• 他们卷入仁攀世界无休止争斗中

    They became involved in ceaseless battles with the world of man.


  • 世界是,发生每件事都记得非常准确;另一人是,将已经发生事与想像的事趋于混淆。

    There are two types of people in the world: those who remember everything exactly as it happened and those who have a tendency to muddle what's happened with what's imagined.


  • 人们仍然痴迷一样观察移动反应机器人概念于《西部世界》和《人热门科幻电视剧所刻画机器人。

    Humans remain fascinated by the idea of robots that would look, move, and respond like humans, similar to those recently depicted on popular sci-fi TV series such as "Westworld" and "Humans."


  • 前,分布在世界各地的蝉超过2000种。

    At present, over two thousand kinds of cicadas are distributed (分布) around the world.


  • 虽然现在伯纳德犬已经不再用作救援犬了,它们仍旧保持世界最重记录——其中作为表演的圣本铎犬,达343

    Although Saint Bernards are no longer used for rescue work, they do still hold the world record for heaviest dog-a certain show dog, Benedictine, weighed in at 343 pounds!


  • 世界卫生组织早期开发青蒿素复方药上发挥何种作用

    Q: What role did the World Health Organization (WHO) play in the early development of ACT?


  • 例如描述了现实世界中的一个物理对象

    For example, a class describes a physical object in the real world.


  • 它们命名实体形成鲜明的对照,命名实体真实事物,是主体概念真实世界中的实例

    We further contrast these with named entities, which are the real things or instances in the world that are members of these subject concept classes.


  • 亚洲黑熊分布在伊朗日本以及东南亚整个亚洲地区,是世界八大之一

    Asian black bears are dispersed from Iran to Japan to the whole Southeast Asia, ranking one of eight species of bears around the world.


  • 传染性面部肿瘤袋獾迅速蔓延人们相信,其结果是导致这种世界最大食肉动物的数量降低了60%以上。

    An infectious facial cancer is spreading rapidly among Tasmanian devils and populations of the world's largest marsupial predator are believed to have fallen by more than 60% as a result.


  • 这个经典科幻寓言之后发行的版本将故事发生时间推迟到了2021年,主要是因为这些年来,现实世界自动化机器的实质进展微乎其微。

    Later editions of the classic sci-fi fable postponed the setting to 2021—largely because, in the real world, so little actual progress had been made in human-like automata.


  • 应该概念性模型捕捉信息对象世界中,通过UM L模型建模的。

    This is the sort of information that should be captured by your conceptual model, which in the object world is modeled via a UML class model.


  • PaulSaffon未来学家,可以技术世界分成工程师自然科学家

    Paul Saffo, the futurist, says he could divide the technology world into two kinds of people: engineers and natural scientists.


  • 第二例子展示watchserviceAPI及其相关精彩世界

    This second example covers the exciting world of the new WatchService API and its associated classes.


  • 这个既有吸引力有用的博客世界Lexiophiles大赛受欢迎语言博客中排名第79。

    This attractive and useful blog ranked the 79th most popular language blog in the worldwide Lexiophiles contest.


  • 他们就是用数据数据之间关系来认识、描述世界因此会首先寻找中的数据-一般没有什么标准的方法寻找函数或功能。

    They see the world in terms of data, and data relationships, and tend to populate their classes first with data -- usually with no strategy on how to assign operations (i.e., functions) to the class.


  • 如果没有坚实面向对象设计基础,我们很快就迷失对象关系世界

    Without a solid background on object oriented design, we can quickly get lost in a world of objects, relations and classes.


  • 意大利确有一部分世界一流公司但是太多意大利老龄化咖啡馆一地方工作并且很难快速适应身边这个正在改变世界

    Italy does have its share of world-class companies, but too many Italians work in places that resemble ageing cafes and have been slow to adapt to changes in the world around them.


  • 东南亚婆罗洲丛林里,科学家发现源自远古世界体型最小在捕虫草里栖息繁衍。

    Scientists have discovered the Old World's smallest species of frog living inside pitcher plants in the jungles of Southeast Asia's Borneo.


  • 世界各地大多数身上都有发现CTVT科学家认为它与澳大利亚濒危动物身上见到的一种传染性的、更加致命肿瘤相似

    Found in most canine breeds throughout the world, the scientists think CTVT is very similar to the transmissible but more fatal cancer seen in the endangered Tasmanian devils of Australia.


  • 使震惊网络——特别是移动网络——正在构建某种世界图像

    It strikes me that the net - particularly the mobile net - is building a dog's map of the world.


  • 蝴蝶馆里面收藏世界各地的蝴蝶

    The collection includes butterflies and moths from all over theworld.


  • 列要做事情的单子或是设立目标事情时候,我总是设定世界笨的将要做这些事—自己。

    When creating to-do lists, setting goals and the like, I always assume that these things will be used by the dumbest person I can think of - me.


  • 2010年初, 2,800个它们身影在美军军营中活跃(世界最大军团)。

    S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan -- as of early 2010 the U. S. Army had 2,800 active-duty dogs deployed (the largest canine contingent in the world).


  • 2010年初, 2,800个它们身影在美军军营中活跃(世界最大军团)。

    S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan -- as of early 2010 the U. S. Army had 2,800 active-duty dogs deployed (the largest canine contingent in the world).


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