• 目前职位上,突破升迁的无形障碍,成为公司第一升至高级管理女性

    In her current role she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company.


  • 罗马天才们突破新的领域——尤其是法律军事组织行政管理工程领域

    The Roman genius was projected into new spheresespecially into those of law, military organization, administration, and engineering.


  • 为了突破这种限制,开发出一种管理磁盘分配的新颖而灵活技术技术称为逻辑

    What evolved from this messy picture was a new, flexible technique to manage the allocation, known as logical volumes. Here are some of the benefits!


  • 《国际肝病》:能否概括突破及其丙型肝炎治疗管理影响

    Hepatology Digest: Can you please summarize the consequences of breakthrough and its effects on therapy and HCV management?


  • 由于我国公共危机管理起步阶段,新闻媒体对公共危机的介入多方面寻求突破

    As the public crisis management is still in its initial stage, it needs a breakthrough for the news media to be involved in the public crisis management.


  • 学习型组织理论不仅仅管理理论重大突破重要的是它提供了一种全新思维方式

    The theory of the learning organization is not only a significant break of the theory of management, but also gives a new way for thinking.


  • 供应链管理必将成为泰安印刷厂获得竞争优势新的突破

    Supply chain management will become a new breakthrough for Taian printing factory to gain competitive advantages.


  • 同时标准成本管理优势作业成本运用提供了突破

    Same time, the advantage of standard cost method in the management of the use of activity-based costing provides a major breakthrough.


  • 核废料管理领域一些国家燃料处理方面取得了技术突破

    In the field of nuclear waste management, some countries have made technological breakthroughs in dealing with spent fuel.


  • 城市网格化管理我国数字城市技术应用领域重大突破国际处于领先地位

    City grid management is a great breakthrough in the application of digital city technology in our country, and takes the lead in the world.


  • 课程课程功能结构内容实施评价管理等方面都较原来的课程突破

    Compared with the former curriculum, the new curriculum has great breakthrough in its function, structure, content, implementation, evaluation and management, etc.


  • 未来成本会计无论成本管理思想上,还是在成本核算范围方法上均有新的突破

    For the future cost counting will break through not only in cost managerial thought but also in the scope and method of cost counting.


  • 一些重大突破已经使得市场风险管理一定意义上成为门科学

    Some major breakthroughs have been made of market risk management; in a sense become a science.


  • 茨曼利润分享理论提出使得薪酬管理理论重大突破

    The theory of "profit-sharing" by Martin Weitzman has made a great breakthrough in that of "salaries and remuneration" management.


  • 分析企业中层管理人员培训现状突破阐述了中层管理人员培训需求分析思路方法

    Taking it as a breakthrough to analyze training status of medium level management in enterprise, illustrated analysis ideas and methods for its demand.


  • 缓冲区设置关键链法项目进度管理领域一个技术突破,通过缓冲区项目进度进行监控具有实际应用意义。

    Buffer sizing is the breakthrough of critical chain in the area of project schedule management, and it makes a practical application on monitoring project.


  • 物理模型基础进行设计过程管理产品设计理论一个突破

    In the physical design process based models of management theory is a breakthrough in product design.


  • 管理会计目标原则曾经受到国内外学者广泛关注,但是相关研究并没有出现重大突破

    The objectives and principles of management accounting have been paid widely attention to by researchers at home and abroad.


  • 维护河流健康作为流域管理战略目标管理理念的重大突破

    It is a major breakthrough of defining sustaining health of rivers as the strategic target of river basin management.


  • 本文制度作为中国水资源体制改革的突破,就水权制度及水资源管理体制改革方面的问题进行了阐述提出了对策和建议。

    This article analyzes the focal point of China's water management and water property right system in order to clarify the relevant problems and bring forward some countermeasures.


  • 经过不断探索实践省直体制改革正在成为国家行政管理体制改革重大突破

    Through constant exploration and practice, the system reform of provincial directly governing counties is becoming a major breakthrough in the administrative restructuring reform.


  • 同时通过管理更迭过程引入职业管理者,加强企业管理能力从而突破企业成长的约束。

    In addition, it is a very important action to strengthen managerial ability of enterprise to break through enterprise succeed constrained by administrator renew and introduce.


  • 目的校园网应用VPN技术突破校园网应用服务地域限制优化了校园网管理应用

    Objective To apply the VPN technique in the campus network, break through the restrict of service region in the campus network and optimize the campus net management and the application.


  • 如何从根本上突破传统思维建立新型造价管理体系国际接轨摆在造价领域重要课题

    It is an important issue in fabrication cost field to break the confinement of traditional ideas and establish a new fabrication cost management system in line with international standards.


  • 通过分析管理科学领域重大理论突破应用成就提出了实证方法管理学的主要研究方法。

    That empirical research is the main method in the study of management science is put forward in this paper after analyzing the significant research achievements and factual applications in this field.


  • 基于组织能力的战略性人力资源管理突破企业战略人力资源管理之间简单线性对应关系认识的束缚。

    It is broken through by strategic human resource management based on organizing ability that there is single line corresponding between enterprise strategy and human resource management.


  • 运用实物期权理论可以突破传统方法束缚使管理投资决策变得科学、更可靠

    The theory of real option using in traditional method can break through the constraint and make the investment decision of administrator more scientifically and more reliable.


  • 上海黄金交易所开业运行,是我国黄金管理体制重大突破,是我国金融市场建设新篇章

    The official opening of Shanghai gold Exchange marked a significant breakthrough in Chinas gold administrative system, unfolding a brand new chapter in the construction of Chinas financial market.


  • 清洁生产融入现代成本管理方法—作业制管理突破清洁生产障碍一种思路

    There is a design that blends cleaner production with activity-based management to overcome these blocks.


  • 清洁生产融入现代成本管理方法—作业制管理突破清洁生产障碍一种思路

    There is a design that blends cleaner production with activity-based management to overcome these blocks.


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