• 的是朴素的、简单日常饮食

    I'm talking about simple, easy, everyday meals.


  • 但是如果采用这种朴素经典形式,决策就不会耗费长时间,裙装的选择也将一件非常简单事情

    But if the classic formula of simplicity is applied decision making can be much less time consuming and dress selection could be a very easy job.


  • 简单朴素家庭能让我们幸福一整天真正生活可以好好休息。

    The simplicity of home and family made us happy, and allowed us to rest after a day of truly living.


  • 鸡蛋“刺啦”声袅袅升起,空气开始充斥着稚嫩的童音汽车启动的节奏、夫妻间甜蜜的道别,还有邻居们简单朴素的问好。

    With the sizzles of frying eggs lingering in the air, there comes piping voices of children, starting sounds of cars, sweet "goodbye" between spouses and plain "morning" among neighbours.


  • 清楚房内会是怎般模样,摆设简单朴素还是让诧异不已:没有前台接待员,没有招待,没有实验室门牌。

    She didn't know what to expect, but the simplicity surprised her: no receptionist, no outer office, no sign of a laboratory.


  • 厚厚的眼镜加上简单T恤林海看上去其他工科没什么两样朴素外表下,却跳动着一颗技术狂人的

    Wearing thick glasses and a simple T-shirt, Lin looks no different to other engineering students. But under his plain appearance lies a true geek heart.


  • 修行者智慧是由简单朴素生活中逐渐形成的。

    The wisdom of men of practice comes into being in simple and plain life.


  • 庄子一直厉行简单朴素生活物质享受,从不刻意追求所以给印象难免有些邋遢不修边幅

    Chuang Tzu sought to live in a simple and plain life strictly, he pursued after little enjoyment of material. Hence, from his appearance, people thought he was slovenly.


  • 设计师设计之初只有用更加简单直接方式产品进行定位,才能将产品其简约朴素真实属性淋漓尽致地诠释激发无限的设计源泉

    We designer must orientate products in more simple and direct ways, so can we annotate products' simple, true and inornate attribute much better, and help us to excitated infinite design headspring.


  • 室内设计保持简单朴素暴露木地板搭配白色墙壁和家具,天窗为室内带来额外的自然光线

    Interior design is kept simple and understated. Exposed timber beams and wooden flooring are complemented by white walls and cabinetry, while skylights help to bring extra light inside.


  • 所用材料的选择简单精致的橡木地板白色清晰表面其它黑色形成对照,显得朴素

    The materials that are used stand out for its simplicity: delicate oak flooring, white and clear surfaces that contrast others in black, these severe and impositive.


  • 大部分时间坚持一个朴素简单生活但是有时候出去挥霍一下犒劳自己

    For most of the time, I stick to a plain and easy lifestyle. But occasionally, I will spend a lot of money to pamper myself a bit.


  • 在这种简单也许纯属义务性场合,女主人的衣着十分朴素

    The hostess was dressed very simply for a simple, perhaps obligatory occasion.


  • 建筑外观上的简单朴素掩盖了技术复杂性

    The building's apparent simplicity belies its technical complexity.


  • 瑜伽- - -瑜伽主要目的就是使思想恢复简单朴素平静的状态,困惑和痛苦中解脱出来。

    Yoga for you — the primary aim of yoga is to restore the mind to simplicity and peace, to free it from confusion and distress.


  • 可是如果一个到今天仍然坚持穿补丁衣服,那维持简单朴素生活动机问题。

    However, if a man nowadays still wears a piece of clothes with patches, his motive for keeping the life will be in doubt.


  • 简单文字朴素爱情你们吗?

    The simplest words, the most simple love, you understand?


  • 朴素贝叶斯算法一种简单高效分类算法,但是条件独立性假设影响分类性能

    Naive Bayes algorithm is a simple and effective classification algorithm. However, its classification performance is affected by its conditional attribute independence assumption.


  • 美德好比宝石,在朴素背景衬托下反而更华丽。同样,一个衣着简单的优雅举止美德的映衬下,会令人肃然起敬

    Virtue, as a precious stone, is brighter against a plain background. A simple-dressed man will call forth a feeling of profound respect against a graceful behavior and virtue.


  • 角色在公众注意范围之外。即便是左臂纹身也是简单朴素的。

    His persona floats beneath the radar. Even the tattoo on his left arm is understated.


  • 一直是这样总是去感激生活中简单朴素东西朋友,我的家人…我我睡醒之际,我在想今天我能为他们些什么

    I have always been the type of person who has appreciated the simple things life. My friends, my family... and when I wake up each day, I think about what I can do for someone today.


  • 摘要朴素贝叶斯分类一种简单高效的分类器,条件独立性假设使无法表示属性问的依赖关系。

    Absrtact: Naive Bayesian classifier is a simple and effective classifier, but its conditional independence assumption makes it unable to express the dependence among features.


  • 深刻的道理,往往简单朴素的。

    The most profound thoughts are always those which are simple and plain.


  • 但是服饰透射朴素简单,表明她财力有限

    There was, however, a plainness and simplicity about her costume which bore with it a suggestion of limited means.


  • 礼物就是一条白金表链,款式简单朴素,货真价实,不是花哨的包装、而是靠真正的质量正当地显示自己价值一切好的东西都应该如此

    It was a platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design, properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation — as all good things should do.


  • 朴素贝叶斯分类一种简单高效分类器,但是属性独立性假设限制实际数据的应用。

    Naive Bayes classifier is a simple and effective classification method, but its attribute independence assumption makes it unable to express the dependence among attributes in the real world.


  • 朴素贝叶斯分类一种简单高效分类器,但是属性独立性假设限制实际数据的应用。

    Naive Bayes classifier is a simple and effective classification method, but its attribute independence assumption makes it unable to express the dependence among attributes in the real world.


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