• 科菲安南工作人员策划了千目标

    Kofi Annan's staff devised the millennium development goals.


  • 所以28岁伯乐策划逐字地一个解决方法昨晚纽约大学电信合作项目艺术春季公众示。

    So Burrows, 28, engineered (literally) a solution, which he unveiled to the public last night at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program Spring Show at Tisch School of the Arts.


  • 同事介绍艺术画廊老板认识以后,决定假装策划场艺术

    When a coworker put me in touch with the owner of an art gallery, I decided to stage a fake art show.


  • 博物馆开始策划永久性藏品,而这些会用到一些借来的品,比如现在正在出的保罗 塞尚的关于打牌人的绘画作品

    The museum is also using loans as a jumping-off point for shows from the permanent collection, as in its current exhibition of Paul Cézanne’s card-player paintings.


  • 博物馆开始策划永久性藏品,而这些会用到一些借来的品,比如现在正在出的保罗塞尚的关于打牌人的绘画作品

    The museum is also using loans as a jumping-off point for shows from the permanent collection, as in its current exhibition of Paul Cézanne's card-player paintings.


  • 雪白T项目策划Triple-Major,这个项目是一个巡回艺术,意在解析、重定义、重构造来自31位国际设计师设计T的意象。

    Curated by Triple-Major, Project White T-shirt is a traveling art exhibition featuring deconstructed, repurposed and reimagined white T-shirts from 31 international designers.


  • 最近也才知道,2001年,贺军参加过我参与策划个在小学做的当代艺术

    Back to 2001, he had taken part in a contemporary art show in a primary school, in which I actually was one of the curators.


  • 全球混合适当多样化需要精心策划

    Careful curation is required for this global mix to be properly diverse.


  • 热衷于创作印度参与策划了一次艺术印度媒体发表了各类文章

    Passionate about creativity, she has also co-curated an art exhibit in India and composed various articles for Indian media.


  • 于2007798艺术节策划第一次国际网络策划览“”。过去年的韩国双年中,他曾担任馆长艺术总监

    He cocurated "Surge, " the network's first international insertion, for the 798 Art Festival in 2007, and he held posts as curator and artistic director in the Korean Biennale for the past two years.


  • 本次策划筹备工作夏天开始历时90余资金投入时间跨度影响力超过以往任何一次当代艺术

    Planning preparations for this exhibition started in the summer and it lasted more than 90 days, its funding, time span and influence are larger and more than any previous contemporary art exhibition.


  • 目前正在策划一个大规模的中国美术馆藏品为主20世纪中国当代艺术”,将2007年奥地利维也纳

    The exhibition 20th Century China Contemporary Art is going to take place in Vienna, Austria in 2007. Most of the items displayed in this exhibition come from NAMOC.


  • 鼎峰空间国内外知名策划高水平学术交流推荐当代著名艺术家积极发掘、培养新锐艺术家。

    China Space will sincerely invite famous planners abroad to plan high-level academic exchanges, introduce contemporary famous artists, and proactively seek and train new artists.


  • 霍尔表示,大卫·韦伯珠宝一位自由策划,该览得以举办一方面由于品牌珠宝品质精良,另一方面是由于该品牌棕榈滩之间千丝万缕联系

    The exhibit, assembled by a freelance curator, was chosen because of the strength of the pieces and the jeweler's connections to Palm Beach, says Mr.


  • 1953年创办实验飞机协会(EAA),是由建造自己飞机一事兴趣所发起,他们还策划空中

    A group of people interested in building their own airplanes started the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) in 1953 and organized an air show.


  • 2004年受邀代表新加坡威尼斯双年、2007年策划北京「新加坡节设计」。

    The office work was showcased in the Singapore Pavilion at 2004 Venice Biennale, and the 2007 Singapore Season in Beijing.


  • 同时,还国际知名学者和艺评人策划一系列主题

    The gallery has also curated a sequence of thematic group shows in partnership with internationally recognized scholars in the field.


  • 决定作品怎样呈现,并非单纯、无立场的策划工作。我们思考所有相关元素概念方式以至场刊编印

    Given that curatorial practice is not naïve or neutral - it determines what to be seen, we should question all elements related to exhibition making: from the concept to the display and catalogue;


  • “时代之新加坡美术馆藏东南亚美术精品”,中国美术馆新加坡美术馆共同策划主办

    The first is Encounters: Southeast Asian Art in Singapore Art Museum Collection, which co-organized and sponsored by National Art Museum of China and Singapore Art Museum.


  • 平生一次策划女性艺术不禁对此届包括十八位女性艺术家作品的联合满怀期待。

    This female artists' exhibition is a first of a kind for me so I am very excited to see this exhibition, which will include 18 female artists' works, realised.


  • 平生一次策划女性艺术不禁对此届包括十八位女性艺术家作品的联合满怀期待。

    This female artists' exhibition is a first of a kind for me so I am very excited to see this exhibition, which will include 18 female artists' works, realised.


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