• 他们重申了极为欠缺的集体公正社会正义观念

    They spoke about critically missing values, like community, equity, and social justice.


  • 美国宣传生育控制母乳喂养观念时,即看成国际营销

    When the United Nations promotes such concepts as birth control and breast feeding, this should be viewed as international marketing.


  • 尼采认为,因果关系信念实际上连通主体意志等观念存在信仰

    He argues that the causality belief interacts with the conviction of the notion of subject and will.


  • 考虑能源节约等观念增长使用新型能效空调代替老旧系统需求快速增长

    Given the growing focus on energy conservation, the demand for replacing old air conditioning systems with new energy efficient models will be on the rise, thereby adding to market gains.


  • 一定会不同意其中一些观点因为立场等观念区别很大许多谈话都是值得一的。

    You’ll definitely disagree with some of them, because there’s a large diversity of opinions, but many talks are worth listening to.


  • 一定会不同意其中一些观点因为立场等观念区别很大许多谈话都是值得一的。

    You'll definitely disagree with some of them, because there's a large diversity of opinions, but many talks are worth listening to.


  • 个性解放思想自由观念冲击传统道德底线青少年影响至深,并逐渐形成群体认同

    Adolescents are deeply influenced by such concepts as personality liberation and freedom of thoughts. Gradually, they reach an identity of ideas to form a collective effect.


  • 同时随着整合营销传播观念广泛传播品牌战略下的广告传播整合将会成为越来越企业选择

    At the same time, along with the marketing dissemination of concept widely spread, many brand strategy, advertising and media integration will become more and more enterprise choice.


  • 职业设计包括对择业偏好意向期望观念研究涉及就业准备对就业有影响因素操作分析

    The design includes: the study of particular liking, intention, expectation and other concepts in job selecting, as well as the operational analysis of the factors affecting employment.


  • 是非、对错观念我们心中逐渐形成,物之所以成为一个独立自主体,一个是非的组合体,也因此而破坏了。

    When the concept of right and wrong is built up in our mind, the independent carrier of Tao and the combination of right and wrong of all matters are spoiled.


  • 他所创作的笑脸成为中国当代艺术的经典,耿建翌认为油画 制了自己的艺术创作,从而转向摄影装置观念艺术。

    These faces became an iconic image in contemporary Chinese art, but Geng Jianyi felt limited by painting and moved on to investigate photography, installation and conceptual art.


  • 正直品格、高质量的工作友谊家庭社区具有悠久历史的观念常常追求财富过程中牺牲

    The time-honored values of integrity of character, good work, friendship, family and community have often been sacrificed in the rush to riches.


  • 我们处理人员组织地点观念计算机记录不是这些事物客观存在。

    We process computer records of people, organizations, places, ideas, and the like, rather than the actuality of these things.


  • 随着所有这种混音”,“重新混音”,“拌酱”“重占”继续下去,我们当代作家们是否有可能在将太多艺术专利割让现有观念和材料?

    With all thismixing, ” “remixing, ” “mashing-up, ” and “re-appropriating” going on, is it possible today’s writers are ceding too much of their artistic prerogative to existing ideas and material?


  • 做为博客回忆录电视真人秀多种交流方式忠实拥护者,认为没有任何观念可以脱离传播方式存在

    As a fan of intensely specific forms of communication - blogs, memoirs, reality TV - I don't believe that any idea exists apart from its mode of dissemination.


  • 雇佣关系社会地位健康观念量度选择评估分析》,卡尔斯·穆塔讷,加拿大多伦多大学公共卫生学院。

    Employment relations, social class and health: a review and analysis of conceptual and measurement alternatives.


  • 今天我们知道世界上不止我们国家改变着我们诸如我们是全球化背景下我们处于何处观念模式。

    Today, we know that there is more than our country and that changed our mindset about who we are and what our place in a global context is.


  • 如今低人一观念不复存在很多上海人渴望过去自豪

    Today, while any idea of inferiority has vanished, many Shanghainese yearn for a past grandeur.


  • “发烧”观念可体现在音乐制作各个阶段:初期音频录制、制作过程以及录音回放回放阶段通常家中进行。

    Audiophile values may be applied at all stages of music reproduction: the initial audio recording, the production process, and the playback, which is usually in a home setting.


  • 著有《市场投机》和《金融对于实业胜利劳伦斯·米歇尔,“意识观念战胜谨慎从商的原则。”

    Lawrence Mitchell, the author of the Speculation Economy: How Finance Triumphed over Industry says it was the triumph of ideology over caution.


  • 世界社会公正就是呼吁所有国家采取具体行动切实实现尊严人人均享机会普遍价值观念

    The World Day of Social Justice is a call for all countries to take concrete actions that give meaning to the universal values of human dignity and opportunity for all.


  • 传统观念认为过早地让婴儿接触花生宠物潜在过敏源,将来可能引起过敏。

    Conventional wisdom had it that early exposure to potential troublemakers, from peanuts to pets, could lead to allergy issues later.


  • 《上下一心》一书回避了这种观念而是给出了八种领导模型利用诸如指挥家乐队、地主与佃户、建筑师与建筑工人职业关系阐释不同管理模式

    Instead, the book offers eight models of leadership, using professional relationships like conductor-orchestra, landlord-tenant, and architects-builders, to illustrate different management styles.


  • 《上下一心》一书回避了这种观念而是给出了八种领导模型利用诸如指挥家乐队、地主与佃户、建筑师与建筑工人职业关系阐释不同管理模式

    Instead, the book offers eight models of leadership, using professional relationships like conductor-orchestra, landlord-tenant, and architects-builders, to illustrate different management styles.


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