

    Crudely, coaching - traditionally associated with executives - focuses on future goals and potential, whereas therapy might explore past emotional issues in order to gain insight.


  • 粗略今年利润增加了15%。自考本科。

    Roughly speaking, this year's profit increased by 15 percent.


  • 意思芒果一个数据库系统(粗略)。

    What I mean by that: mongo is a database system (roughly speaking).


  • 粗略地看了报告这报告似乎可行

    He glanced over my report and said that is seemed to be all right.


  • 信件NHTSA对突然加速问题粗略无效调查”。

    ' The letters said that NHTSA 'has conducted only cursory and ineffective investigations' into the sudden-acceleration issues.


  • 另外一个粗略构想爆炸偏移”,也就是通过导弹爆炸偏移小行星运行方向。哈里斯会是“铤而走险最后一”。

    One other, coarser idea would be 'blast deflection ' which would involve deterring the asteroid with directed explosive charges. Harris says this would be the 'final, desperate approach. '


  • 粗略,Kharosthi手稿使用同时代罗米语。

    Roughly contemporary with the Brahmi, the Kharosthi script was used.


  • 然而其中好几给了粗略回答

    However one of them who have being talking love for several years only gave me a rough answer.


  • 通过分析物体不同角度不同距离所呈现样子,物体粗略的模型便由此产生,波利菲教授

    By analysing how the object appeared from different viewing angles and distances, a rough 3d model of the object could be created, said Prof Pollefey.


  • 粗略看了一下报告报告看起来还

    He glanced over my report and said that it seemed to be all right.


  • :“即使具象派艺术作品做一个粗略检查,也足够找到证据,证明天使胖乎乎的小天使无法起飞,也无法使用动力飞行的方法。”

    Even a cursory examination of the evidence in representational arts shows that angels and cherubs cannot take off and cannot use powered flight, "said Prof Wotton."


  • 它们看起来应该粗略,也就是不能漂亮。

    They are SUPPOSED to look rough. They are not meant to be pretty pictures.


  • 这些粗略计算,发生大海啸的危险至少一个世纪过后的事情。但宍仓正展我们最好注意一下。

    Those rough calculations suggest the danger is at least a century away. Still, Dr. Shishikura says, 'we had better be on the lookout. '


  • 这些粗略计算,发生大海啸的危险至少一个世纪过后的事情。但宍仓正展我们最好注意一下。

    Those rough calculations suggest the danger is at least a century away. Still, Dr. Shishikura says, 'we had better be on the lookout. '


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