• 就是我们第一使命

    This is our Number One mission.


  • 结论对于预测第一星际使命什么时候发生下个“安全赌注永远会是在几百年后未来

    My conclusions are that the 'safe bet' for predicting when the first interstellar mission will occur will always lie hundreds of years into the future.


  • 第一课里很多东西中心主旨,就是金融界道德目标使命

    In the first lecture, I talked about a lot of things, but one theme that comes to my mind is the theme of the moral purpose and mission of the finance community.


  • 但是坦白重要了,以至于Jack Welch“胜利之声”了一来讲,也就是第一章,使命价值之后

    But frank is so important that Jack Welch talked about it with a full chapter in his book, Winning, just after the first chapter, mission and values.


  • 中投在2007年并没有准备着实现使命出现第一亏损就重击了它。

    The CIC was unprepared for its mission in 2007, losing moneyhand over fist in the first year of its existence.


  • 运载工具引擎测试过程中的点燃时间已经累计达到了10,000——-是达到它能完成真正使命的捡定过程中的一个重要里程碑

    The vehicle's first stage engine had already accumulated more than 10,000 seconds of firing during tests - an important milestone on the way to its certification for real missions.


  • 在这部影片中,哈利·波特已经不再是个孩子越来越靠近那个自从踏进霍格·沃茨魔法学院的第一一直准备应付的终极使命了——伏地魔的终极对抗

    No longer a mere boy, Harry Potter is drawing closer to the task for which he has been preparing since the first day he stepped into Hogwarts: the ultimate battle with Voldemort.


  • 北约超越欧洲边界第一使命获得成功我们休戚相关。

    But my country and yours have a stake in seeing that NATO's first mission beyond Europe's borders is a success.


  • 点,使命并不支持一观点全面思考下面段文字

    In the first place, the Great Commission doesn't support this view. Consider the text in full.


  • 我们公司使命现在建立第一完全原型希望证明概念

    Our company mission is to now build the first complete prototype and hopefully prove the concept.


  • 美国宇航局被炒到了第一尝试发射航天飞机年一项使命继续建造国际空间站官员周四

    NASA has pushed up by a day its first space shuttle launch attempt of the year, a mission that will continue construction of the international space station, officials said Thursday.


  • 开始了自己使命为了自己的目标奋斗虽然显得有些俗气,但是第一真正做到了真实的自我并且不断突破自我,完善自我。

    Although appear a little bit vulgar, my first time has achieved really have started myself mission, have struggled for myself target, and in unceasingly, breaking myself, perfecting myself.


  • 美国宇航局开普勒精练的在类似地球行星,寻找宇宙中的第一使命任务,利用高功率利用太空望远镜这些负面形象

    NASA's Kepler, a mission tasked with scouring a section of the universe in search of Earth-like planets, used its high-powered telescope to take these negative images of space.


  • 比如节目第一男团嘉宾穿上了圣斗士服装完成拯救地球”的使命

    For example, in the first episode of the show, the Running Man families and guests wore Saint Seiya costumes to complete a mission to "save Earth".


  • 他们仆从然后需要一个新的计划完成他们相对地球而言跟珍爱目标这些变化稍微修改我们初衷第一接触使命

    Their minions then needed a new plan in order to complete their much-cherished goals for Earth, and these changes slightly altered the original intent of our first contact mission.


  • 周四接受芝加哥WBBM电视台的采访时,奥巴马之所以回到芝加哥,是因为第一发现自己服务公众使命地方

    In an interview with Chicago's WBBM television on Thursday, Obama said he was returning to Chicago because it was where he first discovered his public service mission.


  • 卡塔尔第一正式承认利比亚反对派阿拉伯国家也是第一参加执行禁飞区使命阿拉伯国家

    Qatar is the first Arab nation to officially recognize the Libyan opposition and was also the first Arab country to join the mission enforcing the no-fly zone.


  • 卡达第一正式承认利比亚反对派阿拉伯国家也是第一参加执行禁飞区使命阿拉伯国家

    Qatar is the first Arab nation to officially recognize the Libyan opposition and was also the first Arab country to join the mission enforcing the no-fly zone.


  • 尽管这一使命博大宽泛,“风起于青萍之末”,我们将从“关系”迈出第一步。

    Even if our mission sounds big, it starts small — with the relationship between two people.


  • 南京军区无锡巨人公司联合开发中国第一FPS军事游戏光荣使命》日前研发成功

    Giants by the Nanjing military Region, jointly developed with Wuxi in China's first military FPS game "glorious mission" has successfully developed.


  • 费根表示:“我们国际化使命步,就是他们可以支付宝东西。”

    "The first part of our international mission is enabling them to buy things with Alipay, " Mr Feagin said.


  • 科学院作为美国西部第一科学机构,创建于1853年,他们使命探索解释自然界的奥秘。

    It was founded in 1853 as the first scientific institution in the western United States, their mission is to explore and explain the natural world.


  • 华兴卓越打造中国电梯服务行业第一品牌核心使命奋斗目标

    Huaxing Zhuo more to create "the first brand in China elevator service industry" as the core mission and goals.


  • 法国分公司还提供入职前培训。员工们能够通过互动式网站了解思科使命文化有助于他们顺利展开第一的工作。

    Through an interactive website, new employees learn all about Cisco's mission and its culture, allowing for a smooth transition on the first day.


  • 布拉沃直升机成功地履行使命部分比赛一个新的工作

    Bravo helicopter, which successfully carry out its mission in the first part of the game to a new job!


  • 一个人成功第一一定目标明确,第二个,一定是他的使命理念非常的清楚。

    That one may success, first of all, is that he has a definite goal; secondly, is that he surely has a clear mission and rational concept.


  • 公司使命:“质量第一服务第一我们公司的宗旨

    The company's mission:"Quality First, Service First" is our company's purposes .


  • 我们使命打造办公智能化自动化第一品牌

    Our mission: Create the first brand of office automation intelligent!


  • 我们使命打造办公智能化自动化第一品牌

    Our mission: Create the first brand of office automation intelligent!


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