• 轻击工具,就全屏显示孩子好友小孩宠物婴儿假日照片

    Tap the widget to display full screen version of pictures of your children, friends, kids, pets, babies, holidays, etc.


  • 公众可订购照片复印本,复印形式可分为接触式放大、放大或透明正片三种

    Monochrome and infra red photography are also available. copies in the form of contact, enlargement and diapositive are obtainable on order.


  • 的《旧貌换新颜》照片直观最强烈……劝告人们保护河流纯净美丽

    His "fundamentally changed" and other pictures the most intuitive and strongly advise people to... to protect the river clean and beautiful.


  • 着急看到父亲刚刚拍下一张照片努力解释为何胶卷进行处理才能看到时,她疑惑地大声问,“为什么必须花时间照片出来?”

    She was impatient to see a photo her father had just snapped, and when he tried to explain that the film had to be processed first, she wondered aloud, "Why do we have to wait for the picture?"


  • 认为Flickr同时也受益于大众市场对应用于博客社会化网络照片服务需求——PhotoBucketImageShack成功就是一佐证。

    I think that Flickr also benefited from a general market need around photo hosting for use in blogs and social networks - as witnessed by the success of services like PhotoBucket and ImageShack.


  • 一项经典研究中,保罗·克曼拍下了人们表现出愤怒厌恶恐惧快乐悲伤情绪照片

    In a classic research, Paul Ekman took photographs of people exhibiting the emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness.


  • 于那些从未听说过“剪贴簿”这个词的人来说,它是一本空书,人们在度假时通常会带着它,用纸、票、地图、邮票、照片“碎片”填满它。

    For those of you who have never heard of the word "scrapbook", it's an empty book that people usually take away with them on holiday, and fill with "scraps" of paper, tickets, maps, stamps, photographs, etc.


  • 谁是朋友喜欢什么,你的照片所有信息公司掌控之中。

    Who your friends are, what you like, and what photos you are in are all information that the company has access to.


  • 至少体验过网上朋友家人迅速容易地分享视频、照片音乐活动不会

    Not after experiencing the quick and rather easy sharing activity of sharing video, photos and music with friends and family online.


  • 拍摄照片,记录房屋家具破坏情况索取保险赔款留好证据

    Take pictures of the damage, both to the house and its contents, for insurance claims.


  • 古普塔我们手机变成银行分支机构;通过手中智能手机的“分行”系统存储着帐户储户指纹照片以及声音数据

    'We made this phone into a branch of a bank,' said Mr. Gupta, holding up the smart cellphone his system USES to keep data on accounts, depositors' fingerprints, photos and voices.


  • 这一可视化技术已经可以用于快速处理建筑物体大量数码照片使之转换成幽灵令人回味三维图像

    The visualization technology is already able to quickly process large collections of digital photos of an object like a building and render ghostly and evocative three-dimensional images.


  • 栅格一系列辅助线决定着印刷品的距,页面元素(大标题正文照片)之间间距知道如何在空白页面放置它们

    They are a series of guidelines that determine the margins of the piece, space between page elements (headlines, body text, photographs, etc.), and let you know where to put things on the blank page.


  • 剩余照片电话形式的信息并不容易地修复以及应用

    The rest are things like photos and phone calls which are less easily retrievable and usable.


  • 当然对于的喝醉了照片为了掩盖道歉,比起合法的改变你的名字外,还有更好宛转方法

    Surely there are better, less insinuating ways to cover up or apologize for a drunken photo than legally disowning your name.


  • 格鲁比希奇说:“浪漫感人情书送给情人的各种礼物泰迪照片这些东西博物馆中应有尽有。”

    The museum has everything from romantic and touching letters to different gifts given to lovers like teddy bears and photos.


  • 这个桌面屏幕上可以发现网格里应用不断出现更新信息包括社交网络应用电子邮件日历事项照片

    On this screen, you'll find a grid of constantly updating information, including social network posts, e-mails, calendar events and photos.


  • 作为应用音乐媒体文档消息照片备份设置东西中心容器

    This is the cloud as a central repository for apps, music, media, documents, messages, photos, backups, Settings, and more.


  • 世界第3个大型数字图书馆中,人们还可欣赏中国国家图书馆提供甲骨文拉丁美洲老照片珍贵资料

    Bringing together priceless material, from oracle bone script provided by the National library of China to early Latin American photography, it is the world's 3rd major digital library.


  • 没有上下文说明相册完整,比如照片的来源、作者

    No photo album is complete without a contextual description of where the photo was taken, by whom, etc.


  • 雅虎一个内容娱乐品牌,但也提供邮件照片实用性功能。

    Yahoo is a content oriented, entertainment brand with some utility via email, photos, etc.


  • 萨克夫妇并耿海凌展示他们精心收藏戴爱莲照片纪念邮册珍贵资料。

    Mr. & Mrs. Issac displayed to Mrs. Geng their treasured collection of pictures, stamps and other items about Dai Ailian.


  • 当然对于喝醉照片为了掩盖道歉,比起合法的改变你的名字外,还有更好宛转方法

    S. troop positions in the other. Surely there are better, less insinuating ways to cover up or apologize for a drunken photo than legally disowning your name.


  • 孩子喜欢照片图画以及纪念品准备专门的盒子存放。

    Create memory boxes for your child's favorite pictures, art work, and mementos.


  • 我们已经习惯出去度假啊、聚会啊孩子出生场景照片传到网上

    It's become routine when we go on holiday, have a party or a new baby is born to upload all the photos of the occasion.


  • 比如放一些盆栽艺术品照片。这些有意设计细节自己工作环境产生好感

    Bring plants, artwork, photographs, and organizational details that will make you feel good about your workplace.


  • 但是集成现有社交连接对于许多苹果产品(如iPhone地址簿应用商店照片分享)肯定非常有用的。

    But integrating your existing online social connections could be useful for many of Apple's products, ranging from the iPhone's address book to the App Store to photo sharing.


  • Cosplayers带着印有照片个人资料及拥有更多照片个人网站信息的名片

    They carry meishi, or business cards, with their pictures, personal info and URLs of personal websites offering even more photos.


  • Cosplayers带着印有照片个人资料及拥有更多照片个人网站信息的名片

    They carry meishi, or business cards, with their pictures, personal info and URLs of personal websites offering even more photos.


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