• 那位德国出生的摄影师受到奥斯卡·王尔德作家尊重

    The German-born photographer was admired by writers such as Oscar Wilde.


  • 很快赢得了威廉斯堡社交界头面人物友谊尊重

    He had soon earned the friendship and esteem of various men distinguished in Williamsburg society.


  • 幼教工作者应该尊重幼儿已有理论,运用预测策略,促进幼儿理论证据之间积极作出协调

    Therefore, the educator should promote the coordination of theory and evidence by respecting children's theory already held and making predictions.


  • 道德权利具有宽泛性、不确定性相对性特征,表现为自由选择权、被尊重、公正评价

    Moral right is characterized by broadness, uncertainty and relativity, and represented by the right of free option, the right of being respected, and the right of fair evaluation.


  • 自主性原则个人的自主自由尊重核心人权尊重包含有知情同意保密隐私具体规则

    The autonomous principle is to respect personal autonomy and freedom, whose core is to respect to human rights including such concrete rules as informed consent, confidentiality, privacy, etc.


  • 尊重的下属。千万不要傲慢自大。傲慢高人等的态度会严重打击你的下属。

    Treat people with respect. Be anything but arrogant. Nothing turns people off quicker than arrogance and aloofness.


  • 服从权威,做事守时尊重他人所有的这些事情从小的家教。

    Submitting to authority, being punctual and showing respect are all things that have already been taught - hopefully - at home.


  • 这些奥运象征代表奥林匹克重要价值例如尊重完美以及友谊它们警示着我们奥运在过去什么,现在什么它将来的希望什么。

    These symbols represent important Olympic values like respect, excellence and friendship. They remind us of what the Olympics were, are and hope to be.


  • 需要乙方出席活动会议安排尊重乙方意见做好全程安排。

    For events and conferences that require Party b's presence, proper arrangements shall be made from beginning to end and Party b's opinions shall be respected.


  • 道德权利表现为道德行为选择自由权、道德主体尊重、道德行为公正评价请求报答权

    Moral rights have been represented by freedom to choose moral behavior, moral subjects' right to be respected, moral behavior's right to get righteous evaluation and the right to claim to be repaid.


  • 道德权利具有宽泛性不确定性相对性特征表现自由选择权尊重公正评价

    The moral right has the broadness, the indefinite and the relativity characteristic, and the performance for the free option power, respected power, the fair appraisal power and so on.


  • 真话的会受到尊重不会骗子一样人看不起。

    People who tell the truth are more respected and aren't looked down on for being liars.


  • 孩子们通过轻声说话,将工作材料归位良好习惯来学习尊重处的环境

    Children also learn to respect the environment by keeping their voices low, returning their work to the shelf etc.


  • 文章认为科学道德情感包括对于实验动物关爱、对于人类受试者人权的尊重、对科研同行工作尊敬基本内容。

    The author holds that the scientific morals should include the love for the subject animals, the respect for the human being subject, and esteeming the work of others.


  • 我们知道,转型过程带着混乱。我们不能假设转型过程一定埃及那样,我们能够、也一定会坚持基本权利尊重

    We know the process will be messy, and we cannot presume to dictate the course of change in countries like Egypt, but we can — and will — insist on respect for the fundamental rights of all people.


  • 尊重别人理解别人,帮助别人礼貌重要方面

    One important aspect of good manners is to respect, understand and help others.


  • 莫纳表示一般来说,雇主对于候选人是否大学里大麻或是酗酒内容并不怎么关心,他们关心的是比如对于女性是否给予尊重这样的内容。

    Mones said that in general, employers are less interested in, say, whether or not you smoked pot or drank a lot in college, and more in issues like whether or not you act respectfully toward women.


  • 人权法律关系权利主体享有权利即义务主体所承担义务包括尊重保护实现义务;

    The rights the subject of the human rights legal relations enjoys are the obligations the subject of obligation should shoulder, including respect, protection and implementation.


  • 影响综合职业适应水平因素家庭支持程度、生活关怀社会尊重程度、工龄工资满意程度

    As regards the factors affecting their adaptive level in profession, these include: the support of the family, solicitude for life, the respect of the society, satisfaction with wages, etc.


  • 老年人价值体现社会老年人尊重,对老年人价值的承认生活工作提供条件

    The aged values embodiment refers to the social admiration to the aged , the recognition of their values and the conditions provided for their life and work .


  • 因此不管孩子身体状况好差,在对情感——焦虑愤怒悲伤害怕予以尊重同时,也应当孩子设置一定要求和限制

    You can set limits for your child (whether he or she is sick or well) while showing that you respect his or her feelings of anger, worry, sadness or fear.


  • 体验式消费体现很多方面比如购物体验、尊重体验、方便体验、舒适体验、审美体验、娱乐体验

    Experience consumption can be shown in many ways, such as shopping experience, respect experience, convenience experience, comfortable experience, taste experience, entertainment experience, etc.


  • 回来,公子表示要把王位让给说是尊重祖父父亲位叔叔意思。

    When Jizha returned. Prince Guang made a show of yielding the throne to him, saying that he wished to honor the wishes of his grandfather, father, and two uncles.


  • 回来,公子表示要把王位让给说是尊重祖父父亲位叔叔意思。

    When Jizha returned. Prince Guang made a show of yielding the throne to him, saying that he wished to honor the wishes of his grandfather, father, and two uncles.


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