• 不寻常,土耳其言中却相当普遍

    This is unusual in English, whereas it is common in languages such as Turkish.


  • 词汇习得研究中,词汇单词段。

    In vocabulary acquisition researches, vocabulary does not only refer to single words but also the "chunks" such as phrases and idioms.


  • 个别使用方式和交际价值实现有赖于既定情境意图外因素的作用

    On the other hand, individual use of language towards the realization of communicative value in language depends on the role of context and intention.


  • 夫人未及留,贾遣人来说:”“请姨太太在这里住下大家亲密些”“。”

    Before Lady Wang could extend this invitation, the Lady Dowager also sent to urge, "Do invite your sister to stay here, so that we can all be close together."


  • 希伯来阿拉伯的方向与一般言不同,对于这些言,应该设置DB2BIDI环境变量

    For languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic, which are inherently mixed-directional, DB2BIDI environment variable should also be set.


  • 公司正在加紧研发丹麦希伯来,并积极提供其他言的翻译搜索服务(link)。

    The company is frantically working on translation to other languages like Danish, Russian, French and Hebrew and is actively searching for help translating other languages.


  • 看作孤立静态,仅限于句子水平言规则,词、境、交际目的的关系篇水平上的法未得到有效学习

    On the other hand, grammar is still taught by the traditional way of isolated presentation-practice and mainly on the sentence level.


  • 因此,我想来谈谈科学定义首先我会将自己限定在,诸如荷兰美国迪瓦霍系统之下。

    So, what I want to do is, I want to discuss the scientific notion of language, at first restricting myself to systems like English and Dutch and American sign language and Navajo and so on.


  • 市政委员会可以选民寄送西班牙的通知、信件类似的东西。

    The council can send messages or letters or whatnot in Spanish to their constituents.


  • ta源于丹麦tak”,表达感谢的第二大常用表达方式,用于非正式场合niceone”、“brilliant一起使用

    "Ta", originated from the Danish word "tak”, was the second-most popular expression of thanks, and is also commonly used in informal situations, along with phrases such as "nice one", and "brilliant".


  • 检查器工具(目前支持荷兰波兰)。

    A language checker tool (current support for English, German, Polish, Dutch, etc.).


  • 例如如果意大利拉丁那么往往可以相当准确认出西班牙罗马尼亚中的一些

    For example, if you have studied one of the Romance languages like French or Italian, you tend to recognize words in Spanish or Romanian with a fair degree of accuracy.


  • 16世纪时,这个经由拉丁传入词义范围泛指大蒜植物的鳞茎缩小到仅表示洋葱

    As the word came down to English in the 16th century through Latin it narrowed its meaning from including things like garlic to mostly referring to Onions.


  • 真正优势在于文化——尤其是过去二十年里彻底挫败诸如俄罗斯所有传统竞争对手

    But the real edge lies with culture, particularly the English language, which has decimated all its traditional competitors - French, German and Russian - over the past two decades.


  • 另一个方面最近事件国际世界协会的电子邮件事件哥本哈根COP15失败市民方便理由折扣气候变化视为一种威胁。

    Another aspect is that recent events, such as the UEA emails affair, the failure of COP15 at Copenhagen etc, give people a convenient reason to discount climate change as a threat.


  • 我们积极鼓励学习同时我们鼓励学习其他比如阿拉伯西班牙普通话印地乌尔都

    We actively promote English learning, but we also promote other languages as well, such as Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, and Urdu to name just a few.


  • 为了银河系和平着想,不得不指出同样存在很多转换瓦肯罗慕仑、埃沃沃奇、佛瑞吉多种言的项目

    Footnote In the interests of Galactic Peace it should also be pointed out that there are also programs that translate English into Vulcan, Romulan, Ewok, Wookie, Ferengi ...


  • 学习现代学习拉丁更为有用

    It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.


  • 是因为机器翻译技术依赖分析同一文本版本统计特性西班牙——英字典

    That's because machine translation techniques rely on analysing the statistical properties of the same text written in two different languages - a Spanish-English dictionary, for example.


  • 英国戏剧节期间伦敦38不同来演绎莎士比亚38部戏剧迎接2012年伦敦奥运会的到来。这些包括阿拉伯西班牙乌尔都

    Each of William Shakespeare's 38 plays will be performed in a different language, including Arabic, Spanish and Urdu, during a theatre season in Britain to mark the London 2012 Olympic Games.


  • 世行网站现已发布了份征求意见稿,有阿拉伯西班牙版本,同时还配有英文版背景资料

    An approach paper has been posted online for public review in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and Russian, together with background papers in English.


  • 乔迪·勒文的领导下监狱大学计划得到大大地扩充提供数学人文学社会科学西班牙20门课程

    Under Lewen's leadership, the Prison University Project has expanded, now offering 20 classes in English, math, the humanities, social science and Spanish.


  • 言学家想知道究竟是怎样大脑运作的。而图卡诺实据就是他们的研究材料

    Linguists ask precisely how language works in the brain, and examples such as Tuyuca's evidentiality are their raw material.


  • 我们考虑逻辑功能不同种类意义时,“赋予意义”一究竟意味着什么?

    What does' making meaning 'mean we we consider the range between logical, semantical, and functional meaning?


  • 佛罗里达州南部以及美国西南部许多说西班牙社区

    Regions such as southern Florida and the Southwest have numerous Spanish-speaking neighborhoods.


  • 佛罗里达州南部以及美国西南部许多说西班牙社区

    Regions such as southern Florida and the Southwest have numerous Spanish-speaking neighborhoods.


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