• 不平等外的其他因素这本书里描述问题关联性

    Factors other than inequality are often more strongly correlated with the problems described in the book.


  • 紫色花的亚洲牡丹草莓番石榴来物种,威胁着无刺玫瑰树蕨脆弱的夏威夷本土物种。

    Invaders such as purple-flowered Asian melastome and strawberry guava threaten delicate Hawaiian natives such as thornless roses and tree ferns.


  • 一个凉爽的早晨,她收到了一份网上订单,但她等外卖送餐员等了一小时。

    On a cool morning, she received an online order but it took an hour for her to wait for the deliveryman.


  • 有些习惯受到烟碱或者酒精上瘾的影响所养成的。

    Some habits are aided by outside forces such as nicotine or alcohol addiction.


  • 试着了解这些地方极端生命这样我们才能够更好评估调查木卫二等外太空世界的生存环境

    I'm trying to understand extremes of life here, so we can better assess and investigate habitable environments on alien worlds like Europa.


  • 粮食原油价格上涨以及中东动荡局势导致热钱亚洲涌入因素正在削弱人们对于亚太地区经济复苏的信心

    Higher prices for food and oil, as well as other "external shocks" - such as volatile capital flows from the uncertainties in the Middle East - are undermining economic confidence in Asia Pacific.


  • 探寻你得最佳跑步心率,要考虑到你的年龄,跑步强度,你整体健康状况甚至你跑步路况等外因素所会带来的影响。

    Take into account your age, your level of running intensity, your overall fitness and health and even your running course's difficulty factor when seeking your average running heart rate.


  • 虽然诸如伊拉克工作外来者等外国人员一旦绑架,便可被指望要求获得更多赎金通常外来人员的数量较少而且他们受到严密保护的可能性也更大。

    Foreigners, such as outsiders working in Iraq, might be expected to raise bigger ransoms if kidnapped, but there are usually fewer of them around and they are also more likely to be well protected.


  • 可以帮助公司以及股东债权人税务机构了解公司财务实力以及某一会计年度的公司业务

    This helps the company and outside agencies such as shareholders, creditors and tax department to know of the financial strength and transactions of the firm in a given financial year.


  • 联合国难民事务高级专员公署他们对南非发生袭击难民寻求避难者国人的事件表示担忧

    The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees says it is deeply concerned about the attacks against foreigners in South Africa, including refugees and asylum-seekers.


  • 可以帮助公司以及股东债权人税务机构了解公司财务实力以及某一会计年度的公司业务

    This helps the company and also outside agencies such as shareholders, creditors and tax department to know of the financial strength and transactions of the firm in a given financial year.


  • 不过这些问题不同,自我认知一个在个人解决能力范围之内问题,并不需要借助银行贷款或者求职运气等外推动。

    But unlike those problems, the identity dilemma is within the individual's power to address, requiring no lender mercy or stroke of job-hunting fortune.


  • 过去几个星期宣布结束国家垄断经营媒体并且解除CNNBBC电视台记者的采访禁令

    In the past few weeks he announced steps to end the state's monopoly over the media, and lifted a ban on correspondents from international broadcasters such as CNN and the BBC.


  • 设备用于引起使用者的注意命令计算机读出一段文字电视设备发出指令。

    The device can also be used to attract a minder's attention, to get a computer to read out a text or to send commands to external devices such as a TV.


  • 使馆参赞交官护送有关人员黎叙边境后转身又返回使馆坚守岗位继续国家效力

    When overseas Chinese were sent to Syria, our diplomats including the counselor of the embassy went back to the embassy to stick to their posts and continued to serve the country.


  • 严苛的美国食品药品管理局(FDA)消失IPO市场力量某些依赖风支持的公司处于不利境地。

    External forces like the hostile FDA or non-existent IPO markets are conspiring against certain VC-backed companies.


  • 余下14审计银行包括南非标准银行集团、渣打银行以及花旗银行银行未发现问题。

    The remaining 14 Banks to be audited, including foreign-owned Standard bank, Standard Chartered and Citigroup, were unscathed.


  • 连接器——提供数据库大型机资源访问

    ConnectorsProvide access to external resources such as databases and mainframes.


  • 可以使用PerlPython脚本语言扩展编辑器功能

    Alternatively, you can use external scripting languages like Perl or Python to extend the editor's functionality.


  • 扩展企业(Extended enterprise):信用卡确认支付以及送货业务是非常常见电子商务功能

    Extended enterprise: Credit card approvals and charges, as well as any outsourced components such as shipping use these very common e-commerce functions.


  • WebSphereMQETClient应用程序可以在TXSeries同步点(syncpoint)协调控制参与其他本地资源管理器工作单元

    The WebSphere MQ et Client lets applications participate within a unit of work with other local resource managers, under the control of an external syncpoint coordinator such as TXSeries.


  • 据说2007年7月地震袭击Kashiwazaki-Kariwa核电站,东京电力公司就开始强调地震灾害对核电站影响。 然而,直到这次大规模的地震影响下的设施以后,我们却没看到他们做什么有效措施。

    It said the sector began putting more emphasis on external hazards after an earthquake hit TEPCO's Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in July 2007, until then the largest to ever affect a nuclear facility.


  • 据说2007年7月地震袭击Kashiwazaki-Kariwa核电站,东京电力公司就开始强调地震灾害对核电站影响。 然而,直到这次大规模的地震影响下的设施以后,我们却没看到他们做什么有效措施。

    It said the sector began putting more emphasis on external hazards after an earthquake hit TEPCO's Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in July 2007, until then the largest to ever affect a nuclear facility.


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