• 其中第二黄河

    Among them the Yangtze River is the longest one and the second longest one is the Yellow River.


  • 加拿大共享北美第二河流系统拥有美国一半以上海岸线

    It shares, with Canada, the second longest river system in North America and has over half the coastline of the United States.


  • 黄河中国第二

    The Yellow River is the second longest river of China.


  • 黄河中国第二

    Huanghe river is the second longest river in China.


  • 第二重要泰晤士河,交通有利

    The second and most important river is the Thames river, which is very favorable for transportation.


  • 井上美国历史上任职第二议员昨天去世,享年88

    And Inouye was second longest serving senator in US history. He died yesterday at the age of 88.


  • 中国铁路网络共计达12.1万多公里,成为世界上第二的铁路网络,仅次于美国

    China "s total rail network stands at more than 121,000 kilometers, the second largest in the world after the United States."


  • 中国铁路网络共计达12.1万多公里,成为世界上第二的铁路网络,仅次于美国

    China's total rail network stands at more than 121,000 kilometers, the second largest in the world after the United States.


  • 世界第二峡湾(就是那种峭壁对峙形式)当然挪威最大,她有种难以言语的雄壮

    The second longest fjord (an inset of the sea between steep slopes) in the world and the largest in Norway, the magnificence of this has to be experienced for the magnitude to be understood.


  • 公司迅速没收并且霍多尔科夫斯基狱中服刑第二判决,判决来源于非法法庭形式的流程。

    The company was swiftly expropriated from him, and Khodorkovsky remains in jail, serving a second lengthy sentence handed down via kangaroo-court-style proceedings.


  • 这位法国人英超执教时间第二主帅相信霍奇森证明只要人们一个机会他们就能取得成功

    The Frenchman is the second longest-serving boss in the Premier League and he believes that Hodgson is living proof of what can happen if you give people a chance.


  • 完工时,第四大桥打存了高度使用建筑材料质量所有三个标准。至今仍然第二悬索桥

    When completed the Forth bridge broke all records in terms of length, height and quality of material used. It is still today the second longest cantilever bridge ever built.


  • 第二模型称为本文将讨论一轮模型—因为最快速度响应服务器上的事件以及一些需要克服的困难。

    The second model is called a long poll: this article discusses this polling model-because it allows the quickest response to events on the server-as well as some hurdles to overcome.


  • 第二我们可以短期阻隔时间然后点;加尔把这比作匿名戒毒会“每天”的“戒毒”信条

    Second, you can set it for a short duration at first, then longer; Mr Sagal likens this to the Alcoholics Anonymous "one day at a time" credo.


  • 尽管非洲世界第二个最大大陆,整个地区欧洲,但撒哈拉大沙漠以南海岸线却只相当于欧洲的五分之一,而且没有那么天然良港

    Although Africa is the world's second-largest continent, with an area three times that of Europe, its coastline south of the Sahara is about a fifth as long and lacks many good natural harbors.


  • 第二如果需要重复字符串创建字符串,可以使用 *运算符,将字符串重复一定次数。

    Second, if you need to repeat a small string to create a bigger string, you can use the * operator, which multiplies a string out a set number of times.


  • 第二方案一个方向折叠就是折叠一张

    The second solution was for folding the paper in a single direction. This is the case when you try to fold a long narrow sheet of paper.


  • 第二具木乃伊残缺不全只有30厘米(约为12英寸)。

    The second mummy is incomplete and is only 30cm (12in).


  • 第二个千不比第一个千年只是黑板不够写了!

    The second millennium really wasn't longer than the first millennium, it's just that I ran out of board!


  • 火箭上部有点因为第二固体燃料火箭发动机驱动的一级要厚。

    The rocket is long and slender, and fatter on top because its second stage is thicker than its solid rocket motor-powered first stage.


  • 到了第二原来身型,然后仙女朋友上学

    The next day, I would turn back into my normal size and take my fairy friend to school with me.


  • 第二次差遣一个五十夫带领五十见以利亚。

    At this the king sent to Elijah another captain with his fifty men.


  • 最早夏威夷冲浪者是把肚子上前进我们现在知道他们第二站起来的。

    While the first Hawaiian surfers may have ridden their long boards on their stomachs, we know that they soon started standing on the board.


  • 第二方法也被称作“反应炉裂解法”:利用高温压力纤维素生物质转换这种烃链汽油柴油喷气式发动机燃料相类似

    A second process, called thermochemical pyrolysis, USES high temperatures and pressures to convert cellulosic biomass into long hydrocarbon chains that are similar to gas, diesel or jet fuel.


  • 第二,法开始帮助一位肠内淋巴瘤(90%患有该病人不治身亡)的男孩争取研究基金

    The next year, Farber helped start a research fund drive around a boy who suffered from a lymphoma in his intestines, a disease that killed 90 percent of its victims.


  • 这样它们就能很久——大约个月——到第二年春天产卵

    As such they can live much longer - up to seven or eight months - and get those eggs laid at the beginning of the next spring.


  • 这样它们就能很久——大约个月——到第二年春天产卵

    As such they can live much longer - up to seven or eight months - and get those eggs laid at the beginning of the next spring.


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