• 第三部分把重心集中在部署管理软件配置管理购买主题,第四部分看到关于过程项目管理购买的主题。

    Part III will focus on deployment management and software configuration management purchasing issues, and Part IV will look at issues surrounding process and project management purchases.


  • FDA会议中了解到风险投资者认识到了这样系统能够提供好处更好管理购买分配医疗设备使用

    FDA also learned from the meetings that stakeholders recognize that such a system could provide supportive benefits, such as better management of the purchase, distribution and use of medical devices.


  • 如果客户可以购买本地管理存储不是在云中租赁,那么存储市场就会消失

    If a client can buy and manage storage locally compared to leasing it in the cloud, the cloud storage market disappears.


  • 即使经济管理良好并未购买有毒资产而且金融领域铤而走险国家也将蒙受损失

    Even countries that managed their economies well, did not purchase toxic assets, and did not take excessive financial risks will suffer the consequences.


  • 尽可能参照客人购买习惯因素价格敏感因素划分市场收入管理上升更高层面

    Being able to segment markets based on consumer buying behavior and price sensitivity will be necessary to take revenue management to the next level.


  • 公司伺机花旗集团购买51%美邦证券,财富管理零售经纪推向稳定更轻资产化

    A push into more stable, and capital-light, wealth management and retail brokerage was made through the opportunistic purchase of 51% of Smith Barney from Citigroup.


  • 这些客户寻求自供应的、自管理的、廉价基础设施,用来替代自己购买设备放到租用的主机托管商那自己的数据中心里的方式。

    These customers seek self-provisioned, self-managed, cost-effective infrastructure as an alternative to buying their own equipment and placing it into colocation or into their own data center.


  • 获取实现管理这些技术成本高于购买这些额外基本服务器

    The costs of acquiring, implementing and managing such technology are significantly higher than those of buying additional basic servers.


  • 那些“小气员工这样的:如果管理掏钱购买每周每人克的脂肪都不情愿,那么显然不在乎员工。

    The thinking of your "petty" staff goes something like this: if management can't even fork out for a few grammas of fat and sugar per person per week, then it evidently doesn't care the staff.


  • 本周KBR公司开始购买一家回车场管理咨询电子学习提供商

    KBR Inc. started at its doorstep and then went halfway around the world this week to buy a turnaround management consultancy and an e-learning provider.


  • 对冲基金购买衍生品作为管理风险一个途径不管经济繁荣还是紧缩

    Hedge funds are attracted to derivatives as a way to manage risk and punt with borrowed money, whether economies are stagnating or booming.


  • 他们需要软件购买许可,也不需要安装托管管理它。

    They don't have to acquire the license for the software and arrange for it to be installed, hosted, and managed.


  • 报告里讲到:“就网站内容管理产品的购买决定早就超过起初内容发布关注。”

    Buying decisions around WCM have expanded beyond the original focus of publishing content.


  • 例如可以异步通知购买管理应用程序来自WebSphereMQ“填写帐户消息已经到达

    For example, a purchase management application could be notified asynchronously of the arrival of a "place account" message from WebSphere MQ.


  • 这次初步成功使atlasAir开始考虑购买支付业务流程实施流程管理改进

    Success with this initial step allowed Atlas Air the flexibility to consider and commence process management improvements in their purchase to pay business process.


  • Richins提出,了解趋使消费的原因就有可能帮助人们更好的管理他们的资金购买的产品。

    Richins writes that understanding what drives consumption might help people better manage their finances and purchases.


  • 可以购买一些SimpleDB管理工具Firefox使用免费工具,或者尝试typicashell

    You can also purchase several SimpleDB management tools, use the free one for Firefox, or try out the typica shell.


  • 施罗德MassimoTosato说“如果购买银行资产管理部门的基金,意味着你正在什么呢?

    If you buy a bank's asset manager, what are you buying? ” says Massimo Tosato of Schroders.


  • 与此同时时代公司其他杂志出版商指望在线流媒体电视网站Hulu,希望其能为杂志建立可以消费者提供购买管理数字订阅的服务。

    Meanwhile, Time Inc. and other magazine publishers are looking to create a Hulu for magazines where consumers can purchase and manage digital subscriptions.


  • 亚马逊购买ZapposZappos的:他的管理雇员

    Amazon is buying Zappos for its people - its leadership and its employees.


  • 亚马逊购买ZapposZappos的:他的管理雇员

    Amazon is buying Zappos for its people -its leadership and its employees.


  • 怡安保险经纪人布莱恩·瓦纳特(BrianWanat)几年仅有四分之一的对冲基金购买管理责任险如今一比例达到二分之一

    Brian Wanat of Aon, a broker, says that a few years ago only one in four hedge funds purchased management-liability insurance. Now it's closer to one in two.


  • 去年夏天以来Crane看到13个资产管理公司他们的证券组合里购买证券或者采取其他方式阻止资产价格下滑

    Since last summer Crane has seen 13 asset-management companies buy securities from their portfolios or take other actions to prevent a share-price decline.


  • 不过这些报告不全面,原因之一就在于沙特阿拉伯的资金是由伦敦方面负责管理,但却用来购买美国股票报告,这部分资金是算英国的名下,而不是沙特阿拉伯。

    But those reports are incompletepartly because Saudi money managed in London and invested in U.S. stocks shows up as British, not Saudi.


  • 10年前普林斯顿大学安装一种桌面系统,我们管理部门购买,1500台电脑

    We have a case here in university about ten years ago, and it was a thing called a desktop degree we are gonna buy about 1500 computers for the ministries then.


  • 如果及时购买他们对于管理看起来像是全面失败,这一个相当尴尬

    It buys them time, but is hugely embarrassing for the management team who look like complete failures.


  • 另外需要购买软件许可,也无需对云计算技术本身进行管理

    In addition, companies don't have to purchase software licenses or manage any technology themselves.


  • 而且,养老金管理购买长期资产来于他们支付约定匹配的想法已经使他们进入到信贷市场绝大部分

    Also, the desire of pension-fund managers to buy long-term assets to match their payout commitments has led them into most parts of the credit market.


  • 而且,养老金管理购买长期资产来于他们支付约定匹配的想法已经使他们进入到信贷市场绝大部分

    Also, the desire of pension-fund managers to buy long-term assets to match their payout commitments has led them into most parts of the credit market.


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