• 学生良好医德情感培养离不开学习医德理论积极参加医疗实践自我内省主要途径

    Medical Students feeling good ethics training, ethics is inseparable from learning theory, actively participate in medical practice and self - "introspection" and other major channels.


  • 本文围绕和谐校园内涵界定创建和谐校园重要意义主要途径,和谐校园要素问题阐述了个人的观点。

    The paper focuses on how to define harmonious campus, the importance of creating harmonious campus and major ways, and the componential elements of creating harmonious campus.


  • 介绍实现甲醛抗静电化导电主要途径易发生问题解决方法

    The main approaches of achieving anti-static and conductivity of polyacetal, as well as the incident problems and the corresponding settlements were discussed.


  • 文化交际能力培养方法和途径主要有:加强对比扩大获取文化信息的渠道加快文化适应的速度、语言教学文化教学相结合

    The main training approaches include strengthening the comparison, extending the acquiring channel, accelerating the cultural adjustment and combining the language teaching with culture teaching.


  • 该文主要介绍EMBASE网络数据库检索系统就该系统的特点、检索途径方法检索结果处理进行探讨

    The paper mainly introduces the network database retrieval system of EMBASE, and explores the characteristics, retrieval way, retrieval methods and management of retrieval results.


  • 目前网络信息咨询服务主要有:专门的咨询网站、异步咨询服务、实时交互服务网络合作咨询途径

    At present, the major services include special websites for consultation, asynchronous consultation, real-time interactive service and network cooperative consultation.


  • 光学曝光技术主要进展波前工程概念和实现光学分辨基本途径进行了论述。

    This paper introduces the recent progress of optical lithography, including the concept of wavefront engineering. Some fundamental ways for optical super resolution are discussed.


  • 胡仁·乌力格尔音乐主要通过“口传心授”“即兴编创”方式来进行传承的,一般包括师徒关系家庭关系、艺术教育几种途径

    Uliger s music is handed down mainly through oral teaching and extempore creation, making use of teacher -student relations, family relations and art education.


  • FDI企业本身较高生产率、FDI资本形成效应以及FDI的外溢作用视为劳动生产率提升的主要途径

    The high labor productivity of FDI, the form of capital effects from FDI, and the externalities effect are considered the major channels.


  • 影响青少年科学素养主要因素归纳群体因素个体因素、环境因素、教育学习科学途径四个方面。

    Main factors affecting the scientific literacy of teenagers could be categorized into group factor, individual factor, environmental factor, and the manner of education and learning.


  • 我国现行教育体制下,初中毕业的教育分流主要包括升高、升专业学校直接就业几种途径

    Under the present education system of China, education streaming after junior middle school will mainly distribute students to the senior middle school, secondary vocational school, or labor market.


  • 因为体会通过食物饮用水生活方式接触摄入重金属元素,一旦摄入过量就机体造成潜在危害,而经食物摄入重金属危害人类健康主要途径

    Heavy metals may enter to the human body through food and water, and food intake is the main way. Once overtaking of them, potential hazards to human's health will be caused.


  • 主要讨论了UV -B信号途径受体,UV - B诱导DNA损伤、转座子激活,UV - B光合器官分子伤害相关基因表达调控

    UV B signaling pathway and specific UV B receptor, DNA damage, activation of transposons, molecular damage of photosynthetic apparatus and UV B regulation of related gene expression were included.


  • 本文主要考察并研究中国民间信仰概念传播途径问题。

    This article is about the conception of Chinese Folk Belief and its diffusion.


  • 植物可以通过多种途径修复紫外诱导DNA损伤主要包括光修复、碱基切除修复、核苷酸切除修复重组修复

    Plant could repair DNA damage induced by UV-B through many methods, mainly included light-repair, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair and recombination repair etc.


  • 汉语国际化传播途径主要在于借助经贸交往文化互动民间活动以推动汉语学习使用

    The disseminating channel of internationalized Chinese lies in the trade exchange, the cultural interaction, and people-to-people activity, promoting the study and application of Chinese.


  • 计算机英语专业术语主要通过新义、新创词、缩略途径组成,同时采用了较多的专业词组

    Most of technical terms in computer English are formed by giving new meaning to common words, creating new lexis and adopting technical phrases including many initialisms and clipped words.


  • 经费筹集途径狭窄、经费筹集策略明确经费管理缺乏自主性导致经费短缺主要原因

    Way to narrow funding, funding strategy is not clear, fund management, such as lack of autonomy are the main reasons leading to shortage of funds.


  • 主要阐述了基于单片机控制的普通车床数控改造总体设计方案、车床机械部分改造设计、微机数控系统设计内容,企业进行数控化技术改造提供了一种途径

    The overall design plan for NC improvement on common lathe based on chip microprocessor control, the design of improvement on parts of lathe machinery and CNC system were discussed.


  • 根据山西省实际情况多而缺石油天然气,电多而化工产品品种少特点,提出山西煤层气利用主要用于生产车用燃料和化工产品,并生产车用燃料和化工产品的途径进行了论述。

    Based on the actual conditions in Shanxi Province, it is suggested that the coal bed methane should be used mainly for producing vehicle fuel and chemicals. The production methods are also discussed.


  • 本文主要大学生热点范围特点、大学生热点教育意义、热点来源的选择途径、热点教育的方式方法问题进行了探讨阐述。

    This paper is to probe into hot issues popular with college students the scope and characteristics, significance, sources and ways of education.


  • 汉方医学教育途径主要学会、培训班、自学形式。

    The education of Chinese medicine mainly is often in the training course performed by the associations or studied by someone-self, etc.


  • 主要方法途径包括锻炼胆量练好基本功模仿复述创设语言环境培养兴趣

    The main methods include practice courage, perfect basic skill, imitation and repeat, creating language environment, improving interest, etc.


  • 人工湿地转化途径主要包括微生物硝化硝化作用、植物吸收湿地基质吸附

    The major nitrogen transformation pathways in constructed wetlands include nitrification and denitrification of microbe, plant uptake and adsorption by substrate.


  • 主要果汁饮料进口主要途径海路考虑市场消费公司租金一些因素

    Basically be to make fruit juice drink, import main avenue sea route, want to consider the market, consumption, a few elements such as company hire.


  • 基于,提出西部人才资源开发前提、基点主要途径相关因素。

    The prospects for western development are promising, but we need planning, understanding and explanation.


  • 因此新的方式目前研究热点,主要包括改进注射给系统研制新的基因重组胰岛素改变给药途径

    Therefore, novel delivery method has become a hot topic, mainly including improving delivery systems, developing new recombinant insulin, and changing the route of administration.


  • 集群知识溢出主要通过人员流动企业衍生非正式交流途径来实现

    Knowledge spillover in clusters is realized through personnel transfer, enterprises evolution, informal communication, etc.


  • 集群知识溢出主要通过人员流动企业衍生非正式交流途径来实现

    Knowledge spillover in clusters is realized through personnel transfer, enterprises evolution, informal communication, etc.


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