• 完了落幕了,我们可以走出剧场了

    When the play is over, and the curtain comes down, we can walk out of the theatre.


  • 很多段落具有梅尔维尔——福克纳风格的巴洛克式华美以及品钦《拍卖第49作品中的那种语言张力,永远无法确定这些是不是一种仿。

    There are passages of Melvillean-Faulknerian baroque richness and intensity in The Crying of Lot 49, and elsewhere in Pynchon, but we can never be sure that they are not parodistic.


  • 广东舞狮,一人舞狮,有一人大头佛面具作引狮、狮、

    Guangdong lion was by one lion lion head, tail and one one or two wear FoMian with with big lion, play a lion, single dance etc.


  • 精通一种可以扑克、兰米桥牌的功能。

    Play one card game really well: it can be poker, rummy, bridge, and so on.


  • 赫斯进展心里在想嘉莉什么时候出常没有很长时间

    Hurstwood listened to its progress, wondering when Carrie would come on. He had not long to wait.


  • 修辞语言角度切入当代中国观念艺术常见措辞方式主要有重复、并挪用诸种。

    From the Angle of rhetoric language, the most common rhetoric ways of contemporary Chinese conceptual art include repetition, parody, juxtaposition, diversion and so on.


  • 现在潮汕地区游神赛会场合重要

    Today's Paper Shadow Theatre is an important amusing Manitou theatre in Chaoshan area.


  • 游乐垂钓、摸水、斗鸡、射猎、地方表演

    There are fishing, fish swim, play cockfighting, hunting, local opera performances.


  • 马球顾名思义就是运动员马背挥杆打球、打球、波罗

    Polo, the name suggests is the swing players play on horseback, also known as bow hit the ball game, play, Baltic ball.


  • 艺术家通过使用挪用复制反讽艺术手段表述当下生活人文关怀

    Artists express their humanistic concern for the present life by the artistic measures as diverting, copying, satirizing and imitating, etc.


  • 第二部分枣庄柳琴唱腔分类来分析唱腔音乐的旋律特点、音阶调式、板式简单介绍乐队伴奏乐器

    The second part analysizes its musical features, mode, antrum based on the classification of Zaozhuang Liuqinxi arias, and simply introduces its band and instruments.


  • 提线操作木偶,表演者运用提、、勾、挑、扭、、闪、摇技巧使木偶做出多种复杂动作

    Controlling the puppet images through pull wires, the players could use all workmanlike methods to make them performing many complicated and lifelike actions.


  • 那儿很多工作坊,包括木偶茶艺,美术以及传统故事会

    There will be workshops on puppetry, tea tasting, calligraphy, and traditional story telling.


  • 夸张调侃仿反讽手法杂糅,使得东西小说创作呈现出“搞笑”的叙述表象

    The mixture of overstatement, banter, humorous joking, imitation and irony makes Dong Xis creation of novels a superficial phenomenon of amusement.


  • 本文从独具闽南特色地方音乐出发阐述了闽南音乐高甲、芗剧(歌仔)、南曲、布袋众多音乐种类频繁东南亚演出历史

    Taking local music with South Fujian characteristics as starting point, the paper expounds the history of various genres of South Fujian music frequently performing in Southeast Asia.


  • 正字古老变体,声腔的流变和地方文化曲的影响研究提供有力证据

    The Zhengzi Opera is a variation of the ancient southern branch of opera, providing a solid evidence for researching the influence of evolution of opera tones and local culture on opera.


  • 新型恶搞作品制作手段上多借助电脑先进技术,融导演编剧音响配置、图像处理于一身,在表达手法上采用夸张放大、仿、剪辑移植、篡改变形方法。

    By the aid of advanced computer techniques, the production of new juggled culture often combines the direction, the playwright, the acoustic equipment and the image manipulation into a unity.


  • 另外还有中国传统武术、一些五禽健身法以及调息吐纳练习许多年青人修习瑜伽气功是为了健康的目的。

    Then, there are Chinese traditions like martial arts, health exercises, and breathing exercises. Many young people practise hatha-yoga for health.


  • 结果显示创编五禽较为简便易学对于稳定情绪调节身心状态改善生活质量具有一定效果

    The results show that this new style is easy to learn and also has a certain effect on stabilizing mood, adjusting the status both in body and mind, as well as improving the quality of life.


  • 剧作家吴菊痴先生根据唐诗《新婚别》、《兵车行》、《陇西行》编写而成程派传统京剧《春闺现今京剧舞台上极具特色的一出

    The Dream of a Lady is one of the characteristic Beijing Opera now. Wu Juchi, a famous dramatist, wrote this play by extracting the distillate of some poems of Tang Dynasty.


  • 这里冬季除了游客提供滑雪服务以外,建有雪上飞碟道儿童乐园项目

    Here the winter skiing in addition to providing services to tourists, it also built a snow trap, child play snow park and other projects.


  • 这些作品采用剪影木偶剪纸动画多种风格

    These projects were made using a variety of styles such as silhouette puppets and cut out animation.


  • 基础吸收昆曲秦腔一 些剧种的优点和特长逐渐演变而形成的。

    It is the emblem of Chinese opera and drama, based on the absorption of the Opera, Shaanxi and some other operas evolving strengths and expertise formed.


  • 结果发现李小龙,成龙,李连杰名角都搭档拍过的,竟然独一人

    It turns out that I am the only person that has acted with Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li among many others.


  • 时至今日宝卷、弹词、鼓词、地方民间艺术研究全面展开,并且相关领域中已经取得了一批有价值成果

    Today, there has been an overall research on the Baojuan, Tanci, Guci, local opera and other folk art. And some valuable results in related fields have been achieved.


  • 喜欢户外活动运动,如行山,羽毛球游水踏单车跑步时会睇,上网,睇音乐假期时去旅行

    I like outdoor activities and sports especially hiking, badminton, swimming, cycling and jogging. I love seeing movie, reading and listening music at leisure time. I like travelling in vacation.


  • 喜欢户外活动运动,如行山,羽毛球游水踏单车跑步时会睇,上网,睇音乐假期时去旅行

    I like outdoor activities and sports especially hiking, badminton, swimming, cycling and jogging. I love seeing movie, reading and listening music at leisure time. I like travelling in vacation.


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