• ,各位,据所知没有(当然包括)放弃使用网络作为第一媒介当然呢?

    No, Sir, no one that I know (including me, of course) could ever get away with such an ambitious opossum routine when his primary medium is the web - and, really, who'd want to?


  • 尽管已经有过很多关于青少年电子使用研究了,这个方法还是视为第一用来衡量孩子屏幕媒介上瘾程度的工具

    Though much research exists on adolescents and screen use, this is considered as the first tool to measure how addicted children are to screen media.


  • 第一差异中介作为提供者请求者之间媒介

    The first difference is that a mediation ACTS as an intermediary between the provider and the requester.


  • 不是第一电子阅读器但是2007年第一次亮相时很多人怀疑人们真的会放弃纸质媒介改用电子书吗?

    It wasn't the first e-reader, but when it debuted in 2007 many wondered whether people would ever give up paper for e-books.


  • urlpatterns第一映射使用静态服务资源媒介(例如图像文件)定义了一种匹配

    The first mapping in urlpatterns defines a match for statically served resources or media - for example, image files.


  • 因此就是管理社会化媒介预期不要着迷于声望游戏找到属于你在社会化网络世界的道路。

    So the first step in managing your social media expectations is this: don't get caught up in the popularity game.


  • Web 2.0“集体智能”,而对于虚拟现实,他评价则是“有史以来第一不会把人类思维局限媒介。”

    He has described VR, by contrast, asthe first medium to come along that doesn’t narrow the human spirit”.


  • 幸运的是,如果史密斯社交媒介发布的的文章表明了一些迹象的话,那么表示现在同样激动因为拍电视剧的“第一就是被这个剧给“了。

    Luckily, if Smith's social media posts are any indication, he's just as excited now as his first time on set that it's bound to rub off on the cast.


  • 第一阶段传播媒介政策主要涉及对象是新兴电报电话无线电技术

    In Phase I, communications and media policy primarily referred to the emerging technologies of telegraph, telephony and wireless.


  • 第一跨国传媒集团所由产生全球化背景做了个总体描述,媒介全球化之间关系进行了分析。

    The first one aims at generalizing the international background of transnational media groups and analyzing the relation between media and internationalization.


  • 第一章介绍当代美国广播电视产业重组主要内容特点并列作为重组结果媒介集团

    Chapter One introduces the main content and feature of the regrouping of America's broadcasting industry in the contemporary era, and lists the media groups as a result of the regrouping.


  • 一个新的媒介出现人们探索第一所有可能性兴奋

    A new medium appears, and people are excited about it that they explore most of its possibilities in the first couple generations.


  • 英语虽然不是新加坡国语,不是大多数新加坡人母语新加坡第一语言,是新加坡学校教育媒介语。

    English is neither the national language nor native language for most Singaporeans, but it is the first language in Singapore and the medium of instruction in schools.


  • 通讯媒介包括第一第二第三第四第五显示

    The communication medium includes first, second, third, fourth and fifth display areas.


  • 第一,充当民族交往媒介

    First, as the medium of national contact.


  • 第一媒介方式梳理李冯侠客形象,分为小说电影作品中的侠客,分别进行阐述

    The first chapter makes clear LiFeng's warrior images in the way of media, including the warriors in novels and movies, and elaborates respectively.


  • 第一是对前大众传播时代文化进行分析,其中重点剖析人类媒介变迁文化权力影响

    Chapter one has the analysis on the culture of pre-mass communication times, especially focuses on the effect of the flux around human being's media to the authority of culture.


  • 第一分析媒介品牌个性特征。媒介品牌战略研究一个基本出发点

    The first chapter deals with the individualities of media brands, which is the starting point for the study of media brand strategy.


  • 切尔西历史上进入网络这种飞速发展媒介平台足球俱乐部

    Chelsea is the first football club to move into what is clearly one of the fastest growing new media platforms.


  • 国际奥委会(IOC)第一转播权分别出让给了电视媒体一些新媒介互联网移动网络

    The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has, for the first time, separately sold broadcasting rights for television and new media such as Internet and mobile networks.


  • 看来互联网起码和电视一样是媒介因为激发用户诱使甚至强迫他们积极地参与媒介中来。

    At first sight, the Internet seems to be as cool, if not cooler, than TV because it activates users, seducing, or even forcing, them into active participation in the medium.


  • 部分媒介批评理论背景

    The first part: the theoretic background of media criticism.


  • 第一主要介绍现代奥运会创办以来媒介关系及其视觉传播方式分为媒介奥运、奥运形象视觉传播三节

    Chapter one which is divided into three sections mainly introduces the relationship between media and modern Olympic Games since origin and the way of visual communication.


  • 天里每天向禾捆中心添加肥料这样细菌就开始生长,将稻草转化生长媒介

    The first step is to add water and fertilizer to the center of the bale everyday for three days, this begins the process of bacteria -- breaking down the straw into a growing medium.


  • 第二,其在所第一方向上布置在所述打印区域下游适于在所述第一方向上传输所述打印媒介

    A second roller is disposed in a downstream side of the printing area in the first direction, and is adapted to transport the printing medium in the first direction.


  • 第一从宏观角度梳理新华日报诞生时代背景整体脉络,对报纸所处的媒介环境进行梳理,《新华日报》基本情况加以阐述

    In the first chapter, the author sorted out the birth of the historical background and the overall context of Xinhua Daily, and elaborated on the basic situation of the newspaper.


  • 业界指出这种观点光线传媒成为国内第一家A股市场上市公司民营传播媒介

    Industry point out that such a view, Enlight media is expected to become the first domestic A-share market listed private media companies.


  • 语言人类第一传播媒介,也是人们日常生活中使用普遍传播媒介传播者要把信息传达受众基本障碍

    To human beings, language is the first kind of media and the most widely spread way of media. It is the basic obstacles for the sender to spread the information to the receiver.


  • 获得了以介质为媒介冷平板类边界条件下凝固时界面移动规律、板内温度分布预测蓄冷时间等参数。

    The motion of phase interface, the temperature distribution and the thermal storage time of the cool storage slab under the first boundary condition were obtained.


  • 部分介绍我国媒介集团化的背景原因

    The first section describes China's media's the background and the some reasons for developing groups.


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