• 玫瑰花多种多样的颜色包括粉红颜色。

    Rose flowers come in many colors including red, white, yellow and pink.


  • 粉色到处都有。JLM时装秀安娜·迈尔雷姆阿克拉安妮·巴吉尔、阿尔弗雷德·安吉洛伊内斯·桑托时装秀全都展示粉红绯红色系的长礼服

    Pink was everywhere: JLM Couture, Anna Maier, Reem Acra, Anne Barge, Alfred Angelo and Ines Di Santo all showed off beautiful pink and blush-colored gowns.


  • 褪色合成纤维粉红紫色各种鲜艳的色彩制造出来而且彩虹各种颜色一起吧。

    Synthetic fibers which will not fade can be produced in bright colors such as pink and purple in addition to all the other colors of the rainbow.


  • 与1980年代中期突然兴起,并且演绎出多个版本机构不同类型男性服务,像“泡沫” (soap lands)、小酒馆(pubs)、小吃(snack bars)以及粉红沙龙”(pink salons)

    They sprang up in the mid-1980s and represent just one of several types of establishments, includingsoap lands, ” pubs, snack bars andpink salons” that offer various types of services for men.


  • 食品包装上使用色彩艳丽明快的粉红橙黄、橘红颜色可以强调出食品的甜的嗅觉味觉口感

    In the food packaging, using colorful bright pink, orange, orange and other colors to accentuate food fragrant, sweet smell, taste and texture.


  • 涩谷粉红女孩俱乐部,丰富多样的节目表上提供色狼电车以及变态火车活动。

    Little more than a stone's throw from the huge Shibuya station is the "Shibuya Pink Girl's Club", which on its varied menu offers a chikan densha, or pervert train.


  • 尼加拉瓜瀑布多伦多国家电视塔、伦敦·特拉法加广场喷泉世界地标性建筑孩子的性别变为粉红蓝色之庆贺

    World landmarks including Niagara Falls, Toronto's CN Tower and the fountains at London's Trafalgar Square will turn pink or blue to celebrate the birth, depending on whether it is a girl or boy.


  • 女儿节当天,人们会替女孩举行派对,并且享用清酒(编按:菱饼一种粉红、白、绿三层颜色的菱形糕饼)。

    On the day of the festival, a party is held for the girls where sake and diamond-shaped rice cakes are consumed.


  • 世界和平组织这次邀请许多大腕儿共聚一堂用歌曲呼吁世界和平。应邀参加歌曲录音的U2乐队麦当娜滚石粉红弗洛伊德绿

    World Peace One has invited big names like U2, Madonna, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Green Day to come together and sing the song as a call for world peace.


  • 这些颜色便服裙子看起来都很专业,将这些颜色和充满柔和女性色彩蓝色紫色,粉红象牙搭配起来也是不错的。

    Most of these colors work well in pantsuits, skirts and shoes and mix back with softer feminine colors that are appropriate like ice blue, lilac, soft pink and ivory.


  • 蓝色的浅黄的扶白色的马蹄莲配藕荷色的紫罗兰、粉红玫瑰

    Such as blue snake with the whip chrysanthemum flowers yellow, white help lang presentation pinkish purple violet, with pink rose, etc.


  • 卧室:卧室私人领地使用柔和颜色容易营造温馨气氛粉红柃檬非常适用

    Bedroom: the bedroom is the most private domain, easy to use soft colors create a warm atmosphere. Pink, lemon yellow and so is ideal for Eurya.


  • 其实西方风俗只有再婚妇女婚纱可以粉红湖蓝颜色以示初婚区别

    In fact, the western customs, only women remarried, wedding can use pink or light blue wait for color, in solidarity with first marriage difference.


  • 室内墙面粉刷嫩绿粉红玫瑰红鲜艳的浅色调,线大多金色

    Interior wall paint, love with pale green, pink, rosy, such as bright light, crural line mostly in gold.


  • 假如拥有肤色色调唇膏粉红紫红便合衬了。

    If have extremely shallow color of skin, if the lipstick that cool color moves is pink, amaranthine wait to combine line most.


  • 《群英会》、《粉红女郎》、《谁倾听》提供拍摄协作动作指导学员“触电”明星合影

    It provides much help in shooting association and action guide, makes students have a chance to have a group photo with many superstars.


  • 几个有名的非人类米奇老鼠粉红、笨蛋先生阿弗莱克以及或许是不吉利的)达斯·德(译注:《星球大战》中的黑武士)

    There have also been several famous non-people that have rung the bell, including Mickey Mouse, the Pink Panther , Mr. Potato-Head, the Aflac Duck and (perhaps most ominously) Darth Vader.


  • 再生经过静止分离加热聚合浓缩萃取工艺净化处理,可得到粉红透明酸度为60%的稀硫酸焦油

    After still separation, aggregation condensation by heating and extraction, the regenerative acid will turn into diluted H2SO4 of 60%, pink transparent, and acid tar.


  • 产品结构齐全,其中定位为高级品类的“粉红精品世界”、基础品类的“白黑完美世界”和特色的“彩妆、纹绣、专业发品、美容仪器”。

    Within this range there are 1200 sub products from the beautiful Pink series. There are other special class categories, such as Colour make-up, Hairdressing and Beauty Equipment.


  • 比如可以增加照片变成经典爱情风格模板粉红色的女孩风格的模板,一个婴儿漫画杂志封面模版

    For example, you can add your photo into a classical love style template, a pink girl style template, a baby cartoon template, or a magazine cover template etc by just one click in PhotoShine.


  • 比如可以增加照片变成经典爱情风格模板粉红色的女孩风格的模板,一个婴儿漫画杂志封面模版

    For example, you can add your photo into a classical love style template, a pink girl style template, a baby cartoon template, or a magazine cover template etc by just one click in PhotoShine.


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