• 臭氧类似,地球生物至关重要,绝大多数来自太阳有害射线等离子都被地球磁折射太空,从而使我们免受伤害

    Like the ozone layer, the magnetosphere is important to life on Earth because it protects us from most of the harmful radiation and hot plasma from the Sun, deflecting it into space.


  • 另外覆前,等离子印制电路板面处理一下,获得一定粗糙度高活性表面从而提高阻焊附着力

    In addition, the solder mask coating on printed circuit board, with the plasma treatment, can also obtain certain roughness and high active surface, thus improving the solder coating adhesion.


  • 研究了射频鞘离子轰击材料表面能量通量等离子浓度之间关系

    The relationship between the ion energy flux colliding on the material surface and the plasma density is investigated.


  • 在DPF- 40等离子焦点装置,首次观测到径向运动电流一种稳定现象稳定模式

    An instability phenomenon of the current sheath implosion, namely the unstable mode, has been observed in the DPF 40 plasma focus device.


  • 钛合金表面等离子氧化产生陶瓷

    A layer of ceramic film can be grown on ti alloy by the micro plasma oxidation.


  • 约束可以提高等离子压力脉宽,已经成功应用于激光喷丸工程化加工

    Water confinement regime can enhance the amplitude and duration of plasma pressures, and was widely applied in laser peening.


  • 相应出了等离子厚度引起电容

    And corresponding the thickness of sheath of plasma and the capacitance caused by the sheath are calculated.


  • 速度流入等离子邻近电子携带出现振荡区域信息

    Electrons streaming into adjacent layers of plasma with their thermal velocities will carry information about what is happening in the oscillating region.


  • 本文采用随机模型,讨论等离子边界密度涨落低混杂散射

    Making use of the stochastic model, we have studied the low-hybrid wave scattering by the density fluctuations in the edge-regions of Tokamak plasmas.


  • 提高钛合金腐蚀性能表面等离子氧化法生长陶瓷

    A layer of ceramic film is produced by micro plasma oxidation on the surface of ti alloy in order to improve its corrosion resistant property.


  • 并且尘埃等离子电磁波衰减尘埃粒子浓度以及尘埃粒子半径增大而明显增强。

    The attenuation of the electromagnetic wave from the layers of the dust plasma increases with the increase of density and size of the dust grain.


  • 实验中将样品放入HT - 7托卡马克刮削研究等离子纯钨表面作用

    In the experiment, samples of pure tungsten were placed in the scrape-off layer of HT-7 tokamak to study the interaction between plasma and the surface of samples.


  • 脉冲强激光辐照固体靶时,瞬间即可靶材辐照形成一个高温高压等离子

    As a powerful pulsed laser irradiate a solid material, the plasmas layer of high-temperature and high-pressure would be formed in the incident surface of target instantaneously.


  • 计算结果表明金属表面形成高温等离子对于能量耦合很大影响

    The result shows that the thermal plasmas on the target affect the energy coupling greatly.


  • 还给出了电磁波经过均匀磁化等离子后的反射透射系数理论值的对比。

    The reflection and transmission coefficients in an inhomogeneous magnetized plasma layer are calculated as well.


  • 气体放电中的各种等离子

    Different kinds of plasma sheaths in gas discharge.


  • 等离子中,控制带电粒子极板(材)方向运动方面起至关重要作用。

    In plasma, the sheath plays a crucial role in controlling the movement of the charged particles towards the electrodes (or the target).


  • 原子谱线离子线特性分析表明附近区域感应耦合等离子具有较高离子密度低的电子温度

    It was shown that the ion density is higher and the electron temperature is lower in the vicinity of inductively coupled plasma sheath according to the ionic line and atomic line.


  • 模拟结果显示边界区域等离子参数分布特性尤其能显示第一滤器附近等离子体参量的分布特性。

    The simulation results can show plasma parameter distribution characteristics in the area of edge layer, especially the characteristics near the first wall and divertor target plate.


  • 太阳风涨落激发压缩阿尔文波碰撞等离子传播。

    The fluctuations of solar wind quantities at the magnetopause excite the compressed Alfven waves, which propagate through the collisionless plasma in the tail of magnetosphere.


  • 基于表面等离子共振技术探测器金属膜通常与被探测直接接触,在金属膜和被探测物之间增加介质,可以金属膜进行保护。

    In the detector based on surface plasmon wave resonance, the metal film contacts the detected material directly. A dielectric layer is coated on the metal film to protect it.


  • 通过SEM照片讨论了液相等离子电解渗透结构

    The structure of the plasma electrolytic osmotic layer was discussed based on SEM photo.


  • 测试了液相等离子电解渗透性能

    The performance of the plasma electrolytic osmotic layer was tested.


  • 针对以上问题,我们建立一个一坐标空间速度空间的磁场作用下等离子物理模型

    In allusion to these problems, a plasma sheath model in an oblique magnetic field, which has one dimension coordinate space and three dimensions speed space, has been build.


  • 模拟结果显示边界区域等离子参数分布特性,尤其能显示第一滤器附近等离子体参量的分布特性。

    The simulation result shows the plasma parameter distributions in the edge layer, especially near the first wall and the divertor target plate.


  • 观测证明,(解决这个谜团的)关键一种叫做针状体的东西,它太阳表面日冕释放出称为等离子体的高温气体

    The key, it turns out, are called spicules, which vent hot gases, called plasma, from the sun's surface into the corona.


  • 化镓增长等离子体辅助(111)分子束外延(001)衬底上氮化缓冲使用

    Gallium nitride is grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy on (111) and (001) silicon substrates using hafnium nitride buffer layers.


  • 采用流体方程电荷变化模型研究尘埃等离子玻姆判据

    The hydrodynamic-fluid model and the self-consistent dust charging model are used to investigate the Bohm criterion for the dusty plasma sheath.


  • 利用理论结果计算表明对流的湍动对流完全可能激发足够补充日冕中等离子对流和辐射造成能量损失

    Evaluation results show that the turbulence in convection zone is capable of generating enough wave energy to supply coronal energy lose due to convection and radiation.


  • 研究ADC12铝合金表面微等离子氧化法制黑色陶瓷电解液成分参数对膜性能的影响

    Influences of main parameters such as composition of electrolyte and electrical parameters in preparing black ceramic coating by microplasma oxidation on ADC12 aluminum alloy were studied.


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