• 使用nsstack跟踪XML名称空间声明作用

    Use the NSStack class to track the scope of XML namespace declarations.


  • 右侧蓝色突出显示处在最初formframe类跟踪而来的路径

    The class that is highlighted in blue on the right is along the path that has been traced from the original FormFrame class.


  • 但是这两跟踪行为受害者可能会感到那些受到身体威胁受害者一样的恐惧感。

    But the victims of both kinds of stalker may be as frightened as those threatened physically.


  • 可以创建一个跟踪数据仓库中记录这些错误以后可以做作参考

    You can create a class to track and log these errors in a data store for future reference.


  • 这些不是严重错误但是确实跟踪定位各个归属带来困难

    This is not strictly wrong, but it does make it difficult to keep track of where each of the classes belongs.


  • 每个负责跟踪某项操作前后性能需要更新系统范围信息的性能统计值

    Each base class is responsible for tracking performance before and after certain operations and will need to update system-wide performance statistics for that information.


  • 但是相同研究人员所作的一项跟踪调查发现每个公共图书馆外借频繁图书志怪小说

    However, a follow-up study conducted by the same researchers found that the type of book most frequently checked out of each of the public libraries in Leeville was the mystery novel.


  • 天体拍摄可以:一个静止摄像,一个是跟踪拍摄。

    Shooting of the celestial bodies may be divided into two types: shooting with the static camera and shooting with follow.


  • 除了ITracer发出一个直接传递(passthrough)外,数据库实例发出了rollup级别的跟踪

    In addition to issuing a straight passthrough to its ITracer, the base class also issues rollup-level tracing at the database instance level.


  • tcpmon把任何发往端口8070SOAP信封都写到跟踪窗口其发送本地主机端口(localhostport) 8080。

    The tcpmon class writes any SOAP envelope that comes to port 8070 to the tracing window and sends it to localhost port 8080.


  • 跟踪各个匹配返回匹配集中位置时,matchnode字符串封装各个匹配。

    The MatchNode class wraps an individual match in the string while tracking its position within the set of matches returned.


  • phantomreference只能用于跟踪被引用对象即将进行收集

    The PhantomReference class is useful only to track the impending collection of the referring object.


  • 为了演示复盖跟踪工作原理重新把目光投向我在本文使用stringarray构造函数

    To demonstrate how coverage tracking works, I'm going to go back to the constructor for the StringArray class I've used throughout this article.


  • 补充说:“我们可以由鸭嘴兽跟踪那些改变:我们是如何由爬行进化体表胎生,哺乳喂养后代等等。”

    She added, "So we can use them to trace the changes that have occurred as we went from being a reptile, to having fur to making milk to having live-born young."


  • 上下文跟踪具体应用程序影响极大,但是可以考虑一个经过简化的例子:含有processPayroll(long clientId)方法的 payroll-processing

    Contextual tracing is highly subjective to the specific application, but consider the simplified example of a payroll-processing class with a processPayroll(long clientId) method.


  • DataCollection会自动跟踪ui所有变化相应ChangeObject实例集合发送服务器端。

    The DataCollection class automatically keeps track of all the changes made by the use in the UI and sends a collection of the corresponding ChangeObject instances to the server.


  • 还有一个用来SOATransactionManager每个所含的SOA Transaction生成独特的标识符,用于跟踪事务重试和恢复。

    There is also a class to generate unique identifiers for both the SOA transaction Manager and each contained SOA transaction, for use in tracking transaction retry and recovery.


  • 这个开发人员决定哪些将被包括跟踪输出结果中。

    This lets the developer decide which classes to include in the trace output.


  • 服务器报告一个意外的异常时,可以检查关联堆栈跟踪方法确定哪个应用程序导致了异常或者与异常有关

    When the server reports an unexpected exception, you can examine the classes and methods of the associated stack trace to determine which application caused, or was involved in, the exception.


  • 当前启用跟踪时,清单7就创建了这些对象数组

    Listing 7 creates these objects and arrays when trace is enabled for the current class.


  • 取自观察到特定症状非常特定的关键字例如错误消息错误编号或者堆栈跟踪找到的方法名称等等

    Very specific keywords taken from specific symptoms that you observed, such as an error message or error number, or the name of a class or method found in a stack trace, and so on.


  • 跟踪初始化:跟踪JVM启动之后几乎立即启动,这发生装载任何之前

    The initialisation of tracing: tracing starts almost immediately after the JVM is launched but before any classes are loaded.


  • 任何需要地方跟踪代码即使增加新的方法目标

    The trace code is everywhere you want it, even if you add new methods to the target classes.


  • 比如用户可以跟踪一个XML文档看到所有节点数值或者跟踪某个定制的看到它的结构和属性。

    For instance a user can trace an XML document to see all the nodes and attributes, or trace a custom class to see its structure and properties.


  • 这个提供非常简单跟踪日志机制,将跟踪消息写入当前目录中的一个文件中。

    This class provides a very simple trace or logging mechanism that writes trace messages to a file in the current directory.


  • 通过使用诸如镜像映象会话虚包之模式我们就可以跟踪创建过程反映外部实体标识它所提供服务

    Using patterns such as Mirror Image and Session Facade, we can trace the creation of classes to reflect the identity of, or services provided by, an external entity.


  • 目前只有过程属于这两个过程却是过程跟踪api中心部分。

    Two procedures are currently in this class, but they are the centerpieces of the API.


  • 控制防止失误再次产生,我们跟踪商品短缺过剩,制定“门槛支出金额”——基于存货清单最大花费——主要食物

    Control: to prevent recurrence of defects, we track our shortages and overages and place "threshold spending amounts" — maximum amounts spent based on inventoryon each major food category.


  • 下面定义清单1演示了这个用于定义跟踪日志记录器消息日志记录器的方法

    The following class definition (Listing 1) demonstrates this method for defining trace and message loggers.


  • methods关键字允许按照方法这两者选择跟踪的方法。

    The methods keyword allows you to select method trace by class, method name, or both.


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