• 软件的简单版目前免费

    The Lite version is currently free from the AppStore.


  • 游戏两个玩法,分别是简单版复杂,前者只利用55,后者本则齐110张牌。

    The first version uses 55 of the cards and the gamer version uses all 110 cards.


  • 我们可以模拟一个简单SQL只能实现简单排序简单选择条件显示顺序功能

    We can simulate a simple version of SQL, only simple sorting, simple selection criteria, the column display order and other functions.


  • 最初非常简单娃娃不同升级的巨魔娃娃穿时髦和最亮的衣服使他们看起来

    Different from the original and very simple Troll doll, the updated Trollz wear only the hippest and brightest of outfits, making them look more like people.


  • 本文方案中,目标寻找面向桌面的简单发行以便用户使用

    In the scenario in this article, the goal is to find a simple desktop-oriented distribution that is easy for new users.


  • 这些东西,我们可以考虑将这个Scitter客户机库作为“alpha”至少实现一个简单的Scitter客户机

    And with that, I think we can consider the Scitter client library to be "alpha," at least to implement a simple Scitter client.


  • CallFlowBuilder生成VoiceXML代码已经足以创建简单语音应用程序演示以及原型了

    The VoiceXML code generated by the CallFlow Builder is sufficient for the creation of simple voice applications, demos, and prototypes.


  • 通过两种简单方法已经准备充分利用Ganymede发行

    With these two simple methods, you are primed to take full advantage of the Ganymede release.


  • 8个系列教程一部分系列示范如何使用Silverlight2的Beta1建造一个简单Digg客户端应用

    This is part one of eight tutorials that walk through how to build a simple Digg client application using Silverlight 2.


  • 8个系列教程第2部分这个系列示范如何使用Silverlight2的Beta1创建一个简单的Digg客户端应用

    This is part two of eight tutorials that walk through how to build a simple client application using Silverlight 2.


  • 对于使用Python1.5.2、1.6或者2.0用户来说,下载安装pydoc简单—请立即下载(请参阅参考资料)。

    However, for users of Python 1.5.2, 1.6, or 2.0, downloading and installing pydoc is extremely easy — do so right away (see Resources).


  • 同时许多Eclipse发行都是简单ZIP文件,这非常方便—包括来自Eclipse.org发行

    While it is convenient that many Eclipse distros are simple ZIP files - including the distro from Eclipse.org.


  • xsl样式简单的0.91提示而设计的,因此如果处理的是这一本的提示,可以忽略过渡转换中的样式表。

    The final.xsl stylesheet is designed for a simple 0.91-style feed, so if you're dealing with one, you'll omit the stylesheet on the interim transformation.


  • 免费Doodle的测试中,建立一个会议安排调查只需不到分钟而且确实称得上简单

    In our test of the free version of Doodle, it took less than five minutes to set up a poll for meeting scheduling, and that seems like something worthy of being called simple.


  • 大多数发行数据库包含这两个因此安装应该比较简单

    Most distributions make both packages available in their package databases, so installation should be easy.


  • 不同图像比如那些3.0载入画面图像在分布各自图层上使得干预图像其他部分的情况下编辑部分图像简单

    Different images, such as those used in the image above in the 3.0 splash screen, are assigned their own layers, making it easy to work on those images without tampering with other areas of the image.


  • 花花公子》杂志创刊1953年,共有20国际各地本都符合当地审美趣味,并不是简单美国内容批发、翻译过去。

    Founded in 1953, Playboy has some 20 local editions around the world that cater to local taste rather than simply exporting and translating its U.S. content.


  • 简单方式主干修复该问题,发布1.1.0

    The simplest way is to simply fix it on the trunk and release a version 1.1.0.


  • XMI一个非常复杂的规范(1.2 400多页),本文基于实现自动派生需要做尽可能简单介绍

    XMI is a sophisticated specification (version 1.2 is over 400 pages), so, in this article, I will limit myself to the bare minimum description needed for automatic derivation.


  • 登于上周四科学杂志上的这份新的研究相对简单

    The new research, published Thursday in Science magazine, was relatively simple.


  • 本文后面我会演示使用来自服务器XML响应JSON响应,但是现在为了简单起见我们html开始

    Later in the article, I demonstrate using an XML response and a JSON response from the server, but for the moment, just to keep it simple, you'll start with the HTML version.


  • 不能简单平面设计上的蛋糕图案转电脑屏幕上去。平面印刷中,图片页面装饰跟品味品牌有关。在电子屏幕上,它们变成混乱的一团。

    You cannot just transpose print candy to screen candy. In print, graphic page ornaments are a matter of taste and brand. On the screen they become confusing clutter.


  • 本文利用V0.1创建类似项目并且更加简单

    This article leverages the V0.1 release to create a similar projectand more — with ease.


  • 为了保持示例简单Quartz配置使用 Quartz发行附带的默认值。

    To keep this example simple, the Quartz configuration uses the defaults that come with the Quartz distribution.


  • 近来Axis21.5.2就是例子二进制发布缺失安全性处理所必需JAR文件因此没有一种简单方法使rampart一起工作

    The recent Axis2 1.5.2 release is an example: the binary distribution is missing a JAR file required for security handling, so there's no easy way to make it work with Rampart.


  • Facebook系统伪装一种简单Flyers升级,后者自我服务的基础上销售廉价广告,因而备受诟病。

    Facebook has disguised the system as a simple upgrade to Flyers, its much-derided system for selling cheap ads on a self-service basis.


  • 虽然没有任何东西能够阻挡系统上安装软件,例如在Ubuntu 上安装Fluxbox但是您会发现如果简单使用发行所附带的默认DE,一切轻松很多

    There is nothing stopping you from installing, say, Fluxbox on Ubuntu; however, you'll find that life is a lot easier if you simply use the default DE that comes with your distribution.


  • 一些发行比如slackware提供来自其他软件包类型简单安装但是细节不同这里提供RPMDebian软件包指令

    Some distributions, such as Slackware, offer easy installation from other package types, but the details differ from the RPM and Debian package instructions provided here.


  • 一些发行比如slackware提供来自其他软件包类型简单安装但是细节不同这里提供RPMDebian软件包指令

    Some distributions, such as Slackware, offer easy installation from other package types, but the details differ from the RPM and Debian package instructions provided here.


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