• 基于一些原因21携带资讯或许宇宙学任何其他测量还丰富,甚至多于宇宙微波背景

    For several reasons, the 21 -centimeter map may carry more bits of information than any other survey in cosmology -more than even cosmic microwave background.


  • 此外为了更加绿色,方舟天使44长的海洋帝国()安装巨大自动高轻帆,拖着它们

    In addition, and for extra greenness, Ark Angel and the 44-metre Ocean Empire (picture below) would be fitted with giant automated kites, to tow them.


  • 描绘了小于2肿瘤如何一次射频消融术中治愈

    Drawing illustrates how liver tumors less than 2 cm can be treated with one ablation.


  • 喀斯特景观受灰岩石开采的威胁

    Karst landscapes are also threatened by limestone quarrying, Toomey said.


  • 显示了如何消融术治疗直径2 - 3肿瘤

    Drawing shows how liver tumors 2-3 cm in diameter are treated by six overlapping ablations.


  • 南丁格尔不仅做为护士为人所知,而且也还创造性一种新的形式--来显示多少人是牺牲在克里战争军事行动中,又有多少人是因为疾病而死

    Florence Nightingale is known as a nurse, but she also made a new kind of pie chart showing how many soldiers in the Crimean war died from military action and how many from disease.


  • 用杯子拼出“梦露”6.55.5,有望打破吉尼斯世界纪录

    The picture is 6.5 meters long and 5.5 meters wide to break the Guinness World Record.


  • 他们这项研究绘制100年来男女短跑100自由泳记录分析了这些

    They charted and analyzed nearly 100 years of records in men's and women's sprinting and 100-meter freestyle swimming for the study.


  • 由于无线电波可见光波长百万,10射电望远镜只能接收月亮大小的星空

    Because radio waves are millions of times longer than visible light, a collecting dish of a 10-meter radio telescope might only resolve an area of sky the size of the moon.


  • 然而共和党人劲敌特·的较量中,谢斯·塔克先生一直都处于极度落败的状况。

    But in the fight against Pat Toomey, his Republican rival, Mr Sestak has been trailing badly.


  • 安娜•波大海出生的,如今已经年过半百一生1.55小船度过的。

    Diana Botutihe was born at sea. Now in her 50s, she has spent her entire life on boats that are typically just 5m long and 1.5m wide.


  • 在整个八月份里头,Holly其中同事约塞东部边缘奥勒草甸提供一个名为“约塞气候的升降”的半常规节目

    One of Holly's colleagues has offered a semi-regular program entitled "The Ups and Downs of Yosemite's Climate" in Tuolumne Meadows, on Yosemite's eastern border, throughout August.


  • 哈勃望远镜大海捞针地从42亿英里远处发现这个只有3200英尺(0.97536千)大天体,这是艺术概念

    This artist's concept of the needle-in-a-haystack object found by Hubble is only 3, 200 feet across and a whopping 4.2 billion miles away.


  • 上面的动态Faulkes望远镜南部直径2的镜头拍下的。

    The animation above was taken with the Faulkes Telescope South’s 2-meter telescope.


  • 2001年8月飞机位于美国夏威夷爱岛的西南方的3000高空时拍摄的,由遥控操作的太阳神好以40公里时速飞行。

    Pictured here at 3, 000 meters in in skies northwest of Kauai, Hawaii, USA in August 2001, the remotely piloted Helios is traveling at about 40 kilometers per hour.


  • 据英国《太阳报报道,日前他脚蹬轮滑鞋90公里速滑过加特个长达860过山车,从而创造了一项极限轮滑世界纪录

    German thrill-seeker junkie Dirk Auer (see photo), 36, has set a new world record, roller skating down an 860m rollercoaster at speeds of 90 km per hour in Stuttgart, the Sun reported.


  • 上面的动态Faulkes望远镜南部直径2的镜头拍下的。

    The animation above was taken with the Faulkes Telescope South's 2-meter telescope.


  • ac在即将开始的与死敌的德比之前表达关于对兰的担忧。

    Gennaro Gattuso of Ac. Milan has expressed his doubts concerning his team before going against their rivals Inter Milan.


  • ac在即将开始的与死敌的德比之前表达关于兰的担忧。

    Gennaro Gattuso of Ac.Milan has expressed his doubts concerning his team before going against their rivals Inter Milan.


  • 但是叛徒”的确不得人心,而赛斯·塔克曾海军军官,现为一名出色的国会议员,他11月共和党帕特·(Patrick Toomey)的对抗中的胜算绝不会比·佩克特小。

    But since turncoats are unpopular, it is by no means certain that Mr Sestak, an impressive Congressman and former naval officer, will fare worse against the Republican Patrick Toomey in November.


  • 也许盆地附近洁净工厂有利可怀俄明(Wyoming)运煤炭,再把二氧化碳附近采油者。

    It may be economic to establish a clean-coal plant in or near the Permian Basin, trucking in the coal from Wyoming and selling the CO2 to nearby oil operators.


  • 一张称之为Plosky。 按字面上讲平坦的意思(plosky俄语里是平坦的意思),但是这个几千的路程筋疲力尽

    The first passage is known as Plosky; literally was flat (ploskiy in Russian language means flat) but has a length of several kilometers which can get you pretty exhausted.


  • 2010年12月9日罗马尼亚尔达(布加勒斯特Bucharest西南部450)尔达盐矿底部湖中,停靠了一条小船

    A small boat quay on a lake at the bottom of Turda salt mine in Turda, Romania (450km northwest of Bucharest) on December 9, 2010.


  • 法国格勒诺布尔大学歇尔•布乔(Michel Bouchon)来自法国土耳其地质学者一起对1999年夺走1万7千条生命的土耳其伊兹特(Izmit)大地震发生记录的震动进行了研究。

    Michel Bouchon at the University of Grenoble, France, and a team of French and Turkish geologists studied seismograms recorded before the Izmit earthquake, which killed some 17, 000 people.


  • 参议员认为:“如果过头了,如果征收太多税收可能伤害经济。”

    "If you go too far, if you try to create too much revenue, you can do economic damage, " said Senator Toomey.


  • 乌得勒支菲兔博物馆特上发布了死讯,配布鲁纳深受喜爱菲兔角色手背在后面一滴眼泪从她的左眼滑落。

    A museum in Utrecht dedicated to Miffy tweeted the news of his death with a picture of Bruna's beloved character: arms behind her back, and a single tear below her left eye.


  • 乌得勒支菲兔博物馆特上发布了死讯,配布鲁纳深受喜爱菲兔角色手背在后面一滴眼泪从她的左眼滑落。

    A museum in Utrecht dedicated to Miffy tweeted the news of his death with a picture of Bruna's beloved character: arms behind her back, and a single tear below her left eye.


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