• 然而,往管道注入少量噬菌体可以清理整个管道系统因为噬菌体消耗生物膜的同时可以自我复制

    A small injection of phages into a water pipe, however, could clean an entire system, with the phages replicating themselves as they consume the biofilm.


  • LinuxUNIX系统中的管道优点之一其他流行操作系统不同,它们的管道涉及中间文件

    One advantage of pipes on Linux and UNIX systems is that, unlike some other popular operating systems, there is no intermediate file involved with a pipe.


  • 一特性popen系统调用实现的,系统调用允许进程打开另一个进程的管道,将管道用于输出输入

    This feature is implemented using the popen system call, which allows one process to open a pipe to another process, either for output or input. In this case we open a pipe to the command.


  • 管道建设维护管道下水道系统改建领域工程咨询服务,以及环保技术咨询。

    Consulting engineers for pipeline construction, maintenance, rehabilitation of pipe and sewer systems and consulting for environmental technology.


  • 焊接焊,用水泥涂抹,焊锡螺纹接头,使其连接管道从而制造管道系统截面

    Weld, braze, cement, solder and thread joints to join pipes and fabricate sections of piping system.


  • 因此分析管道周围土壤干燥融化圈变化管道系统设计、施工管理十分必要的。

    Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the variation of the dry or thaw circle around the pipeline for pipeline design, construction and management.


  • 一些更大系统中,例如那些使用很长的传送带管道系统,应该对流程图鉴定阀门管道系统书面清洗程序进行检查

    In larger systems, such as those employing long transfer lines or piping, check the flow charts and piping diagrams for the identification of valves and written cleaning procedures.


  • 塑料管道系统应该根据有关塑料管道系统公认标准规程进行工程设计安装操作维护

    Plastic piping systems should be engineered, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with accepted standards and procedures for plastic piping systems.


  • 管道自带清洗系统保持管道干净

    It also has a cleaning and flushing system to keep the pipe clean.


  • 管道,管线,管道管道系统那些用来铺设铅管

    A system of pipes, such as those used in plumbing.


  • 本文讨论的是管道系统振动测试分析技术提出建议的管道评价准则同时介绍国外相关标准情况

    The paper describes the testing and analysis techniques for piping system vibration, and proposes some pipe vibration evaluation criteria, and also introduces some foreign standards related.


  • 污水管道全封闭系统,和暴雨下水管道完全分离

    Well wastewater sewage is a closed system. It's completely separate from the storm drains.


  • 溢流管道液压系统重要元件溢流阀、管道定量组成的系统又是液压系统基本回路

    The relief valve and the pipeline are both important components of the hydraulic system, and that system including of relief valve and pipeline and constant pump is the basic loop of it.


  • ISG立式管道主要用于高层建筑供水管道增压消防喷淋中央空调循环系统

    Type ISG In-Line pumps are mainly used to water supply for high buildings, booster pipeline pumps, fire fighting and air condition system.


  • 非恒定流数学模型系统输水管道、配水管道调节进行分析。

    Conveyer and service pipes and regulating pond of the system was analyzed through unsteady mathematic model.


  • 可能管道泄漏可能次级系统中,可能一个蒸汽发生器管道裂开了等等

    And that could be pipe breaks maybe in the secondary system, maybe a steam generator tube leak and so forth.


  • 系统不能接近可燃液体管道其它可燃气体管道

    D. Systems should not be located close to flammable liquid piping or piping of other flammable gases.


  • 管道泄漏检测定位系统目前管道泄漏检测中的一种典型装置有效控制管道泄漏引起资源浪费环境污染

    Pipeline leak detection location system is a typical device for pipeline maintenance, which can efficiently reduce the resource waste and the environment pollution caused by pipeline leak.


  • 管道系统空气压力增加,SPRD自动开启,以防止管道系统空气流动减少过度噪音和速度。

    The SPRD will automatically open as the air pressure in the duct system increases, in order to prevent the reduction of air flow and excessive noise and velocity through the duct system.


  • 邹县发电厂四期工程系统状况进行了介绍确定蒸汽系统和主给水系统管道设计参数,选择了管道材料

    Project and system situation in Zouxian Power Plant were introduced, and the piping design parameters and the piping material of main steam system and main feed water system were determined.


  • 这种系列产品可以采用许多安装方式包括预防健康危害通过连接装置进入管道系统或者封闭日用管道进口

    This series can be used in a variety of installations, including the prevention of health hazard cross connections in piping systems or for containment at the service line entrance.


  • 吹扫压力不得超过容器管道系统设计压力容器和管道系统设计压力。

    The pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the design pressure of the container or the piping system.


  • 管道完整性管理是通过管道一系列检测评价维护措施的实施,使管道系统故障率降低至社会公众接受的水平。

    Through a series of inspection, assessment and maintain measure used on the pipeline, the failure in pipeline system can reduced to the level that the society & the public can accept.


  • 研究顺序输送管道水力特性基础上,对黄岛油库泵站-管道系统工作点的确定过程进行了分析

    On the basis of hydraulic performance of batch transportation pipeline, the paper analyzes the determination process of operating point of pumping station-pipeline system for Huangdao Oil Terminal.


  • 金属风箱管道系统中,同样涡轮增压器尾气排放管道系统之间

    Metal bellows are fitted in the pipe system as well as between the turbocharger and the exhaust discharge pipe system.


  • 压缩机管道振动不仅影响生产而且危及管道系统运行安全

    Vibration of compressor pipes not only impairs production but also endangers safety in the operation of the pipes and the system.


  • 分析钢质套管埋地管道阴极保护影响原因提出管道设计施工、阴极保护系统设计施工有关的改进意见。

    The causes of influence of steel casing on cathodic protection of buried pipelines are analyzed. Some Suggestions about design and installation of pipeline and cathodic protection are put forward.


  • 通过三种消防流程出水管道系统分析,对比有关规范规定,总结其利弊提出消防水泵出水管道系统设计做法。

    By analyzing three fire - fighting circuit piping system, and comparing some standard, it can get advantages and disadvantages, and introduce the design of fire-fighting pump piping system.


  • 通过三种消防流程出水管道系统分析,对比有关规范规定,总结其利弊提出消防水泵出水管道系统设计做法。

    By analyzing three fire - fighting circuit piping system, and comparing some standard, it can get advantages and disadvantages, and introduce the design of fire-fighting pump piping system.


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