• 所以研究比较不同品种大豆地上生物量籽粒蛋白含量关系对大豆育种具有重要意义。

    It is important to study and compare the relationship between root fresh weight, aboveground biomass and protein content with different varieties soybean.


  • 抽穗期氮肥提高小麦籽粒含量可溶性蛋白质量及游离态氨基酸游离态赖氨酸量等。

    Applying nitrogen fertilizer at heading stage could enhance contents of total nitrogen, total soluble protein, free amino acids and free lysine in wheat grains.


  • 为了评价四川小麦地方品种籽粒蛋白营养价值,本文通过化学分析法研究了67个四川小麦地方品种的蛋白氨基酸含量及其组成特性。

    To evaluate the nutritional value of protein for 67 Sichuan local wheat cultivars, the protein content and amino acid composition were studied by chemical and HPLC analysis.


  • 接穗砧木籽粒蛋白含量完全接穗和砧木自身基因型控制而是着两者共同作用

    The seed protein contents of the stock or of the scion were not completely controlled by stock or scion itself, but effected by their interaction.


  • 测土施肥春小麦籽粒蛋白脂肪含量比较高

    The contents of crude proteins and crude fats in spring wheat seeds were higher.


  • 干旱处理提高了游离氨基酸含量以及籽粒蛋白含量渍水处理则使其降低

    Drought increased, while waterlogging reduced the contents of total nitrogen and free amino acid in stem and sheath, and that of protein in grain.


  • 籽粒产量蛋白含量比例反应有一定差异

    The grain yield and protein content responded differently to the ratio of base to topdressing nitrogen.


  • 研究了基础土壤肥力小麦籽粒蛋白组分含量变化加工品质影响

    Author studied the effect of soil fertility on the change of protein components content and processing quality in wheat kernel.


  • 磷钾肥提高小麦蛋白湿面筋含量改善小麦籽粒品质

    Increasing the phosphorus potassium can improve the strong gluten wheat protein and content of wet gluten, improve wheat grain quality.


  • 大麦籽粒蛋白组分含量基因总体差异显著

    The genotypic differences of protein components contents in barley grains are not generally remarkable.


  • 结果表明籽粒较高DNARNA含量有利于蛋白积累以及籽粒品质改善

    Result indicated that higher DNA and RNA content were propitious to collection of the protein and improvement of the wheat quality.


  • 水稻籽粒蛋白含量评价稻米品质主要指标之一。

    Grain protein content is a key index for evaluating rice quality.


  • 籽粒蛋白含量TOM呈显著相关蛋白组分中醇溶蛋白含量与TOM值显著负相关;

    The total protein content of the grain, the prolamine content and the sedimentation value all negatively correlated with TOM respectively.


  • 处理中中期乳熟末期提高籽粒蛋白含量较多

    In different treatments, the protein content was raised considerably by spraying nitrogen on leaves at half kernel stage, middle milk stage and late milk stage.


  • 以n _ (30) P_(24)处理籽粒蛋白含量最高,为16.4%,对籽粒加工品质改进最大

    Those treated with N_ (30) P_ (24), have the highest content of protein, 16.4%, and also improve the greatest seed processing.


  • 光合调节剂有一定增产作用籽粒蛋白含量没有影响

    Photosynthetic regulator played some role in increasing the yield but had no effect on the grain protein content.


  • 利用冬小麦品种烟农15研究钾素小麦蛋白含量籽粒品质有关活性影响

    The effect of potassium on flag leaf protein content and kernel quality as well as enzyme activity in wheat was investigated using wheat cultivar Yannong 15 with strong gluten potential.


  • 研究小麦籽粒蛋白含量F1F2代中的表现情况。

    The expression of wheat grain protein content in F1 as well as descendant F2 were studied.


  • 研究不同氮量时期小麦籽粒蛋白组分含量产量影响。

    Effects of different N-dosage applied and N-applying stages on grain protein content and protein components and yield were studied.


  • 认为选择开花后氮素吸收同化再运转能力品种有利于提高籽粒产量又可提高籽粒蛋白含量

    Using the cultivar with stronger ability of absorbing, assimilating and translocation nitrogen can not only improve kernel yield, but kernel protein content.


  • 氮肥施用显著提高各器官组织氮素含量,进而提高籽粒蛋白含量

    Application of nitrogenous fertilizer could markedly increase the plant part nitrogen content and the grain protein content.


  • 因此营养器官积累分配差异可能小麦籽粒蛋白淀粉含量差异的重要原因之一

    Therefor, the different accumulation and remobilization pattern of carbon and nitrogen in vegetative organs may be one of the major reasons for different grain protein and starch contents.


  • 籽粒赖氨酸蛋白可溶性含量增加淀粉含量减少

    Lysine, proteins and soluble sugar increased but starch content reduced in wheat and corn kernel by UV-B radiation increment.


  • 通过研究3个玉米杂交种成熟过程籽粒蛋白及几种氨基酸变化表明:玉米腊熟后期成熟籽粒蛋白含量单位面积生产量较高

    The results obtained from 3 hybrids of maize showed there were higher content and yield of protein in grains from the late stage or wax ripeness to maturity stage.


  • 不同施肥处理对不同筋力小麦品种籽粒蛋白含量效应不同。

    The effect of different fertilizer application on grain protein content are different.


  • 效唑处理后籽粒中的DNARNA含量增加,与籽粒蛋白、成熟籽粒蛋白含量提高表现一致

    After uniconazole treatments, the content of DNA and RNA was increased, protein nitrogen and protein in seeds were consistent with the content of DNA and RNA.


  • 结果表明,绿豆籽粒有无光泽淀粉蛋白含量存在着极显著相关关系。

    The results indicated that the percentage of glossy mungbean seeds was significant correlated with the content of starch and protein of seeds.


  • 不同水分处理籽粒蛋白含量叶片nrGS籽粒GOGAT活性呈正相关,与叶gogat活性呈相关。

    Grain protein content was positive correlation to NR and GS activity in flag leaves and GOGAT activity in grains, and was negative correlation to GOGAT activity in flag leave for all water treatment.


  • 培育优良品种改善栽培措施可以提高籽粒蛋白含量,改善小麦营养品质

    Either to breed the excellent variety or to improve the cultivating measures can increase the content of protein in the grain and improve the nutrient quality of wheat.


  • 2浓度增加玉米籽粒蛋白、粗纤维含量影响呈负效应,对淀粉影响呈正效应。

    With CO_2 concentration increased, negative effects on corn seed rough protein, rough fiber and contents of total carbohydrate were observed but the starch of corn was positively effected.


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