• 为丹佛道尔小学的一名新教师,凯尔·施瓦兹想到了一个简单的方法来了解她的三年学生,他们大多来自贫困家庭。

    As a new teacher at Doull Primary School in Denver, Kyle Schwartz thought of a simple way to get to know her third graders, most of whom came from poor families.


  • 遗憾对于何时应当放弃应用事务并没有简单规则

    Unfortunately there are no simple formulas for when to back away from application level transactions.


  • 度器工作非常简单:它优先最高队列中选择个任务执行

    The job of the scheduler is simple: choose the task on the highest priority list to execute.


  • 第四简单服务通常复合服务替代,后者可以进行组合

    Often the simple services of level four are replaced by composite services that can be choreographed.


  • 实际上一个非常简单局部编配需求业务没有任何关系。

    This is actually a very simple, local need of orchestration that has nothing to do with the business level.


  • 这个视图聚合数据泄漏疑点列表更加简单

    This is a simpler view than the aggregated data level list of leak suspects.


  • BISON简单专业搜索模式期刊搜索,到其他目录跳转

    BISON has simple, advanced, and expert search modes, a journal search, and jumping off points for other catalogs.


  • 在企业应用系统中,如果准备开始一个快速,简单任务例如根据IP地址分析请求拥堵模型web集群中或者类似的东西

    If you're ready to give it a shot, start with a simple task like analyzing the traffic patterns into your Web cluster based on the IP address of the requesters, or something similar.


  • 本文只是一个入门读物,旨在让您体验Scheme等面向列表语言中列表处理何等简单

    This article has been just a primer to provide a taste of how easy list manipulation is in list-oriented languages like Scheme.


  • Synergy使得过程相对简单因为提供非常适合这项任务各种调试输出

    Synergy makes this relatively easy, as it provides a wide range of debug level output perfectly suited for this task.


  • 利用简单的多条目放操作,方便地完成计划制定、对故事划分优先

    Easily plan and prioritize stories via simple multi-item drag and drop functionality.


  • 了这个框架这个简单示例,就可以读取视频像素处理视频上sdl Surface的形式进行绘制。

    You now have a framework and a simple example that allows you to read in a frame of video, process it on the pixel level, and draw over the video as an SDL Surface.


  • 尽管2客户端”应用开发简单但是任何用户接口或者业务逻辑改变所导致的软件需要所有客户端上进行

    Two-tier thick client applications are easy to develop, but any software upgrade because of changes in user interface or business logic has to be rolled out for all the clients.


  • AggregatePublishService可用来生成一个聚合pdf格式简单文档所有复合文档套文档构成。

    AggregatePublishService produces an aggregate PDF rendition consisting of simple documents and nested compound documents that are all siblings of the parent compound document.


  • 大概受邀外甥女詹妮所在的一做一个简短讲座不要深奥的,注意,相当简单比如生活一个陌生地方会是什么样子? 就贝尔法斯特

    About a month ago I was invited to give a brief talk to my nephew Gianni’s first grade classnothing too deep, mind you, rather simply about what it’s like living in a foreign place such as Belfast.


  • 清单1中,我们简单循环方式分配消息优先

    In Listing 1, we assign message priority simply on a round-robin basis.


  • 通常团队简单方法故事15排列,以此反映出不确定性程度增加

    Often teams take the simple approach of ranking stories from 1 to 5 to reflect increasing levels of uncertainty.


  • 2最上面图表解释了简单优先反转示例它涉及三个线程:一个(H)、一个(M)一个(L)优先线程

    One of the simplest examples of priority inversion, illustrated in the top diagram in Figure 2, involves three threads: one high (h), one medium (m), and one low (l) priority thread.


  • 通过使用针对用户空间内核代码这些简单算法现在能够检测记录响应来自用户各种物理输入

    With these simple algorithms for user space and kernel-level code, you now have the ability to detect, log, and respond to the full range of physical input from the user.


  • 简单来说片段统计允许片段存储数据分布组成片段构建

    In simple terms, fragment-level statistics allows storage of column data distributions per fragment, and building the table level from its constituent fragments.


  • 就是这么简单——如果觉得优先更少简单的话。

    It is that simpleif you want to think of fewer priorities as simpler.


  • 成熟的方案可以使用一个优先分数确定执行顺序原型主要目标简单明了

    A more sophisticated scheme could use a prioritization score to determine the order of execution, but a main goal of the prototype is simplicity.


  • UNIX设计大量函数调用称为系统调用)组成,其中包括一些简单任务屏幕上显示字符串设置任务优先

    The UNIX design consists of hundreds of function calls (called system calls) covering simple tasks, such as displaying a character string on the screen to setting task priorities.


  • 简单小学康平路上,而就在这里姚明第一次经历投篮比赛时候

    This unassuming primary school just off Kangping Lu is where Yao Ming first experienced a shooting competition, when he was in grade one.


  • 虽然活动可能需要具有高资格专业专家,但也将其定位简单问题

    It's therefore defined as a "simple" issue, though the activity may require high-level qualifications or professional expertise.


  • 甚至并不擅长理论物理简单重力中心问题之后,他承认自己门课没有达到O

    He's not even very good with theoretical physics. After a brief conversation about centres of gravity, he admits that he failed his O-level in the subject.


  • 最后一部分创建了一个简单着色系统,它分为

    The final section creates a simple graduated coloring system using five intervals.


  • 思想变成了“10”时,一个7问题像小孩游戏那样简单

    When your thoughts become the thoughts of a “Level 10 Person, ” a “Level 7 Problemwill seem like child’s play to you.


  • 思想变成了“10”时,一个7问题小孩游戏那样简单

    When your thoughts become the thoughts of a “Level 10 Person,” a “Level 7 Problemwill seem like child's play to you.


  • 思想变成了“10”时,一个7问题小孩游戏那样简单

    When your thoughts become the thoughts of a “Level 10 Person,” a “Level 7 Problemwill seem like child's play to you.


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