• 上午6点45分,·奈都搭乘的充气快艇绿色和平组织的船只埃斯佩兰萨号(Esperanza,西班牙语意为“希望”——译注)出发,避开钻井周围巡航数周之久的丹麦海军军舰后,将运送到了钻井的基座。

    At 6:45 am this morning an inflatable speedboat carrying Kumi was launched from the Greenpeace ship Esperanza.


  • 徒步爬坡600到达军火,然后下一个观察哨俯瞰那里军事哨岗

    I walked 600 meters uphill on an ammunition drop to the observation post that overlooks the military outpost there.


  • 研究员乔纳森·效能计算方面行家,他认为集中化云端计算具备固有的成本优势

    Researcher Jonathan Koomey, an expert on efficiency and cloud computing, argues that there are inherent cost advantages to centralized computing in the cloud.


  • 我们现在看到你们寿司餐盘间隔超过了立即处理”,一位经理刚刚通过电话距离10远的一家餐厅说道

    "We see gaps of over a meter between your sushi plates - please fix," a manager said recently by telephone to a Kura restaurant 10 miles away.


  • 本周与耶夫罗夫的会谈中,德特里·梅德韦杰夫表示任何希冀生活回归常态得到机会

    Meeting Mr Yevkurov this week, President Dmitry Medvedev declared that anyone who wants to come back to normal life should be given a chance.


  • 高光时刻贝拉伊特的传球,以及切尔西开场阶段高压下不知疲倦的奔跑灵活的变向过人

    He was at his best slipping Craig Bellamy and Dirk Kuyt, such willing runners, through Chelsea's obligatory high line in the opening period with clever reverse passes aplenty.


  • 更新:上午11点45分,已经遭到逮捕,架直升飞机格陵兰

    UPDATE: 11:45am - Kumi has been arrested and is being taken to Greenland in a helicopter.


  • 村委会官员阿朗·玛尔·沙拉之后19岁的拉嘉妮改变了想法,两人最终结为夫妻

    Rajani, 19, changed her mind after two days and the couple got married, Arun Kumar Mishra, a village council official said.


  • 这是萨勒克教授正在研制技术人们躺在成像仪里几乎可以同步屏幕上看到自己大脑活动的图像。

    In a new technique being developed by Komisaruk, people inside the scanner can see their own brain activity on a screen almost instantaneously.


  • 整个雅茨克地区都要经受严酷寒冬沿着白骨之路”下行几百英里就到了奥,是知名的“冷极”,就是这里记录到了有人居住地区最低温度——零下71.2

    A few hundred miles down the "Road of Bones" is Oimyakon, known as "The Pole of Cold". It was here that the lowest ever temperature in an inhabited place was recordedminus 71.2C.


  • 记者的交谈中,先生成该组正在检查其他工具其中必然有其他公司构建的。

    On a call with reporters, Mr Khuzami said the team was looking at other instruments, some of them no doubt structured by other firms.


  • 博士的团队行业研究期刊IEEE年报上发布了他们研究成果

    Dr Koomey's team published their results in IEEE Annals, an industry research journal.


  • 马拉斯•纳格斯瓦瑞身着整洁的T恤,沮丧地指着那堵高高的围墙,就是那墙村子、他在可马里海岸英亩田地分开来了。

    WEARING a crisp blue shirt, Kumaraswamy Nageswaran gestures dejectedly to a towering fence that keeps him from his village and his three acres of farmland on the Trincomalee coast.


  • 影响了后来诸如约翰韦恩加里克拉克盖博斯图尔特等一大批明星表演方式,出现了《关山飞度》、《正午》、《费城故事》等影片。

    It took stars like John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, and Jimmy Stewart to depict that race of men—and epics like Stagecoach, High Noon, and The Philadelphia Story.


  • 意味着必须有所付出:“如果你们满脑子这个宝宝你们之间的关系排在后面了。”同样住在布鲁克林区的什纳说道,他有两个孩子,萨曼莎3岁,1岁。

    Which means something's got to give: "When all you think about is the baby, your relationship gets left behind," says Dave Kushner, also of Brooklyn, and father of Samantha, 3, and Mia, 1.


