• 一直医生谈话

    I waited around to speak to the doctor.


  • 店主不会着去证明抢知否有效

    Storekeepers do not wait for proof that it works.


  • 太多梦想实现

    So many dreams are waiting to be realized!


  • 一张电影票。

    I'll wait to buy a ticket of the movie.


  • 其他鬼怪正在急切地等着一个人死掉

    Other demons are waiting eagerly to go get the next to die.


  • 为什么今天而是等着庆祝一个事件呢?

    Rather than waiting to celebrate a big event, why not do it today?


  • 到达曼哈顿时午夜时分。于是我决定不睡觉了,等着清晨航班

    By the time I got to Manhattan, it was after midnight, so I decided to stay up all night to catch an early-morning flight.


  • 上课呢不过其他老师都被辞职了,我辞职承担他们痛苦啊?

    I haven't lessons, but the other teachers were forced to resign, I don't quit me waiting to bear their suffering?


  • 不过,鉴于这种喇叭已经引起了关注可能不用等着球场球迷们嘈杂反响了。

    Given the attention the horns are getting already, he probably won't have to wait that long for a noisy reaction from perma-puckered fans in stadiums.


  • 内斯塔可以上场一个很好的机会我们等着发现对阵罗马比赛中恢复如何

    There is a good chance Nesta will play, we have to see how he recovered from the Roma game.


  • 其中之一就是对于北极熊来说,相较耐心等着击垮只肥胖毫无戒备的海豹袭击人类风险,而回报甚微。

    One is that, for a polar bear, the risk from attacking humans is higher, and the reward much lower, than patiently waiting to clobber a fat, unsuspecting seal.


  • 这些给了一次关注我自己机会认识仍然很多事情等着实现,我必须提升更高限度并且开阔新的领域

    These moments gave me an opportunity to focus only on myself, and it helped me realize that I still had many things yet to achieve. I need to push the limits higher, and explore new challenges.


  • 是个大忙人很多

    She is a busy woman with many calls on her time.


  • 我们回到饭正我们享用。

    When we came home we had a meal waiting for us.


  • 相信有一些东西在那里必须努力证明我自己

    I believe that something, something is waiting for me there, and I have to work hard to prove myself.


  • 超市巧克力丈夫独自在外面等着

    I went over to a supermarket to buy some chocolate, but my husband waited outside alone.


  • 每当我家附近银行时,收银员要么闲逛,要么和前面顾客他们假期条队伍

    Whenever I go to the bank near my house, the cashiers are either fooling around or keeping whole queues of people waiting by chatting to the customer at the front about their holidays.


  • 在这儿等着

    You just wait here. He will run the errands.


  • 上楼换衣服丈夫坐在客厅

    She went upstairs to change, and her husband sat in the parlor waiting for her.


  • 学校图书馆大量的宝藏等着我们发掘,这令人惊异的资源——特别是我们处于经常被“引导”寻求答案年龄段时

    The school library, with its treasures waiting to be uncovered is an amazing resourceespecially in an age where we are “directed” to the answers so often.


  • 太多工作等着我们完成。

    Not with so much work to be done.


  • 我们第一古文化街时间非常我们觉得那里还有很多东西等着我们发现可以圣诞节东西。

    Our first trip there had been pretty short and we felt there was still a lot to be discovered, and some Christmas shopping yet to be done.


  • 再也不用着眼网页上到处我们功能要找按钮那个简洁用户界面的明显处,等着呢。

    "We no longer have to squint or click around in search of the feature we're trying to access: the button is right there in that simple interface for us to tap."


  • 每天早晨醒来不知怎么地觉得身边一天像是一封到的画着金边的信件,有些未曾听过的消息等着开启信封

    Every morning, as I awoke, I somehow felt the day coming to me like a new gilt-edged letter, with some unheard-of news awaiting me on the opening of the envelope.


  • 许多抱负正在等着实现

    So many dreams are waiting to be realized.


  • 生活就是各种各样挑战扔向万事等着面对等着处理带来的或许是收获也或许只是些新的挑战…——写篇博客家伙将告诉你,要静心冥想,而不要任何事情

    Life is throwing all kinds of challenges at you, things need to be dealt with, handled, and brought to some kind or order... and this blogger guy is telling you to meditate and not do anything.


  • 虽然《越狱结束了即将到来下一中仍很多精彩剧目等着欣赏。

    Prison Break may be over, but there are plenty of new dramas planned for the coming season.


  • 这里有太多地方等着发掘探索,多明各玛丽大教堂就是其中之一,而聚集各种海洋生物的水族馆也是不容错过。

    One of the places located in the capital is the Cathedral of Santa Maria. The Aquarium with lots of beautiful marine life to see is another great attraction.


  • 其他语言则持观望态度我们构建框架实现更高抽象级别以及更高的效率

    Meanwhile, other languages sit ready and waiting for us to build just the sorts of frameworks that can lead to radically higher levels of abstraction, and much better productivity.


  • 其他语言则持观望态度我们构建框架实现更高抽象级别以及更高的效率

    Meanwhile, other languages sit ready and waiting for us to build just the sorts of frameworks that can lead to radically higher levels of abstraction, and much better productivity.


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