  • GE极度违反会计准则,’证交会强制执行长罗伯特·作证

    'GE bent the accounting rules beyond the breaking point,' SEC Enforcement Director Robert Khuzami said in a statement.


  • 俄罗斯组合德特里·萨乌丁/尤里·纳科夫421.98乌克兰组合伊利娅·克瓦沙/阿列克西·普雷格罗夫以415.05摘

    Russians Dmitry Sautin and Yuriy Kunakov took the silver with 421.98 points, and Ukrainians Illya Kvasha and Oleksiy Prygorov bagged the bronze with 415.05 points.


  • 今天上午,这个细长的100高的火箭位于佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心52层高组装缓慢巧妙运到4英里外的发射平台

    The slender, 100 metre-high rocket was moved in a delicate, slow operation from its 52-storey assembly hangar at Kennedy Space Centre in Florida this morning to a launch pad about four miles away.


  • 2011年1月4日,斯洛伐克的中部城市利普托斯基米库拉(Liptovsky Mikulas),一位妇女利用焊工护目镜来观测日偏食

    A woman uses a welder's visor to watch the world's first partial solar eclipse of 2011 on January 4, 2011 in Liptovsky Mikulas, central Slovakia. AFP/ Getty Images / Joe Klamar


  • 埃拉普遗迹建造公元800年左右,建造为印加时期之间的查查波拉斯人,它超过400个建筑构成,这些建筑的石墙高达19

    The archaeological site of Kuelap, constructed by the pre-Inca Chachapollas community in about 800 AD, consists ofmore than four hundred buildings with stone walls up to 19 meters (62 feet)tall.


  • 弗罗里达州35岁黑客Christopher Chaney10月12被捕向被侵犯隐私斯嘉丽-约翰逊-尼斯明星道歉。

    Christopher Chaney, a 35-year-old Fla. man, was arrested on Oct. 12, and has since offered an apology for violating the privacy of Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis, and others.


  • 德国试飞员斯·舍德尔驾驶“阳光动力”在瑞士西部高空滑翔87分钟,最高飞行高度达到1200

    It glided for 87 minutes above western Switzerland at an altitude of 1, 200 meters (3, 937 feet) with German test pilot Markus Scherdel at the controls.


  • 秘鲁斯科附近潘塔利昂(3600):“过去所有山上积雪但是积雪消失到如今已经

    600m (11,800ft) Panta Leon, near Cusco, Peru: "In the old days there was snow on all the mountains, but for 10 years now there has been none.


  • 妻子摩尔合影的阿什顿·Flipboard投资者

    Ashton Kutcher, pictured here with his wife Demi Moore, is an investor in Flipboard.


  • 秘鲁斯科(3395):环境部气候官员维克多·巴斯汀扎,气候变化已经引发了冲突

    395m (11,138ft) Cusco, Peru: The environment ministry climate official Victor Bustinza says climate change is already generating conflict.


  • 位居其后阿什顿·彻尔·摩尔结婚照张于2005年10月登上《OK! 》杂志照片卖价300万美元。

    The picture of the two proud parents was followed by wedding photos taken of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore at No. 2 that fetched $US3 million in October 2005 from OK! magazine.


  • 海洋实验室称,这种发现狮子鱼,长约6英寸(15),生活如此深的海水中,能够承受压力相当于迷你车(Mini Cooper)车顶1600头大象的重量。

    Living so far underwater, the newfound, 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long) snailfish can withstand pressures equal to 1, 600 elephants standing on the roof of a Mini Cooper, according to Oceanlab.


  • 海洋实验室称,这种发现狮子鱼,长约6英寸(15),生活如此深的海水中,能够承受压力相当于迷你车(Mini Cooper)车顶1600头大象的重量。

    Living so far underwater, the newfound, 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long) snailfish can withstand pressures equal to 1, 600 elephants standing on the roof of a Mini Cooper, according to Oceanlab.


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